Hello everyone! I just joined here a few minutes ago and so far I like it! I'm a 14 year old kid from New Jersey and I always loved ponds so I got my first pond about 2 years ago, it was a little 35 gallon pre-formed pond that I got at my local hardware store, Then i upgraded to a 90 gallon pre-formed pond also from my hardware store, then I got interested in turtles and started coverting my ponds into turtle ponds, anyway i now have a 300 gallon stock tank i got from a friend, it house a common snapping turtle, a couple juvenile eastern painted turtles, 2 Yellow-bellied sliders and a few Red eards sliders. But im getting another 300 gallon stock tank to make a snapping turtle pond for my snapper. So I just thought it would be nice to introduce myself, I look forward to reading all your guys' posts and hopefully posting a bit myself
. Thanks everyone!