Darksaber Pond - My Next Adventure

20' by 30' pond w/ 30' stream and 10' by 20' wetland


I'm new to ponds but not new to "keeping water", I've had fresh and saltwater aquariums for over 40 years. I have so much new to learn and I think I'm most excited about that, the learning.

I've wanted a pond forever but it was never the right time. I started getting serious and researching a couple of years ago then started designing back in May. Tomorrow, 11/30/2020, if the weather holds out, we start building!

2020 Build - Day 00.jpg2020 Build - Day 01.jpg2020 Build - Day 11.jpgLights - First Night.jpg

Planning and Construction

I started thinking about a pond years ago but really started planning in May of 2020. I've watched more videos and read more posts and articles than I can count in the last few years.

I worked with a couple of vendors before deciding who'll build the pond we went back and forth on the size of the pond and stream a number of times before finally settling on the dimensions and the details, they were great to work with. After the pond build is complete, hopefully about 4 weeks, then we'll follow up with a landscaper to finish the core of the project. From there the real fun will begin in the spring when we'll plant the wetland filter and add the first fish.

I'm going to timelapse record the pond build and probably the landscaping after. I'll try to keep up with posting videos but there may be some delays.


Day 27 of work some additional stonework but mostly a slow day.

Day 26 - Landscaping and Hardscaping! Tree border as well as firepit and stonework in front of the deck.

Day 25 of work - finishing the electrical and the first day of mostly clear water

Day 24 of work - electrical and finishing touches on the edge work, kinda boring day.

Day 23 - More work on the waterfall and the beginning of the stream.

Day 22 - Work on the back of the pond and start of the waterfall.

Day 19 - - (really 12 days of work so far). Front ledge and the stairs. Starting to come together!

Day 18 - More rockwork and really muddy! I changed the settings to every 5 seconds hoping to capture a little more detail.

Day 17 - Freezing Rain No Work

Day 16 - Forgot to record

Day 15 - Got some rain overnight so it's a muddy mess. Starting to rock in the pond!

Day 12, 13, and 14 No Work

Day 11 - Backfilling the walls

Day 10 - Wetland and starting to backfill the walls

Day 9 - Bolting together the wall and some work on the wetland filter

Day 8 - The Liner!! Technically day 6 of work, but I'm keeping track of each day including the weekends as the girls play in the yard and I don't want the numbering messed up

Days 6 & 7 No Work

Day 5

Day 4 - More rocks, shaping the pond, grading, and digging out more of the wetland filter.

Day 3 - First of the rocks came today and expanding the wetland filter.

Day 2 - Continuing to build, a little more of the main pond, some grading, and starting to dig out the wetland filter area. Boulders arrive tomorrow.

Day 1 - We begin! They were running a little late and the timelapse is set to start at 8:00 am so there isn't much there for the first 30 seconds or so but then we start!

Day 0 - Nothing really here, I wanted a video from before all the work started

Pond information

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