New fish I purchased - basement pond up and going

Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
In a weak moment, but a very exciting time, I decided to purchase a few fish on Ebay. If anyone has ever purchased fish there, with the high shipping cost for the first fish, you realize to make the fish more economical, you need to purchase as many as you can (or can afford in my case) to "fill the box" as they don't charge any additional shipping. I had been looking at fish for probably 4 months, and for some reason, decided to take the plunge earlier this month. Merry Christmas to me!!! I got fish from 2 breeders, and all are in the 4"-6" size. I set up my "kiddie pool" in the basement, and although it looks pretty hodge podge, it is working well. The fish are enjoying the nice splash from the water spilling over from the laundry basket quilt batting final filtration, and I even found 2 jet water sprayer things from my aquarium purchase, that I have on the bottom, shooting the water in a circle, in an attempt to keep any waste pushed toward the pump.

Here are a few pics of the fish when I put them into 5 gallon buckets as I slowly acclimated them to the pond water:
FORU Gin Rin fish.JPGView attachment 39891FORU GR Sanke and GR Yamabukin Ogon.JPG
As you will see, I got some really nice Gin Rins in this mix. Only one is a standard fin, but couldn't pass him/her up as I loved it's color.

In the next photos, only 3 of the 7 are Gin Rin, but the others have scale or color patterns I was interested in, and they are also somewhat unusual.

View attachment 39894NDK - GR Lemon Hariwake, Lemon Hariwake, Doitsu Ochiba Shigure, Doitsu Ochiba, Kujaku .JPG

I have individual pics of the fish, as they were shown on the listing to show, if anyone is interested in any particular fish seen more close up! In the last set of pics, the largest fish with the yellow head and netting pattern (Butterfly Kujaku) jumped out of my basement pond twice the first afternoon. The first time I found it on the concrete floor, probably 80% dried off, and it was fine. The second time, it was caught in the netting, and I got it back into the water before it was harmed. Also, the fish with the yellow head and white body, it jumped out as well. When I found it on the floor (when the Kujaku was in the net), it was so dried out, I was certain it would die. But, held it in the water for may 30 seconds before it wiggled very strongly to be let go, and it is doing well, too!

I have sat and watched these fish a LOT since got them on Friday, and none are scratching, no sores, all seem extremely healthy, and obviously very hardy!
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Oh, and here is my hodge podge pool with tote filter on top of a shelf unit, so that I have no worries about where the water will return to. Pump is a 1600 gph from my skimmer, going through 1" ID tubing (what I took out of my bog, since it was clear, replaced with black flexible tubing) and then goes to the bottom of the tote with 3 lines that have holes drilled into the tubing so that the water is somewhat slower than the full power, filters through a bag of filter media (taken from my DIY Skippy from my outside pond), then through quilt batting, and overflows into a laundry basket with more quilt batting for final filtration before spilling over into the pool.
Besides the 2 jumpers the first day (which I know is common), have had no other jumpers. Took them 2 days to decide to eat, although I only offered on day 2 once, and only a few pieces). Now when I sit on the chair the yellow Gin Rin Yamabukin Ogon comes immediately for food, quickly followed by the Gin Rin Taisho Sanke. The others have learned to follow their lead, and even though I only toss maybe 20 pieces for them (there are 14 total), they seem to stop after that.
I will be leaving for vacation on Wed., but have a very competent high school freshman that came over yesterday for directions. I write everything out for all my animals (horses, dogs, cats - inside and out in the barn, and fish - basement pool and aquariums). And, with the fish, she has pill weekly containers that have measured food so there will be no overfeeding. The koi in the pool will get fed only every other day, so to keep the possibility of any ammonia spike at a minimum while I am gone. Will be anxious to get back to them, but so excited to go to Utah and be with my daughter for Christmas.

Indoor basement pond.JPGIndoor basement pool.JPG

Merry Christmas everyone!!!


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
waterloo, iowa
Hey it might look a little funny, but it works! Some nice looking fish too! I have always wanted to buy fish on ebay, or over the net, just havent brought myself to pay that shipping yet, mostly I sit and wait for something to come along that i like in the fish stores here.

My paitience did pay off because I did finally add 2 more koi to the mix this summer, a platinum Matsuba (thats what Fishin4cars told me it was, i'll believe him over petsmart that said it was an ogon) and then a yellow one thats looks exactley like the silver "platinum matsuba" I dont think I ever posted picture of that one to identify it... any way its a mettalic yellow just like the mettalic silver one I had bought a few weeks before.

As you can tell, i dont know much about identifying Koi...


Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hardiness Zone
That is one unique filter set-up! Just goes to show...the Lord helps those who help themselves! John
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Ididntdoit, I wanted a Platinum Ogon, which is simply a pure white fish. However, every time I saw one that was a butterfly, it went really high, like over $40, and one went for $66! WAY out of my price range. So, I found the Platinum Matsuba which I'm picturing below, the picture that was posted that I purchased from. They show the fish way better than my "bucket pictures". :) And, I'm definitely no pro yet, but I've been taking notes along the way, when I would see a fish I liked on Ebay, then searched the name to see what part of the name I liked. In other words, Matsuba means "distinct pinecone pattern on a solid color, net-like pattern", so if Fishin4cars (a/k/a Larkin) told you it is a Platinum Matsuba, I bet your fish looks similar to this one:
5 in Platinum Matsuba2  FORU.jpg
I've been trying to post another yellow fish picture, but having trouble tonight. Let me know if this looks similar to what you have!
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
That is one unique filter set-up! Just goes to show...the Lord helps those who help themselves! John
John, this is so true. When I saw those fish on the floor, I prayed immediately! I figured they were goners, but I never give up, and was going to do my best. Turns out, didn't need anything special, just some water. I was amazed at how quickly they recovered. I treated their water with some salt to help keep them healthy, and so far so good.
Once, when I watched a mare trying to foal, and needed vet to help her out (foal's front legs were folded back, and head was coming first), that foal was dead by the time the vet got it turned around and pulled out, but I still tried to do mouth to muzzle. I just didn't want to give up. It was a really hard thing to watch happen. The mare was so upset as well, pawing at the baby, trying to stimulate it to breathe. Very sad. So, animals, fish, anything alive (including plants) get my whole heart when I raise and work with them. :)
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Oh, and I didn't say, but there is a netting over the whole pool set up, wasn't there when I took the above pictures, but it was quickly put into place after the first fish jumped out. He still jumped into the net and got caught again that first evening, and another one jumped and got past the net (it wasn't clipped to the edge yet, darn it) but have had no jumpers since that first day. And, thank goodness, didn't lose a fish either, so I am very lucky!


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
They all look good, some even better than the original pics they posted on ebay. I think the one I am most interested in seeing what it does is the fish that's in front of the Platinum Matsuba in the second pic. I think that fish MAY actually turn out to be a Gin Rin Goshiki, If so that one may become a really super nice fish depending on if the Goshike (Grey) Darkens or stays light. Some goshiki's develope very dark coloration that makes the oragne or red really pop. I'll be anxious to see how they compare in about 6-9 months! Very Nice!
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Funny, but I think you thought the one to the left of the yellow (Yamagukin) was also possibly going to be a Goshiki! That one they called an Orenje Matsuba, and you thought it might be a Goshiki, that I should watch it. OR, I just got the two confused! The one in front of the Platinum Matsuba they called a Gin Rin Sanke, but we talked about not much of the black showing up yet, although it seemed to be under the scales.
Remember the one that you thought had uneven pectoral fins? I'm pretty sure it's the one they called a Yamatonishiki Gin Rin, and it has very little Gin Rin scaling in my opinion. It's in the first picture on the bottom left, facing up, and in the second picture it's on the bottom left. I think I have another one of him closer up to show a little more. One pic above shows one fin, the other the other side fin. Hmm ... having trouble attaching photos again this evening.
But, fun hearing your opinions of them in the bucket, as opposed to what they showed of them on-line. I'm just really happy that they are all doing really well, have counted them daily, making sure no one is getting caught in the bottom of the shelf unit, but they don't even usually swim across that area, instead swim around it. :)
Thanks for your comments, Larkin ... now we wait and see how they develop!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Very pretty koi you picked up! If you keep having problems with attaching photos, use photo bucket, makes it a lot easier.


Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
Nice additions you got for your pond .
Keep them happy till spring
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Thanks, Addy and Dr. Case! Actually, I think about them all day while I'm at work, and can't wait to see them in the evening. I'm definitely hooked on this pond thing. LOL And, since this is working out so well so far, I may use it for babies in the future, if I ever get any koi babies that is, and let the babies have more "warm" time to grow through the winter. I'll move things around next year, build a better stand for the pond plants and their light, and have everything in an area where I can get around them better. But, for quick put together, I think it turned out pretty well.
Addy, you would have to tell me how to use Photo Bucket! Usually I get them uploaded just fine, but for some reason, last night they were loading fine, then got to 100% and said "error". It probably was my internet connection causing me probs.
Here's the yellow fish I was wanting to post a close up of, and this morning it downloaded in less than a second. :) Its called a Gin Rin Yamabukin Ogon, as it's all one color (Ogon). And just a note, I did notice the split tail, but didn't see any sores or blood so hoping it will heal in time.
5 in Yamabukin Gin Rin Ogon 2 FORU.jpg

And, since I'm on a roll, here is my favorite of all the fish I purchased. It's a Gin Rin Taisho Sanke. It has the most beautiful shiny Gin Rin scales of all the Gin Rins I bought!
4 in Gin Rin Taisho Sanke.jpg

This is a Gin Rin Kohaku butterfly.
4 in Gin Rin Kohaku butterfly NDK.JPG

And these two are my "jumpers". The first is a Lemon Hariwake butterfly, and it jumped out just once, but was VERY dry when I found it. I was amazed it came back to life! These are VERY hardy fish, I'm learning.
4.5 in Lemon Hariwake butterfly NDK.JPG

And this guy/gal was the first jumper, on the concrete when found it first time, in the net the second time, both times probably 80% dry, but both times wiggled to get out of my hands right away! I'm pretty sure this one will get some type of a jumping name. LOL It's a Kujaku Butterfly.
6 in Kujaku Butterfly 3 NDK.jpg

These pics were all from the ebay website when I first looked at the fish, so they are really well done, close ups, etc. Enjoy!


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
waterloo, iowa
Ididntdoit, I wanted a Platinum Ogon, which is simply a pure white fish. However, every time I saw one that was a butterfly, it went really high, like over $40, and one went for $66! WAY out of my price range. So, I found the Platinum Matsuba which I'm picturing below, the picture that was posted that I purchased from. They show the fish way better than my "bucket pictures". :) And, I'm definitely no pro yet, but I've been taking notes along the way, when I would see a fish I liked on Ebay, then searched the name to see what part of the name I liked. In other words, Matsuba means "distinct pinecone pattern on a solid color, net-like pattern", so if Fishin4cars (a/k/a Larkin) told you it is a Platinum Matsuba, I bet your fish looks similar to this one:
View attachment 39901
I've been trying to post another yellow fish picture, but having trouble tonight. Let me know if this looks similar to what you have!

horrible picture from when i first bought it, but yes mine is very similar to that.

and the yellow one i found a few weeks later is almost exactly the same as that, only a mettallic yellow.

Glad your jumpers made it, those are some nice looking fish.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
Real easy, just create an account with photobucket, upload your pictures from your computer. Once you have them uploaded you will see a box called links under the photo if you are looking at a lot of them. Or to the right side if you are looking at just one photo.

go to the bottom of the box img code, click where it says [img}http:....... it will say copied, just paste that in the thread you want the photo to be posted.

for country.jpg


Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
st. mary's county, md.
Hardiness Zone
United States
Wow- Thought I was the only one who collected gin rins. When we rebuilt our old pond this year we made it our gin rin bin. 24 ranging from 2"-9". Hoping the scale pattern will hold true when they breed.


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