Turtle Keeper + CPL(H)
Heckle, Jeckle, Atlas (males) & Shelly (female) have all been moved out of quarantine and into regular 60 & 70 gallon terrariums. Tank one has a red eared slider & map turtle and tank two has two red eared sliders. I gave all four of the turtles dried shrimp, meal worms and romaine lettuce for supper with mango & dried cranberries for dessert and it seems to have filled them up because they all went right to the basking docks after eating except for Atlas who decided to take part of his mango and stash it in his cave for later but he finally came back out to bask grin emoticon Atlas is the small (4") Mississippi Map turtle and he is pretty clever because he learnt that his tank mate is too big (8") to get inside one of the caves and he only uses that one to hide food in because the larger cave is where he sleeps and is also his hideout if something scares him and he needs to make a quick retreat.