I found them floating in the pond this morning, last saw them yesterday evening. Very errie sight to wake up to. I have no idea why they died. I'm wondering if the water got too cold overnight. It's hard to believe that when it's still September (I hate the cold!!!). None of the fish seemed too interested in their food yesterday. And this morning they're all hanging out on the bottom, not really moving around too much. Maybe because their bodies are trying to conserve energy? Possibly unrelated, but I think I spotted a big frog in my pond this morning as well! It was only for a split second before it jumped away. So maybe the fish are hiding from that. The dead fish had nothing wrong with them on the outside, so I don't think they were attacked or anything. If it is the cold, that means I need to get a water heater, which won't come right away. Hopefully there isn't a mass extinction before then.
What do you think could have caused the death of my fish?
What do you think could have caused the death of my fish?