I have been overwintering my Lotus since mid-November in the garage. It wasn't until yesterday that I noticed a white film around the rim of my pot and on 2 stems that hadn't finished sprouting, which I assumed to be mold (although I'm not 100% sure and it might very well not be). I panicked and decided that I would instead try the method where you harvest the tuber and store it in something like a Ziploc bag until the spring. So I flipped the Lotus out of the pot and onto a plastic bag, where I would gently wash away as much of the soil as I could with a hose. After that I was left with the tuber attached to a nest of roots that still had some soil/clay trapped inside. I was relieved that the tuber showed no signs of rot/mold and seems to be in good condition. However, I regretted going through this entire process (I hope nothing was damaged during the cleanup) after seeing that the tuber was fine and since I'm not entirely confident in how to separate the tuber correctly, considering it's my first year growing and overwintering a Lotus. I ended up putting the tuber, along with its bundle of roots, back in the pot and filled it back up with water. Now I am unsure on whether I should go through with the harvesting method or if I can safely keep it the way it is now until spring comes around. Opinions or advice on what to do is welcome and much appreciated!