fancy fish

Jan 10, 2008
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i have two fish in a small aquarium and they are getting quite big they are coldwater fish i was wondering if it would be possible for me to put them in my pond along with my koi
i have a shubumkin in the pond that someone wanted rid of and he has done fine so i think they would be okey
they are fancy fish with big tails not goldfish but i have forgotten what they are one has big bulging eyes which was black when i bought it three years ago but is now deep gold and the other one is like a goldfish with like a red wig on its head
Jan 7, 2008
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Those are goldfish, it sounds like you have a Moor and an Oranda, theyre just different breeds of goldfish. They should do fine in your pond if the temps not too low.. at least 60 degrees? I bought 2 Ryukin goldfish about a year ago, they have the curved spine and long double finned flowing tail. I put them in the pond when I got them and theyve both grown double in size and are doing great (even though the store I bought them from told me not to put them in the pond because it is too cold and theyre tropical?) I ignored her. But your fish should do well out there! I would just be sure they have no diseases or parasites before introducing them to a pond with Koi that are doing so well. I had Ick take over a tank once from introducing someone I didnt quarantine.
Jan 10, 2008
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thanx danasaki
i wont put them in untill later on in year when it warms up a bit
i have also got 2 coldwater plecks do you think they would do okey in the pond ?
Jan 7, 2008
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Eh thats a tough one, I had a Plec for a while and was going to put him in my pond but a the owner of a tropical fish store I was at told me that thats not a good idea. He said they cant handle the temperature fluxuations in an outdoor pond and will become prone to disease, and he also showed me pictures of Plecos that actually attacked Goldfish and Koi. I guess sometimes they can suck the slimecoat as well as some scales off your other fish, as well as damage their fins, and without the slimecoat, theyre super susceptible to bacterial infections and parasites. I kept my Pleco in an aquarium along with a medium sized Koi and some Cichilids and I never saw any sign of my Pleco attacking them, but now that Ive seen the pics and heard the stories, I wouldnt keep a Pleco with Goldfish anymore. My friend has a 300 gal tank set up with some pretty big Plecos and an Arowana however, and they all seem to get along. And theyre HUGE. Sorry I wrote so much, hope it helps.
Jan 10, 2008
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my plecs are in the same tank as my goldfish and to date i havent had a problems but then they are only about 4 cm long so cant see how they could do too much damage but its quite cold here in england so i dont think i will chance it with the plecs going outdoors
thanx for your advice
Jan 7, 2008
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No problem friend, the weather here is kind of crazy too. I live in California in the Bay and in summer it can be over 100 degrees and in the winter it can drop to below 30! I was very worried about my pond doing well in that weather, because a few nights the water in our hot tub had half an inch of ice over it! but i have a constant circulation of water and a stream that breaks the surface tension of the water, so no ice yet. I also put a small tube heater in the pond in case it got too cold for my fancy goldfish. The heaters only good for 50 gallons and my pond is quite a bit more than that, but I assume it offers some degree of comfort in all the cold? Good luck with your fish!

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