Egg bound

Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Richmond, Va.
She is huge and does"t seem to able to release the eggs. as big as she is now I don`t see how she will survive. We did gently try to milk her. Did not work. Other thought are to stop feeding her and she will reabsorb the eggs. Has any thing with this problem. Please respond.
Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Sharon what type of fish is it thats egg bound ?
It may well be that this fish has a tumour feel the belly is the area hard or soft if it is soft to the touch but not too fluid then it is more than possible there are unreleased eggs if hard it may still be eggs but its more than likely to be a tumour .
Spawning will usually occur when everything is right in the pond to do so I;e the water temperature is aproximately 20c .
If this still wont work then I suggest you seperate the female off by put her and a number of males in seperate tanks then maintain a temperature of around 18c for a couple of weeks then try re introduce them making sure the temperatures 20c.
This should induce your fish to spawn as normal, however if it still doesnt work then it may still have the effect of conditioning the female to spawn.
Take a look at her vent and f its distended you could try hand stripping the female which I take you already know how to do ?.
If this isnt working you could try adding hormones to the water available from most probably a fish specialist vet , This way is however a rather expensive way forwards and proffesional advice must be sought prior to treating the female.
If this fails its recomended the fish be put in cooler water for a few months at 4c cooler than your main pond and keep a weather eye on her sometimes they will re-absorbe the eggs sometimes not .
If not and the fish looks to be in alot of distress then Euthanize her by an overdose of anesthetic allowing her to drift off to sleep ;(

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