I joined this forum to learn from membership expertise. I have a 1500 Gallon Koi concrete Pond. The pond is a Pizza slice shape with an average depth of 33 inches. It is below and 18 inches above ground. I installed a Pondmaster Clearguard Pressurized Filter up to 5500 GAL (WITH 18 Watt UV Light). I also built a 55 gallon Koi pond stone and gravel filter that removes sediments with a bio filter balls at the bottom for extra filtering. It was designed to have a water fall and a 3” bottom drain and side jets for water circulation. I used a Quiet Drive External Pump (4200gph) with a priming pot. I also have a Helix Pond Skimmer installed.
The pond turned out bigger than I expected but it looks great and all equipment and systems work great. Except for one big issue. The pond leaks. Not sure what is leaking or where. I used Drylok to waterproof the pond and used 4 coats of the stuff. Water collects on both sides of the pond where dirt is exposed, and also on the bottom of wall in front of the pond (see pictures). I’ve been troubleshooting it for 8 months now and everything that I thought it was and fixed turned out not to be the cause.
Troubleshooting and fixes taken:
1. Waterfall piping, Turned off water for the waterfall, no help (rule waterfall piping out)
2. Skimmer piping, lowered the water below the skimmer opening, no help (rule Skimmer Piping out).
3. 3 inch bottom drain piping, Plugged drain with 3 inch plug, No help (ruled drain piping out)
4. Water Jet piping, removed water jets and Plugged all 5 jet output holes and closed both jet piping valves, no help (ruled water jet piping out).
5. The concrete was sealed with 4 coats of DryLok. There are no visible cracks in concrete or at least cracks that I can see.
The only plausible cause is that the concrete is leaking, but the concrete wall and bottom is almost foot and a half thick and I have 4 coats of DryLok on it. When I settled on DryLok, I thought that its a good sealer, isn't that so? any other water proofing material that may go over DryLok?
Any ideas or pointers would be much appreciated.
The pond turned out bigger than I expected but it looks great and all equipment and systems work great. Except for one big issue. The pond leaks. Not sure what is leaking or where. I used Drylok to waterproof the pond and used 4 coats of the stuff. Water collects on both sides of the pond where dirt is exposed, and also on the bottom of wall in front of the pond (see pictures). I’ve been troubleshooting it for 8 months now and everything that I thought it was and fixed turned out not to be the cause.
Troubleshooting and fixes taken:
1. Waterfall piping, Turned off water for the waterfall, no help (rule waterfall piping out)
2. Skimmer piping, lowered the water below the skimmer opening, no help (rule Skimmer Piping out).
3. 3 inch bottom drain piping, Plugged drain with 3 inch plug, No help (ruled drain piping out)
4. Water Jet piping, removed water jets and Plugged all 5 jet output holes and closed both jet piping valves, no help (ruled water jet piping out).
5. The concrete was sealed with 4 coats of DryLok. There are no visible cracks in concrete or at least cracks that I can see.
The only plausible cause is that the concrete is leaking, but the concrete wall and bottom is almost foot and a half thick and I have 4 coats of DryLok on it. When I settled on DryLok, I thought that its a good sealer, isn't that so? any other water proofing material that may go over DryLok?
Any ideas or pointers would be much appreciated.