I have a fairly small pond, around 1500 gallon, maybe 2 1/2 feet deep, 20x20 (I should measure it someday). I am a bit older, but not handicapped. I was able to save some money and opened the pond for the first time which saved $600 of my retirement funds. BUT....I don’t feel confident climbing down into the pond to clean out debris I can’t reach with a net and to power wash the rocks. Of course, I would also have to remove the 18 varied sized comets, shebunkins, and orfes. The debris is mostly organic. Any suggestions on cleaning out that stuff If I can’t net it. I can pump out a lot of the water and then power wash what rocks are exposed. Can I leave the fish in there when I am washing out the streams and power washing rocks or will that be too hard on them? Thoughts or ideas?