This is the 4th year since our pond was set up and for some reason this year I have had a rough time with algae. I have had the bright green string algae that I can keep under control with OxyLift defense, but this year I have a dark green colored "algae" that has covered the bottom and sides. When it is very sunny and hot, it floats to the surface and get sucked into the skimmer. Every day I need to clean out the collection net and hand skim. I have tried to vacuum it up, but it just comes back. Also added additional aeration. Fish do not seem to eat it and I have some Chinese snails at work and a high fin shark. I don't overfeed (maybe 2X a week) I have more plants and less large fish than previous years, but I would like to just knock it out if I can without hurting the koi. I do have UV as well, not sure why this year it's gotten so bad. I am near Atlanta, GA if that helps. Would love some suggestions, sorry if this has been asked before, but didn't see anything that resembled my "dark green" algae.