Hi There! I'm a newbie to all things fish & ponds... when my father in law passed we elected to take his beloved koi. We had his pond guy lay the liner and set up the aerator, filter, uv, pump, and waterfall- and all was well for about 2 weeks and now my waterfall is an absolute disgrace- theres barely any water flowing out of it! Do I need another pump just for the waterfall??
We are using the same system that my father in law used- the pond guy unhooked everything from his house and brought it to ours- I've attached a pic of the equipment set up and of the pond and waterfall... I think that due to settling, the bottom ledge of the falls got tilted, I moved some rocks around to see if I could improve the flow, but nada... and in the past month, the water spilling over has diminished probably 90%...
My job was done in a hurry, we dug the hole and 2 days later he laid the liner and set up the equipment and the next day we brought the fish... The fish are happy and healthy (11 koi, from 2-8yrs old) and I will be too once I get this all done, aesthetically speaking!
I spent the past few days removing all the rocks I placed around the edge, added sandbags under the liner to create a berm, and I'm almost done replacing the rocks to hide the liner... next up, getting the waterfall back to a beautiful flow! I'm going to take the who lmk e thing apart, put concrete pavers down as a footing for each of the spillway rocks and then build up the rock hill again, this time using foam to secure and prevent water running behind the stones- Do I need another pump for the falls?? What's the deal here? At first water was cascading beautifully down each of the levels, it looked and sounded awesome- now it's a trickle... Please Help!! TIA =)
We are using the same system that my father in law used- the pond guy unhooked everything from his house and brought it to ours- I've attached a pic of the equipment set up and of the pond and waterfall... I think that due to settling, the bottom ledge of the falls got tilted, I moved some rocks around to see if I could improve the flow, but nada... and in the past month, the water spilling over has diminished probably 90%...
My job was done in a hurry, we dug the hole and 2 days later he laid the liner and set up the equipment and the next day we brought the fish... The fish are happy and healthy (11 koi, from 2-8yrs old) and I will be too once I get this all done, aesthetically speaking!
I spent the past few days removing all the rocks I placed around the edge, added sandbags under the liner to create a berm, and I'm almost done replacing the rocks to hide the liner... next up, getting the waterfall back to a beautiful flow! I'm going to take the who lmk e thing apart, put concrete pavers down as a footing for each of the spillway rocks and then build up the rock hill again, this time using foam to secure and prevent water running behind the stones- Do I need another pump for the falls?? What's the deal here? At first water was cascading beautifully down each of the levels, it looked and sounded awesome- now it's a trickle... Please Help!! TIA =)