Using Potassium Permanganate on new pond plants


Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
What is the proper procedure for using PP on new pond plants before adding them to the pond?

  • where can you buy it
  • precautions to use
  • how much to use
  • is it a liquid or a powder
  • how to measure it
  • how much water to put it in
  • how long to keep the plants submerged
  • rinsing plants after the soak
  • what "bugs" does it eliminate
  • what "bugs" does it NOT eliminate
  • are there any plants that won't tolerate PP
  • alternative treatments for those plants
  • any other helpful information on the use of this chemical

Did some web searches, but most of what I found had to do with using it in the pond -- I want to know about the dips or baths that are JUST for plants, and mostly I'd like to hear what YOU GUYS do, and what works best.

The further I get into this hobby, the more paranoid I become when it comes to protecting my fishy environment......
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
Turtle Mommy,

This is the information that I found on the web. I clipped out the specific section regarding the dip but there is more info available so I also included the link below.


Potassium Permanganate Dip

The first dip is milder and safer for the plants. It is a Potassium Permanganate dip. Potassium Permanganate is available at Sear's and Ace Hardware in the area where they sell water softener's and supplies. You can also purchase Potassium Permanganate from chemical supply companies, both local and online.

To prepare a disinfectant dip, use a bucket filled about 1/2 full of water. Add enough Potassium Permanganate to color the water a dark pink. This solution can be saved if covered, and it's a great way to store your nets and tools, soaking the this solution. Back to the dipping. To disinfect and kill most algae a 10-20 minute dip (more like bath) in Potassium Permanganate is very effective. Rinse the plants under tap water thoroughly and add dechlor to your neutralizes Potassium Permanganate too.

CAUTION: Potassium Permanganate is a strong powerful oxidizer. Treatment should be made outside the will kill your bio-filter. Like all chemicals you should wear protective eye wear and gloves. Potassium Permanganate will stain clothing, carpeting, skin, etc. Never combine Potassium Permanganate and Formalin, this will result in explosive results and dangerous gases.

Bleach (Chlorine) Dip

This is a more effective and sure-fire way to kill algae. It is also very easy to kill the plant in the process. Regular household bleach (i.e. Clorox) is diluted to a 5% (19 parts water to 1 part bleach) solution in a bucket. It's good to have a second bucket filled with rinse water containing 3X the normal dechlor. Dip large leaf plants for 3 minutes, immediately move to the dechlor rinse water, then rinse under running tap water for a few seconds, if you still smell chlorine, repeat the rinse process again. For small delicate leaf plants and mosses dip for only 2 minutes in the bleach. To be safe, add dechlor to the tank after adding the plants back. Also, if your dipping a lot of plants you may need to add more dechlor to your rinse water.

Remember, the bleach dip is a last resort solution. It can and may kill your plants! Use the same caution handling bleach as recommended for Potassium Permanganate.

Alum Dip

The Alum dip is more for killing microscopic bugs. Use at 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. Soak the plant for at least an hour, longer soaks of 2 to 3 days are needed to kill snails and snail eggs. For snails and snails eggs a 2-3 hour soak in a stronger solution of 3 tablespoons per gallon of water is a better choice. Alum isn't nearly as effective as the prior two for killing algae. Alum is aluminum sulfate and Alum USP can be obtained from a compounding pharmacy or grocery stores. (It's usually with the spices, herbs and pickling supplies). already have snails? No problem, don't panic... buy 2 or 3 small puffer loaches and they'll take care of the snails and the eggs in short order.

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