Bog/upflow wetlands filter experience

Jun 22, 2011
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United States
Head is measured from water surface to highest elevation, so you really only have 3 feet of head. The base flow ratings given for most pumps is for 5 feet of head, so other than friction loss, you should not be losing that much flow.
What you are thinking of doing is workable IF the modified drum filter will handle the pressure generated by your pump.
I guess what I am saying is that by pressurizing this module you are only adding to the total time that you will devote to maintenance (cleaning/backflushing).
Have you considered the idea of retrofitting a skimmer?
No, I haven't because I don't have much floating debris as what is stirred up by the waterfall and stream and fish. A skimmer isn't going to get that, right? I noticed an increase in my inability to see the bottom as the years have gone by and the fish have gotten larger. And as the bog has clogged. Currently, I can see the bottom again which tells me the bog is at least being semi-productive again. What kind of water pressure numbers do you think there will be on the new drum filter? Is there a way to calculate this? I could then do some research/call and ask if the manufacturer has such tested limits.

And yeah, I know I'll now have an additional pond chore but after cleaning out the gravel in the bog, it doesn't seem so bad to clean a filter anymore. That's why I want to have easy access to the pads. I tried something similar last summer whereby I added another outlet from the waterfall to flow over some cotton batting. I got more debris than I expected and had to clean them, of course. But that is located by the waterfall where access is far from 'easy'. I'm trying to do similar with your prompting re mech filter, but closer to the bog and much easier to maneuver.

Thanks, Meyer.


Meyer Jordan

Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
Pensacola, Florida
Hardiness Zone
United States
What kind of water pressure numbers do you think there will be on the new drum filter?

I would contact the manufacturer of your pump. They should be able to tell you what the PSI will be based on the size piping that you are using. The drum itself will not impact this only the size of the drum's outlet pipe.
Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
United States
@Meyer Jordan ;

a questions, Sir:

In my earlier diagram, I was going to make the mech filter an upflow. Upon thinking about it, I'm going to make this a downflow now so cleaning is easier. I did some research and it seems a sock filter would give the best results, instead of a couple layers of flat padding. To maximize the surface filtering area, I'm going to put one sock inside of another inside my drum mech filter. Both will be suspended from a hoop with the overflow of the inner going into the outer filter and that in turn to the drum proper so there is no clogging problem going backwards. Do you think I can still use the original 1 1/2" bog size tube as my mech filter outlet size? Or do I have to figure out a way to make it 3"? I want to feed the bog from the bottom and would have to dig up the old pipe and put in a larger one if so. If I keep it closed and the filter socks clog, the filter water flow will be lessened but the slack will be taken up by the tee at the water fall, so I should be okay, right?


Thank you.


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