Hi all,
I live in a small town in Hawaii. When I decided to build a small Koi pond I went to the local aquarium store. He's given me little guidance so I've made some mistakes and lost some fish, poor things.
I need a bit of advice to save the last two, Dusty (Kio) and Angel (Comet).
I wasn't advised to treat the new pond water with algaecide so in the space ot 3 weeks it was a zoo. I finally got some ph test strips today and find it's really low so I set out to treat for that. Then I started to do some algae clean-up only to find the more I scrubbed the more it became loose and floating in the water. I then decided to do a start over so I've emptied, scrubbed, refilled (tap) and treated.
My question: Will my two small fish survive 24 hours in a 5 gallon bucket without any aeration while I wait for the new water to cure? I have a couple floatie plants on them too.
Thank you for helping me!
I live in a small town in Hawaii. When I decided to build a small Koi pond I went to the local aquarium store. He's given me little guidance so I've made some mistakes and lost some fish, poor things.
I wasn't advised to treat the new pond water with algaecide so in the space ot 3 weeks it was a zoo. I finally got some ph test strips today and find it's really low so I set out to treat for that. Then I started to do some algae clean-up only to find the more I scrubbed the more it became loose and floating in the water. I then decided to do a start over so I've emptied, scrubbed, refilled (tap) and treated.
My question: Will my two small fish survive 24 hours in a 5 gallon bucket without any aeration while I wait for the new water to cure? I have a couple floatie plants on them too.
Thank you for helping me!