Good homes needed for Golden Rudd

Jul 18, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Hello to all

I've recently joined this excellent Garden Pond Forum and have made my introductions and had a warm welcome from many members in the relevant sub-forum.

I have a major overstocking problem with about 30 five to six inch Golden Rudd that need good homes.

I'm based in Cardiff (Wales) (Junction 30 M4) and if there are any forum members who would like to have a minimum of six of these beautiful shoaling fish please get in touch. It would be a case of 'come and collect' from me personally.

For those of you who are unaware these somewhat skittish fish do not suffer from ailments like white-spot, carp-pox etcetera, but can suffer from calcium deficiencies that cause their spines to deform (its quite rare in Rudd though, unlike the larger Golden Orfe where it's more common).

I'd be very pleased to hear from anyone in south-east Wales (40 minutes drive-time maximum) who may be interested or want more information.

Thanks / Diolch

Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Sadly I'm at my limit for koi so rudd would be too much for my system.
What do you use to bulster your Kh Pwll we ue Lithaqua and didnt have that problem with the huge golden orfe I gave away last year .
If you've not heard of it its made by kusuri [local company based in Devon that now exports world wide].
If you dont know what it is , its calcified seaweed and does a better job in my view than the Oyster shell we used to use.
Have you asked any aquatic outlets if they would like any ?

Jul 18, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Hello Dave

I understand, Rudd don't travel that well that's why I chose 40 minute drive-time from where I am.
I must admit I haven't been adding any Kh, but probably should have over the years. I'd not heard of
Lithaqua but will now try it, many thanks for the helpful I advice, I knew you'd have lots of good suggestions!

I managed to get six sold to one aquatics outlet last summer, but they said they can't buy any from me at present.
I just want them to have a good home and happy to give them away to genuine pond-keepers - I've been warned not to sell them
privately using classified ads or Gumtree/Ebay etcetera, apparently course fishermen buy them and use them as live bait for Perch and Pike.

Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Hello Dave

I understand, Rudd don't travel that well that's why I chose 40 minute drive-time from where I am.
I must admit I haven't been adding any Kh, but probably should have over the years. I'd not heard of
Lithaqua but will now try it, many thanks for the helpful I advice, I knew you'd have lots of good suggestions!

I managed to get six sold to one aquatics outlet last summer, but they said they can't buy any from me at present.
I just want them to have a good home and happy to give them away to genuine pond-keepers - I've been warned not to sell them
privately using classified ads or Gumtree/Ebay etcetera, apparently course fishermen buy them and use them as live bait for Perch and Pike.

I used to be a mass nurderer of fish Pwll I worked on deep sea trawlers after my stint in the Navy then my legs went because of a bike crash in 83 , we started fishkeeping 28 years ago and founded the Plymouth and district koi keepers society with another chap and Val after talking about it and thrashing out some ideas with Steve who then became our first chairman after meeting him at a fish shop that the sheriff of Devon had seized .
At the initial meeting we had 11 or so members now around 50 families , there are three original members left Val I and another chap who doesnt come to meeting shos or anything .

Jul 18, 2015
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
I used to be a mass nurderer of fish Pwll I worked on deep sea trawlers after my stint in the Navy then my legs went because of a bike crash in 83 , we started fishkeeping 28 years ago and founded the Plymouth and district koi keepers society with another chap and Val after talking about it and thrashing out some ideas with Steve who then became our first chairman after meeting him at a fish shop that the sheriff of Devon had seized .
At the initial meeting we had 11 or so members now around 50 families , there are three original members left Val I and another chap who doesnt come to meeting shos or anything .

Blimey, I take my hat off to you Dave, deep sea trawler fishermen are a rare and very brave breed of men. Very sorry to hear of your bike accident in 83 - a life changing event no doubt. I've had a look at your society website and love many of the pond pictures, if I get to build another pond it's definitely going to have those glass viewing panels!

Who is this 'Sheriff of Devon', sounds like a nasty piece of work to me!!!
Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
LOL the sheriff of devon is a strange sort of thing I dont know if they have them elsware in the UK or not but basically once the baliffs have gained entry to a propperty then the sheriff sets about raising money from the stock therin to pay off the debtors debt to the creditors he does this by selling everything in the shop
Anyone who goes to sea be it on any type of ship takes a risk, the same as on the trawlers.
You have to be aware of everything going on around you at all times as one slight laps can see you either maimed for life with the loss of fingers. thumbs, hands, arms even legs , worst case senario death .
I was in hospital having my fourth knee operation when a crab fiserman from Newlyn was brought in minus everything but one finger and a thumb , the rest had been torn from him when he got his hand caught in a bight of rope , the gruesome thing was he had photo's of what his hand looked like prior to the prettying the wound up [it'd put you of lunch thats for sure].
Glad you like the website just sorry it isnt as interactive as of yet .


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