Lol, that’d be pond person, not thinking about newbies. So yeah, I’ve got an odd sense of humor. Well, I found this site because I happened to be looking for pond info. I’ve got an above ground pool, out in the country on well water, that was infested with mosquitoes. I had a dozen odd feeder goldfish that my turtle didn’t eat, so I put them in the pool. Then I saved some minnow and fingerlings from the culvert that was drying out, and next thing I knew, my pool was a pond. I added some plants,( they ate all the duckweed I put in, so I’m growing some in an old leaky aquarium, it now has a huge frog in it!) But I want my fish to have a better life, so I’m seeking to improve it next spring. Add more plants, some new fish , cause I ended up down to maybe 10-11 after I found they’d caught anchor worms from either another fish, or some plants I’d added. I didn’t know to quarantine everything before adding. I’m also looking into aquaponics as a kind of filtration for the water. Being out in windy Oklahoma, it’s done good without any pump going, and when I did have one, it failed horribly, not moving the water like it needed. My dogs ate the cord when I had the pool drained to deal with anchor worms... I think they were telling me to do better.
So on a personal not, I’m in my 30s, I’ve had a few aquariums, a turtle till he ran off, I’ve got cats and dogs, we’re on 10 acres that fell into disrepair after my step mom dies while we waited for the probate to get settled. This next year will be crazy busy, fighting back Johnson grass, fixing the house, doing yard work, pond work, a garden....
I want low maintenance, pretty plants, edible landscaping, that kind of stuff. I’ve had bad luck with plants. I’m National Guard, so when I’m gone for two weeks, the guys forget to tend that stuff, and it usually dies. So I’ll try aquaponics, with a timer! I’m looking for others who are into the same kind of stuff in my area if anyone like that reads this. Plants, seeds, and fish. I got some idea of how I want it all to turn out, now I just have to put the effort into it all. Trying to add a pic of the pool back when the level was low, pardon the algae bloom last summer.