Swimbladder disorders

Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Normally we find that the swimbladder has become a little destorted and deformed during the process of breeding where mutations are normally bred in
Take the fancy goldfish this poor fish is beset by problems often caused by thousands of years of breeding .
The fancy will one day ne swimming about as normal then it becomes constipated and the next thing you know they are floating belly up fighting against the surface or sat firmly on the bottom of our ponds/aquariums
Physical injury is another way the swimbladder can be effected .
We normally treat our swimbladder effected fish a mixture of peas and cut up worm to get things moving again but with physical damage we may well loose the fish if things dont settle down again
Nowdays most deformaties are deliberately-bred deformities especially in the fancy goldfish world where there are hndereds of different varieties of fish
Shock or sudden exposure to environmental changes can cause our fish to loose ballence meaning they have all the physical symptoms of having swimbladder disorder swimming around on its side before suddenly righting themselves , they may well have damaged themselves on the side of the pond
Coldwater shock can cause the fish to loose its swimbladder so you must always try to match your water temperature as the water goes into the pond or tank' for.
Bacterial and viral infections may also cause problems wiuth the swimbladder
W can go half way to avioding the physical damage by making sure the ponds edges are clear of things the fish may hit and hurt themselves with , give your fish the best possible water quality it will go half way to preventing this disorder


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