God it looks like a tornado went through your pond
@Jacque44 , I ask the same question of depth by CometKeith what is your ponds deph , not that we have raccoons in the UK .
Looking at your pond I had an idea but this may do one of two things, this may make things worse for your fish, or it may stop them all together a little like the wood latace work on your other pond but of Aluminium and heavy UV protected plastic.
At worst they may manage to rip your pond plants out ...... now its just an idea but you could put a protective grill in the pond .
It is a safety idea we think was invented by a UK company to stop small children from falling in and drowning please see link :-
As you can see from the photos it can take the weight of a fully grown human and more importantly it can be secured .
My thoughts would by if you fit this Mr Raccoon would not be able to get this fish , yes it would not stop it wrecking plants but it ould give the fish time to go deep.
As you can see its a multi national company with an American Canadian website .
You might think god thats an ugly thing to have over the pond or just under the water but we found when we had our pond netted that you soon ignored or zoned out the net , I would think that the same thing would happen here.
As you can see it can help protect your pond against herons , my thinking is this may well be effecive against other preditors like the raccoon.
The raccoons may even think that to walk on the safety grill was a non starter to them, they are after all quite clever creatures
It maybe that it appears alien to them that they might not attempt it and after testing its parimeters for weak spots find it too impregnable for them.
Or they fnd it that hard to catch things that they decide this is not a good place to eat pond plant roots and fish in this pond and simply move on elsware .
I dont know the costing of having it made then fitted for your size of pond but theres no harm in emailing them with your pond Length and width is there ?