Skimmer "pre-filter"?


Aug 5, 2010
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Hardiness Zone
Our pond is up, running, and as of today, it has totally cleared! The pea soup is gone, and I can see all the way to the bottom. Hallelujah!

However, we have a situation that has been really frustrating the past couple weeks. We have several large maple trees, which I know in the fall will necessitate our putting netting over the pond until the leaves have all fallen. That was a given. But.....right now, it's the neighbor's nasty elm trees that are causing us misery. They are such crappy trees anyway (Dutch Elm disease), constantly dropping branches and twigs every time the wind blows. We have had several very windy, rainy days the past couple weeks, and it looks literally like it's snowing out with all the leaves falling. Of course, they all seem to land in our pond. The skimmer does its job, but does it so well that about 4 times in the past 2 weeks we've gone out to hear the pump struggling for water because the skimmer pad/basket has filled with leaves to the point that water is not passing through to the pump side of the skimmer properly. It's just a matter of checking frequently during a windy day and cleaning as needed. But husband is concerned about what could happen when we go on vacation. We don't really have anybody who can watch it while we're gone. He feels we should make some type of contraption to put IN FRONT of the skimmer to keep the leaves out so we can see it right away and more easily dispose of the leaves. I feel that is preventing the skimmer from doing its job. But he is concerned about burning out the pump (and rightly so). This usually only happens for several weeks this time of year until all the loose leaves come down. We had the same problem when we had our swimming pool, and it does eventually stop for the most part.

I know they make leaf nets that go INSIDE a skimmer, but he thinks it should be outside. His thinking is that if we only make it several inches tall, then water could still get in the skimmer UNDER the contraption if it fills with leaves, keeping the pump safe longer than if we let them all go into the skimmer.

I hope I'm making sense. We are going back and forth about the whole purpose of the skimmer. I say it's doing its job, and he says yes, it is, but we have to protect the pump in case we are not here when this happens. Of course, somebody would still have to be here to clean out the "contraption" that keeps the leaves out of the skimmer. But he says it might just buy us some time.

H E L P !




Mar 3, 2011
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Louisville KY
Hardiness Zone
United States
I have the same problem at times with the river birch tree that is right by my pond. I just got back from vacation and the skimmer was full and the pump was sucking air at b/c the water in the back of the skimmer was down to the bottom b/c of the reduced flow from the basket being full. This year for some reason seems to be worse than others with the leaves falling, not sure if its b/c we have not gotten much rain lately or what. You could always put the net over the pond when you go on vacation and take it off other days. Or you could try putting a net on the outside right in front of the skimmer but would still allow the water to pass through I have done this in the fall with mixed success. You could also put a "Y" in your pipe that goes from your skimmer to the pump so that your pump is pulling water from the skimmer and then the other part could be pulling it from a pipe in the pond you could also install a bottom drain on that pipe, without cutting the liner or digging up the bottom of the pond to install it. It is one that lays on the bottom and the pipe goes up along the bottom then the side to the other end of the Y. put ball valves on each inlet of the Y and you can control where you are pulling the water from, either skimmer or bottom drain pipe. Someone on here made one of those bottom drains I just can't remember who it was. Hope this makes sense.

I feel your pain my wife emptied the basket yesterday and I had to do it again tonight.


Dec 15, 2008
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Michigan zone 5b
I agree with your hubby on a "cage" in front of the door for when your going to be gone for a few days. like some rigid Tenax hardware netting. its as simple as a 6" strip that creates a fenced in area in front of skimmer door ... put it so youve got a couple inches of fence above water and maybe 4 or 5 under water. make the fence to create maybe an 18" 'out from the skimmer' area.
even if the entire fencing gets full and clogged the skimmer will still pull water from inside the fenced area. heres a sloppy drawing but it gives an idea of what i'm saying.
it would be an easy build to make a removable framed "fence" for this purpose.

6-26-2013 5;34;52 AM.jpg


Aug 5, 2010
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Hardiness Zone
Nov 22, 2012
Reaction score
W. Michigan
That is in the back of my mind also...water flow. I've only had the basket in place a couple weeks after deciding that the wire mesh I was using to hold quilt batting in front of the skimmer may not be good to leave soaking in the water so much (batting is only in now if the water gets cloudy but its been staying very clear). I've also tossed around in my mind if I am effectively going against the point of the skimmer by having the crate full of plants in front of it. However I am still pulling debris from the leaf net in the skimmer and the brushes are still having no problem collecting algae and bio material. My thought was that the water would flow through and around the crate and plant roots for added filtration/cleaning like I have setup in my biofalls but my thinking may not be correct (new pond keeper here...first to admit). Maybe I should move the crate out a little bit so more water can flow in but I haven't seen any real issue or change lately. The basket is not densely over grown at this point but could become that way creating flow restrictions. Would love to have some others weigh in on this topic.

Now that I think about it my floating water lettuce had accumulated around the sides of the basket so I need to move those back away, I will have to do some adjusting with my placement I think.


Aug 5, 2010
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Hardiness Zone
TekWarren said:
That is in the back of my mind also...water flow. I've only had the basket in place a couple weeks after deciding that the wire mesh I was using to hold quilt batting in front of the skimmer may not be good to leave soaking in the water so much (batting is only in now if the water gets cloudy but its been staying very clear). I've also tossed around in my mind if I am effectively going against the point of the skimmer by having the crate full of plants in front of it. However I am still pulling debris from the leaf net in the skimmer and the brushes are still having no problem collecting algae and bio material. My thought was that the water would flow through and around the crate and plant roots for added filtration/cleaning like I have setup in my biofalls but my thinking may not be correct (new pond keeper here...first to admit). Maybe I should move the crate out a little bit so more water can flow in but I haven't seen any real issue or change lately. The basket is not densely over grown at this point but could become that way creating flow restrictions. Would love to have some others weigh in on this topic.

Now that I think about it my floating water lettuce had accumulated around the sides of the basket so I need to move those back away, I will have to do some adjusting with my placement I think.
I did notice that when I pulled the basket out just an inch or two from the skimmer, the flow drastically improved. Give it a try. The leaves have not been coming down as much lately, so I don't have anything in there right now. I'm hopeful that during vacation we will be alright. I may just do as koiguy suggested above during vacation, just in case the leaves come again. It would keep them out for the week, and I could deal with them when we return home.

As a side note, how do you like your brushes? I have a mat, no brushes. And I do not have a leaf net either. Wasn't sure if I wanted to plunk down the money for the leaf net and brushes if they did nothing more than the mat does. If the net prevents the mat from clogging so quickly, that might be worth the money. I could probably figure out a DIY net and brushes, but I don't have much time lately it seems.
Nov 22, 2012
Reaction score
W. Michigan
I don't know anything different than the leaf net and brushes, they where in place when we bought the house last fall. They are both very effective and I can't say I have any frustrations with the setup. The skimmer dumps water directly into/through the leaf net, any larger debri gets sucked down into the bottom of the net between the force of the water flowing into the skimmer and the pull of the pump so I've never seen a water flow problem in that stage. Directly adjacent are the row of brushes. I typically pull them out to rinse 2 maybe 3 times a week. They collect algae, bio matter, and any small stuff that gets past the net. I think I have 5 brushes that hang from a plastic dowel of sorts. I just pull the whole thing up, spray off with the hose, and replace.

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