Hey I didn't even know it was earth day yesterday but while I was walking the day before yesterday I noticed a little red maple tree seedling trying to grow on the side of the roadbed. The mother tree nearby was a gorgeous red tree. So I planned and yesterday brought my little weed digger tool and a small cup w/moist soil and dug that little seedling out and brought it home and planted it.
Here it is and below it is one of the same kind I dug up a few yrs ago.
And here is the Oak tree below that I transplanted
@CountryEscape that I thought might not have made it through winter but yay it did and leaves are coming out now.
Seven Sons trees below that I got as cuts off of neighbors trees are making it nicely too now. There is one in front and then one way behind in the background. Now if the deer just leave them alone. Can't wait till they get the white blooms on them at the end of Summer that smell heavenly!
And White Lilac tree below another neighbor gave me a start from years ago is getting wonderful fragrant blooms now.
I divided a bunch of Heuchera's (Coral Bells) that I had around the gardens and planted them all along the back deck on both sides of steps. Had Hosta's all along there before but they didn't do well cuz when the afternoon sun reached them it scorched them something awful. They love shade. Heuchera's here can be in sun or shade cuz it does not get too hot for them here. Now they need to get growing. I'll give them some Alfalfa meal and some all purpose fertilizer later and that will get them going.