My pond is on a steep slope the up hill side of the pond is a rock wall, just stacked. My pond is on its 4 year, the slope and wall has held well.
I put a slight raise to the dirt above the rock wall and when digging made the slope so the rain water coming down the slope would flow around the pond, not into it. The pallet on the left is the rocks used on the slope.
The slope is angled back around 25 degrees, maybe, (an estimate) The down slope side of the pond and bog is a dirt berm, I used the dig dirt to build the berm to make the pond level, Dry Stacked
We do freeze and thaw here, so far good, this is the walls 4 year
this is our slope the pond ended up down by the two apple trees you can see, I looked for the "flattest" part to do the build