Aquatic plants for new pond

Jun 7, 2019
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United States
I am starting a new pond about 1000 gallons in volume depth about 28". It's not a new build but a complete cleanout and repair of a 30 year old pond. I am located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA.

Planning to add fish to it gradually, right now it has nothing except tadpoles after rain filled it up for 2 days, the frogs are quick to come back, and I saw a few blue crabs crawling around.

The pond previously had no plant except some taros along the edges, but we are planning to add aquatic plants to it. Would love some recommendations of the type of plants that will work where we are (zone 10b). So far we are thinking some lillies (not sure what kind), around the edges some walking irises, the taros that were there was fine, but the iguanas came one day and completely ate them all up, and then a few weeks they grew back, and another iguana visit the leaves were all gone again, so 90% of the time we just had the leafless stems.

I was talking to someone who is an expert in palms, and he mentioned a palm called the lipstick palm (Cyrtostachys renda) that is a clustering palm with slender red trunks. It originated in Malaysia, Borneo, Thailand in swampy and tidal areas. He said this may work submerged in a shallow pond. Thoughts? Will this work if I set it in a pot, and have it submerged say 12" or so in water?


I am also looking for vendors in the south Florida area that specialized in aquatic plants. To my surprises I haven't found one yet. There are a few general garden centers, with a small corner for aquatic plants, and they sell only lillies. If you know of any nurseries in SF with a good selection of aquatic please point me in their directions.


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