If my fish look floaty I just throw in some uncooked thawed peas that I smush between my fingers. They are fine again within a couple days. What exactly is the problem with your fish? Just seem constipated?
Oh wait now I see everything seems fine. Im glad.
Probably just constipated -- all bloated out. The Ryukins have that "balloon" look, anyway. Yeah, she'll float around and do all kinds of gymnastics -- sometimes it's cute 'cause she can do a flip and get at a piece of food before the other fish do, but sometimes it's sad when she just.....can't.....quite.....reach.....that.....piece that's on the bottom.....flap....flap.....flap....
I was giving everyone peas the other day, and she ate some, but after a couple of days was still a bubble, so I decided to bring her inside so she could have exclusive access to the peas. She's making a mess in my 20 gal. tank and I still have a few babies in there.....
EDITED: As a post-script, I wouldn't advise putting fish like Ryukins in the pond with other regular goldfish. While this little girl of mine is surviving quite well (she's obviously getting enough to eat, LOL), there is the chance that they will miss out on food opportunities. But mostly because when they do get into trouble, it's easy to miss out on the signs when they're in the pond with a bunch of other fish. Then, if the peas don't work, there's the issue of having to catch them -- all very stressing to the fish! She was one of my first fish purchases when the pond was new & I didn't know any of this yet.....