Anethatizing you koi / Goldfish the various stages of .

Oct 9, 2012
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United Kingdom
There are various forms of anaesthetcs out there in the fish world, however I have come across many people who are afraid to use it, prefaring instead to get someone in to do it for them be it another koi or goldfish hobbyist or koi professional.
As such with this thread I'm attempting to take away the mystique in the hope of getting other koi Keepers to use it.
In all there are four stages a koi must go through, lets mark them a) c) d)
Please note that with Benzocaine I was always told to mix with White spirit before use.
I will also tell you what to look out for at the various stages of anaethatization.
Dose rates vary from anaethetic to anaesthetic.
Please note:- as a disclaimer I must say please always check with a koi professional before mixing, as I am a hobbyist not a koi professional and dont wish to get the dose rates wrong as this is purely from my observations of my own koi over the years at rates give to me by other hobbyists.

a). Sedation of koi :- MS222, Benzocaine, Oil of Cloves etc.....
This form simply reduces reactivity to any external stimuli with a slight decrease in the breathing of the koi and as such is the lowest form of aneathatization in a koi.

Light Anesthezia of koi :- MS222, Benzocaine,Oil of Cloves etc........
This form results in a partial loss of the koi's equilibrium.
You will note how he koi rolls and attempts to right itself with a further decrease in breathing of the koi.

c) Deeper Anesthezia of koi :- MS222,Benzocaine, Oil of Cloves etc.......
You will note that form results in a total loss of the koi's equilibrium, its breathing is yet again reduced.

d) Surgical Anesthezia of koi :- MS222, Benzocaine, Oli of Cloves etc.......
You will note at this level you will see a total failure to respond to all external stimuli, the koi's breathing rate is now very slow the koi must be at this level for any surgical proceedure, if you now require to Euthanize a koi at this point just leave in the anaesthetic mix for a further eight hours the koi will painlessly and gently slip away.
A good way to check this level is if there is no movement in the koi's tail then the koi is totally under if there is movement place the koi back in the anaethetic for a few seconds more till the movement stops.

Reviving your koi......................

To bring your koi round gently hold the koi loosely in a flow of water mixed with bubbles of air after a short while you will feel the koi begin to come around, the movements will become stronger and stronger until the koi is ready to be released , take your hand out from under the koi and it will swim away non the worse for wear.
I hope this has helped those that havent as yet used anaethetics on their own koi, as it is an extremely useful tool to know and have in your arsenel of treatments.
Further i;e Tranquilization of koi......

Tranquilizer:- Namely elbagin crystals, use a small pinch of crystals only enough to turn the water yellow "do not overdose"!!!!!...........
It is used as a tool for the transportation of your koi too and from koi shows.
This reduces the metabolic rate of your Koi, however the fish "must not"
loose its ability to maintain its normal swimming position.

Foot note:- You will find should you choose not to use elbagin that there are other products out there that will help to de-stress your koi on its journy too and from shows
JBL do one called Acclimol (though not primarily for koi), API do one called Stress coat.
Last but not least and by far the cheapest option the good old black plastic bin liner should you have non of the above which I use anyway with any of the above............


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