Just got back today. Gave the fish a really good feeding, I had left once a day low rations for my parents, as I knew my Dad would over feed them.
They were obviously hungry, my Mom controlled the feedings, and I can see the fish were hungry, my water hyacinths look like crap. They've been eating them big time.
One of my fish has grown like CRAZY! He/she is going to be a big one. I have noticed some thing weird on this fish's back. I don't know if its a fungus or if he's outgrowing his scales and they are changing to a new color .... ? Its a yellow with a black back koi (not sure the name). I think its a fungus
. I'm going to make a huge effort to catch him tomorrow and will post pictures. I have a 10 gall tank I can treat him in, if he needs it.
Out side of that, they all looked good. Bigger. They were happy to see me. The pond needed a good cleaning, so I spent 30 mins or so scooping the gunk and leaves off the bottom. There were a few handfuls of string algae, but not too bad. When I left I had no algae on the top, when I got back there was a bit. Still, not too bad.
I've decided I need an aerator for under the water hyacinths, where they are all netted in stuff seems to collect there. I need some water flow going through them.
The red platys have been busy, when I left I thought I had about a 100 babies well there's another new litter and some more pregnant platys! WTH am I going to do with all these fish??????? Why aren't the koi or tilapia eating them???????? I seriously think I'm going to need another pond soon.
In my head (not my husbands), I'm seeing this existing pond as a wild life natural pond with loads of platys and maybe guppys. Leave the plants in this pond. I'd like a more 'formal' pond for the koi and goldfish. And I'm not a formal kinda person, so what I really mean is a better built pond after I learnt from my mistakes and no plants for the koi to mess up.
That's the update friends. Look out for pictures of the koi tomorrow, I'll be needing some opinions.
They were obviously hungry, my Mom controlled the feedings, and I can see the fish were hungry, my water hyacinths look like crap. They've been eating them big time.
One of my fish has grown like CRAZY! He/she is going to be a big one. I have noticed some thing weird on this fish's back. I don't know if its a fungus or if he's outgrowing his scales and they are changing to a new color .... ? Its a yellow with a black back koi (not sure the name). I think its a fungus
Out side of that, they all looked good. Bigger. They were happy to see me. The pond needed a good cleaning, so I spent 30 mins or so scooping the gunk and leaves off the bottom. There were a few handfuls of string algae, but not too bad. When I left I had no algae on the top, when I got back there was a bit. Still, not too bad.
I've decided I need an aerator for under the water hyacinths, where they are all netted in stuff seems to collect there. I need some water flow going through them.
The red platys have been busy, when I left I thought I had about a 100 babies well there's another new litter and some more pregnant platys! WTH am I going to do with all these fish??????? Why aren't the koi or tilapia eating them???????? I seriously think I'm going to need another pond soon.
In my head (not my husbands), I'm seeing this existing pond as a wild life natural pond with loads of platys and maybe guppys. Leave the plants in this pond. I'd like a more 'formal' pond for the koi and goldfish. And I'm not a formal kinda person, so what I really mean is a better built pond after I learnt from my mistakes and no plants for the koi to mess up.
That's the update friends. Look out for pictures of the koi tomorrow, I'll be needing some opinions.