Anoxic filters?


I know nothing.
Apr 17, 2012
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At my computer
Hardiness Zone
I've been reading up on this today. Seems it's as simple as filled a basket with kitty litter and leaving it in a corner with low flow. So, has anyone tried it?


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
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United States
Some of us here have been using kitty litter as soil media for our plants but never ran a tube of water through it to use as a filter. You can buy the 100% clay cat litter at Walmart for really cheap in a big 25 lb bag called Special Kitty cat litter. Also here is info I found yrs ago on using cat litter: Litter.htm


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
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I think the principles of the system are sound so I have no good reason to denounce it even though I gave Professor Novak a very hard time about it.

Kitty litter is just a sterile filler. Laterite is where the magic resides. It would best if you just filled the baskets with Laterite, but this would be expensive hence the use of the correct type of kitty litter, such as shown in the thread Clay Kitty litter, what brand?

You got the jest of it. Simply fill up the basket and put it anywhere in the pond. Supposedly, Professor Novak has "research" that suggest optimal basket dimensions.

Personally, I think the Anoxic system is perfect for explaining how to effectively install pond plants and gives an alternative view of building a different type of "bog", that is in the loosest usage of the term.

For a full filtration system, then I would build it like an E.R.I.C. system (and a video of the ERIC), except use the Anoxic pots instead of the foam pads.
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Jan 17, 2014
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Cayman Islands
Seriously, every time I'm on this site - boom, something new!

I'm just basically going with a little bit of every filter. Hopefully I can't go wrong with this method, or can I??

I've got the bought pressure flo with UV and bio balls that no one on this site likes. I have loads of plants in the pond. Collecting materials for a trickle/shower filter and right now, just decided to add some kittie litter instead of dirt for my pond lilies.

I want more fish, so I want to be sure my filter/s can handle them! Plus my Dad is a chronic over feeder. It gives him joy, what am I to say? - hope Addie doesn't read that - she hates the overfeeding - I'll just keep vamping up the filter.

If that's wrong, then I don't want to be right ....... :p
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I know nothing.
Apr 17, 2012
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At my computer
Hardiness Zone
Thanks for the links, fellas!

After reading a few of them, I think the gist of it is "anoxic", which is between a lot of O2 and no O2. It's supposed to draw NH3 in and it's supposed to convert to N2, bypassing the N04 stage. All good, except that it's one basket per (large) koi, which means a lot of baskets.

I don't think I mind trying one basket of the stuff. I also learned from the links that the shower filter is supposed to gas off NH3 and not NO4 as I thought, which makes sense since NH3 is a gas and NO4 isn't.

I can see why people don't want to do it for many reasons (area, tradition, etc.)

BTW, I've seen many variations of the ERIC system and I don't even think it's the best one. I was also surprised to see in my internet travels of this afternoon that the UK has a lot more commercially made filter choices than we do. Our (US) selection is like a baby's compared to that of the UK.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
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United States
Seriously, every time I'm on this site - boom, something new!

I'm just basically going with a little bit of every filter. Hopefully I can't go wrong with this method, or can I??

I've got the bought pressure flo with UV and bio balls that no one on this site likes. I have loads of plants in the pond. Collecting materials for a trickle/shower filter and right now, just decided to add some kittie litter instead of dirt for my pond lilies.

I want more fish, so I want to be sure my filter/s can handle them! Plus my Dad is a chronic over feeder. It gives him joy, what am I to say? - hope Addie doesn't read that - she hates the overfeeding - I'll just keep vamping up the filter.

If that's wrong, then I don't want to be right ....... :p

laughing priscilla, feed as much as you want to............. I am a casual pond keeper, the fish get fed at a low level just to keep the babies produced lower. they eat the eggs up

I use kitty litter for my lilies. So usually have 10-15 pots of kitty litter in my pond. maybe by chance I have made a sort of anoxic filter. Any plants in my pond are planted in kitty litter. The fish have managed to toss a bunch onto the bottom of the pond so the bottom of my pond is a sort of anoxic filter. I did notice a bunch of kitty litter in the deep end. Where the kitty litter was layering the bottom there was very little muck, the litter looked the white gray color it is all summer, never got covered up with muck. Just an interesting observation.
Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
it's such a shame that Dr Kevin Novak wasnt given a good reception on this site when he came over from KKU after that site lost it's data on the Anoxic system.
John it's a mixture of non scente kitty litter and laterite, a system has so many baskets equal to its gallonage
We would have had miles ahead by now , why havent we still got him ?
Certain members, decided to take him to task and lets say were nt too nice to the chap.....
Perhaps we should ask him to come back again, sadly however I doubt he'd say yes after that folks, but I could if you wish ask him, when we get the new monitor for the main PC which should be next tuesday ?
So as I can ge into my address book.and send him an email , its up to
you guys though ?

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coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
it's such a shame that Dr Kevin Novak wasnt given a good reception on this site when he came over from KKU after that site lost it's data on the Anoxic system.
John it's a mixture of non scente kitty litter and laterite, a system has so many baskets equal to its gallonage
We would have had miles ahead by now , why havent we still got him ?
Certain members, decided to take him to task and lets say were nt too nice to the chap.....
Perhaps we should ask him to come back again, sadly however I doubt he'd say yes after that folks, but I could if you wish ask him, when we get the new monitor for the main PC which should be next tuesday ?
So as I can ge into my address book.and send him an email , its up to
you guys though ?


He got a pleasant reception here, that is until he flipped out since he does not have a sense of humor and did not like being challenged. It is just not this forum... Many other forums here in the US of A. Folk here in the US of A don't like it when inventors "talk them self into a big deal" while the inventor is labeling others to be fools for not outright accepting their hypothesis. After Novak lost all of his forum contributions a second time, that is when KKU went permanently offline due to money issues, I doubt Novak will be coming back to the forum scene unless it is to ThemThereKoyas, which it is quite odd that "guest" viewing of their forum has been removed since the change of ownership (and is not surprising considering who the new owner is now, whom is not much different than Mr. Novak).

In that thread that I created, which drew him in and I was quite gracious for his participation, I've said all that needs to be said from my perspective and a simple reference to that thread is a quite adequate testimonial for me.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Thanks for the links, fellas!

After reading a few of them, I think the gist of it is "anoxic", which is between a lot of O2 and no O2. It's supposed to draw NH3 in and it's supposed to convert to N2, bypassing the N04 stage. All good, except that it's one basket per (large) koi, which means a lot of baskets.

I don't think I mind trying one basket of the stuff. I also learned from the links that the shower filter is supposed to gas off NH3 and not NO4 as I thought, which makes sense since NH3 is a gas and NO4 isn't.

I can see why people don't want to do it for many reasons (area, tradition, etc.)

BTW, I've seen many variations of the ERIC system and I don't even think it's the best one. I was also surprised to see in my internet travels of this afternoon that the UK has a lot more commercially made filter choices than we do. Our (US) selection is like a baby's compared to that of the UK.

Yeah, that is the essential gist of the anoxic filter. The chemicals are essentially drawn in to the medium due to electrochemical energies so to be processed by the microorganisms. There still will be nitrates produced due to the layers exposed to higher oxygen levels, but some of this nitrate will be pulled into the anoxic layers so to be converted into molecular nitrogen by various anoxic microorganisms.

In the context of the shower (high flow) wet/dry filters, the notion that there is degassing of ammonia out of water is only applicable if the pH is quite high, that is near 8.5 or higher due to the higher dominance of ammonia (NH3). However, even at lower pH, where there is a higher dominance of ammonium (NH4+), there is still some ammonia that is available to be degassed out of the water. At lower pHs, it is believed that there are specialized aerobic microorganisms to be the reason of how wet/dry filters function.

The distinction between the function of wet/dry filters and the anoxic filter is not great, except for differences in area footprint and equipment requirements and performance. I have not yet seen anyone's anoxic filter reduce ammonia presence and complete the nitrification within 6 days, under optimal conditions, as has been accomplished by properly built shower (high flow) wet/dry filters.

In the context of the many ERIC variations, Waddington, that is the creator of the ERIC, was first all about DIY'n filters before he become "that ERIC guy" so to prove the commercially made filters were not needed for hobbyists, that is until Waddington was persuaded by the big paycheck from the commercial sector, which is quite fine.
Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Ah the eric filter yes its world famous , I do from time to time go over to themthrerekoyas just for an update but prefare Manke Sanke's site , Syd and I go back many years water is Syd's area of expetice and he rates the anoxic system .
I think Kevin saw his system as a threat to the commercial filter which when you think about it , it is.......
Which might explain him not wanting to publish his results , who nows ?


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