I would really love to do the bog thing. But i was wondering how it would function during the freezing winters here in Pennsylvania.
Will the whole thing freeze solid and cause the water to spill out?
Or does the bog get turned off for the winter?
We are 6b, a bit warmer than you. My system is run by a external pump, I turn all off over winter. Even if it was not run by a external pump I would turn all off over winter. The large surface area of my bog cools the water quickly. I use a pond breather to keep air exchange going. Sometimes I set up a very small gph pump to keep a hole in the ice. I enjoy the months of no running water.
Mine is ground level, when it is shut off it freezes up, how deep depends on the winter. The plants come back without issue. The pipes do not crack and I have some out in the air, I just open them, some keep water in them over winter. I do rake the surface of the bog to remove a lot of the dead plants. Once in the fall, once in the spring before turn on.
No water spills out when it does freeze. The water and gravel just becomes ice and gravel.
If I were to build another pond it too would be filtered with just a bog.