We have deer they love our yard, bed down in the woods and yard. Feed the squirrels, feed the birds, just started seeing chipmunks. Some of the feral cats have disappeared. Owls, fox etc.
Baby rabbits everywhere.
They all enjoy the plants as much as I do. Except the deer are eating up some of the day lilies right now, munch them down as they grow.
The entry to the home for these is right under our deck heading under the garage they have tunnels. When the kids get big enough they start to play on our deck. We had a great time watching the last group grow up.
I only have a few plants I try to save from the hogs and deer, they are young and can get eaten up quickly. The rest is a open salad bar. Usually can't even tell what they have eaten up, have plenty of plants to be snacked on. Wish they inhaled poison ivy! It is so rampant here. I am still, 2 weeks later, waiting for it to heal. Bad attack this time.