We bought our house in May and in addition to cleaning up the overgrown yard, I am also trying to clean and fix the pond that obviously was not maintained by the last owners.
I am guessing the pond holds about 250 gallons. It does not have a pump hooked up to the filter so the water is filthy and when I tried scooping out the water by bucket, I found there are tadpoles so now I am worried about how I can clean the water without hurting the frogs. There are all kinds of leaves floating around as well - I scooped out about 5 buckets worth so that's a start but there are plenty more. I don't know what kind of filter is installed and I don't know how to open it to clean it. I know there needs to be some aeration in there so should I install a waterfall? Should I introduce small fish or will they be a problem with the frogs. How big of a filter should I get? Does anyone know how to work this type of filter? Should I use algaecide to get rid of the algae blooms or should I just use floating plants? What about mosquitos?
Help! I am clueless

We bought our house in May and in addition to cleaning up the overgrown yard, I am also trying to clean and fix the pond that obviously was not maintained by the last owners.
I am guessing the pond holds about 250 gallons. It does not have a pump hooked up to the filter so the water is filthy and when I tried scooping out the water by bucket, I found there are tadpoles so now I am worried about how I can clean the water without hurting the frogs. There are all kinds of leaves floating around as well - I scooped out about 5 buckets worth so that's a start but there are plenty more. I don't know what kind of filter is installed and I don't know how to open it to clean it. I know there needs to be some aeration in there so should I install a waterfall? Should I introduce small fish or will they be a problem with the frogs. How big of a filter should I get? Does anyone know how to work this type of filter? Should I use algaecide to get rid of the algae blooms or should I just use floating plants? What about mosquitos?
Help! I am clueless