Hello! Thank you for seeking advice on how to help your fish! I am assuming this is a goldfish based upon the age and size. Please correct me if I am wrong.
You'll definitely want to quarantine this fish. Not only will it make treatment easier (and cheaper), it will also prevent the other fish from nipping at him out of curiosity, causing more stress and potentially greater damage.
Quarantine this fish in a tank (a plastic storage tote should be fine if you don't have an aquarium handy). Fill 75% of the tote with pond water, and then add the fish. Slowly top off the water level using clean (de-chlorinated) tap water. You'll want to slowly cycle out the pond water and replace it with clean water over the course of the day. If your water quality is bad, this will help a great deal.
You'll want to treat with salt right away. This will help heal external wounds, and combat the fungal infection. It stimulates the healthy slime coat that normally protects the fish from these kinds of infections.
It would be helpful if we could get a picture of the fish before it got sick. I can't tell what color the fins are supposed to be. If there is blood in the fins, that can be a sign of chemical poisoning (test your water quality), or a blood-based bacterial infection that will need to be treated with antibiotics, preferably in food. There's obviously a fungal infection going on, but these often only occur because of the weakness and stress brought on by a more significant problem (water quality issues, parasites, or bacterial infection).
Add a bubbler to the quarantine tank if you are able, and keep it somewhere with a stable temperature. Do frequent water changes, and consider using a product that neutralizes ammonia in between those water changes (Sechem Prime, or API Ammo Lock, for example) for extra protection. Do not rely on these products to make the tank safe--I have lost several fish because I foolishly thought I could "wait until morning" before performing a water change, counting on these products to make that a possibility.