Hi! I’m brand new to this forum and new to pond keeping in general. I reluctantly inherited a pond with 4 goldfish a few months ago from the previous owner of my house. The pond was in bad condition and I did the best I could to set up filtration and make it habitable. Everything has been going smoothly for 2 months and the fish have grown more confident. However, I came down to feed them when I noticed the most active fish laying on the top of the pond seemingly tangled in the plants. I thought it was dead but it was moving slightly- I managed to free it but all it does is float on the bottom of the pond. All of the other 3 fish are healthy and active with no problems. I noticed that one side of the fish is slightly bloated. Normally the fish are pretty skittish so the fact that I can catch it with a net without really moving is really worrying. I’ve tested the water and everything seems fine so I think the problem is this specific fish. Is there anything I can do?
(I’ll attach photos but it’s really hard to get a good photo of the swelling- it’s on the left side of the fish)
(I’ll attach photos but it’s really hard to get a good photo of the swelling- it’s on the left side of the fish)