icewaterdon submitted a new Showcase Item:
New Pond June 2016
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New Pond June 2016
We downsized our home and have been without a pond for about 2 years. The pond is 2 weeks old and 14'X10'X4' deep. Hand dug, with several shelves. Rubber 45ML liner, waterfall and skimmer. Running a 5000 GPH pump through the waterfall and 500 GPH pump through the yellow hand pump. The waterfall is full of lava rock in several netted bags for easy removal. Debated whether to use lava rock or pea gravel. We just added the plants this past weekend. We have 8 FREE fish so far. Plan to keep the fish to under 13. The best part is, I picked up the liner 24x25, waterfall, skimmer, a few small pumps and some other misc items for 200.00 from CL. Total investment so far is only around 400.00 plus a few advil for the back. Just ordered a aerator today. I would love to hear your feedback, positive and areas for improvement,
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