I am looking for a fish expert's advice or advice and instructions from a person who's had lots of experience (because I'd like to learn from the best, lol)
At the moment I own two common goldfish in an aquarium, which I am very attached too. I also have two "sucker" fish, which are the ones that latch to the glass and suck gunk/algae away for food.
It was recently decided that we're moving and I thought this is a perfect oppurtunity to get a water garden/koi pond which I've always wanted to have as we're moving to acreage so there's plenty of room. My current aquarium goldfish are about 12-15 cms (2-3 inches) long from head to tail. The sucker fish are only around 4-5 cms.
I know goldfish are pretty hardy so I know they'll survive the 6 hour drive from here to our new property, no problem.
Question 1
Will the sucker fish survive in a pond? Are they suited for pond life? I was told by the pet shop owner that they'd need a heater in a larger aquarium but they have survived more than a year in my small one. If they're not okay for a pond, I could just find someone else with an aquarium to give them to.
Question 2
Constructing the pond...
I live in Australia, where kookaburras are commonplace, and they are excellent fishers, so some chicken wire/mesh will have to go over the pond's surface.
I'd like the pond to be around 2 metres wide by 3 metres long, (depth, I don't know, see question 3). Guide/tips for building?
I'm thinking that after the plastic lining and plantlife and that have been put in, the chicken wire would go over the top and be stapled to the grass with a small section unstapled and just held down with rocks, so we can put new fish in if I ever wanted some.
My dad says I could just buy a pre-made fibre-glass pond shell.
Question 3
I am planning on getting 2/3 koi fish for the pond too. According to Wikipedia (not the best research tool, I know) koi fish and goldfish can interbreed to produce a sterile hybrid. Obviously pure goldfish and pure koi fish could possibly spawn too. I would LOVE to see some new little young fish emerge to the surface one day!
Will the pond have to be a certain depth for koi fish/goldfish to breed? I am thinking at least 60-80 cms (maybe even a metre) at it's deepest point because normal goldfish won't breed if there's not enough room from what I've been told. My dad says 20-40 cms (4-8 inches) deep will do for a garden pond...but I don't trust him since he's not the most experienced.
Additionally, will overpopulation be a problem? I mean, I don't want 50 fish to come rushing to the surface one day, much to my shock and horror. How many will make it past infancy at a time?
Any other info on breeding goldfish and koi fish or spawning would be much appreciated.
Question 4
What plantlife should I get? Just regular, run of the mill, pond weed? I'd like something else that flowers.
What can you get from the pet store?
Question 5
What filters will be needed and how often will water changes be needed, if at all? How much water would need to be changed at a time?
Question 6
Will a heater be needed, because apparently koi fish immune systems "shut down" at 10 degrees Celcius and it can get down to -2 on cold mornings where I'm moving.
Any other tips, advice, warnings, recommendations you could provide would be great!
Thanks alot.
I am looking for a fish expert's advice or advice and instructions from a person who's had lots of experience (because I'd like to learn from the best, lol)
At the moment I own two common goldfish in an aquarium, which I am very attached too. I also have two "sucker" fish, which are the ones that latch to the glass and suck gunk/algae away for food.
It was recently decided that we're moving and I thought this is a perfect oppurtunity to get a water garden/koi pond which I've always wanted to have as we're moving to acreage so there's plenty of room. My current aquarium goldfish are about 12-15 cms (2-3 inches) long from head to tail. The sucker fish are only around 4-5 cms.
I know goldfish are pretty hardy so I know they'll survive the 6 hour drive from here to our new property, no problem.
Question 1
Will the sucker fish survive in a pond? Are they suited for pond life? I was told by the pet shop owner that they'd need a heater in a larger aquarium but they have survived more than a year in my small one. If they're not okay for a pond, I could just find someone else with an aquarium to give them to.
Question 2
Constructing the pond...
I live in Australia, where kookaburras are commonplace, and they are excellent fishers, so some chicken wire/mesh will have to go over the pond's surface.
I'd like the pond to be around 2 metres wide by 3 metres long, (depth, I don't know, see question 3). Guide/tips for building?
I'm thinking that after the plastic lining and plantlife and that have been put in, the chicken wire would go over the top and be stapled to the grass with a small section unstapled and just held down with rocks, so we can put new fish in if I ever wanted some.
My dad says I could just buy a pre-made fibre-glass pond shell.
Question 3
I am planning on getting 2/3 koi fish for the pond too. According to Wikipedia (not the best research tool, I know) koi fish and goldfish can interbreed to produce a sterile hybrid. Obviously pure goldfish and pure koi fish could possibly spawn too. I would LOVE to see some new little young fish emerge to the surface one day!
Will the pond have to be a certain depth for koi fish/goldfish to breed? I am thinking at least 60-80 cms (maybe even a metre) at it's deepest point because normal goldfish won't breed if there's not enough room from what I've been told. My dad says 20-40 cms (4-8 inches) deep will do for a garden pond...but I don't trust him since he's not the most experienced.
Additionally, will overpopulation be a problem? I mean, I don't want 50 fish to come rushing to the surface one day, much to my shock and horror. How many will make it past infancy at a time?
Any other info on breeding goldfish and koi fish or spawning would be much appreciated.
Question 4
What plantlife should I get? Just regular, run of the mill, pond weed? I'd like something else that flowers.
Question 5
What filters will be needed and how often will water changes be needed, if at all? How much water would need to be changed at a time?
Question 6
Will a heater be needed, because apparently koi fish immune systems "shut down" at 10 degrees Celcius and it can get down to -2 on cold mornings where I'm moving.
Any other tips, advice, warnings, recommendations you could provide would be great!
Thanks alot.