Something is destroying my ceramic koi

Apr 3, 2020
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United States
A couple of weeks ago, I put six 3-4 inch ceramic koi (given to me by my m-i-l) in my very little pond. I also bought a sweet flag plant and put it in the pond. Three days ago something got in my pond and broke one of the fish and two others came up missing. It also uprooted the sweet flag and knocked several of the river rock, lining the sides, into the pool.

This morning when I checked, it apparently came back. The sweet flag was about half uprooted (I have no dirt in the pool, only some river rocks and a little kitty litter for the sweet flag). The water was still a little murky. One of the koi was split in half and one was laying in a hole in a man made rock propped on the lid of the filter box (completely out of the water). Some of the rocks had again been disturbed.

I'm not sure what it could be? I've been here in this house 18-19 years, but it is in a forest setting (my subdivision is surrounded by ponderosa forest). My property is completely fenced off and we are bordered by the highway.

I'm thinking possibly a racoon, although I have never seen one here. Possibly an owl? Last year, I did see an outline of a large owl in the twilight sky line, the only time I've ever seen an owl.


May 15, 2019
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Hardiness Zone
United States
Agree with raccoon. When I had shallow ponds, they would get in there at night; turn plants and stuff over and muck everything up trying to catch what they could. Although, one time I did catch the neighbor's lab as he jumped in and turned stuff over during the day.
Apr 3, 2020
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United States
I think I've had this happen once or twice last year and asked about it? Don't rightly remember.

Is there a couple of suggestions and options as far as a "game camera" to check into? Still photo option or video option?

My kids did give me a night infrared (I think) pair of binoculars last year. I did use them some, but never did see anything looking from my porch area to the pond (30 to 40 yards). It's getting warm enough that maybe I can sit outside with them now? Sorry for the rambling.
Jun 22, 2011
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Hardiness Zone
United States
I've got 2 trailcams set up to monitor the deer movement through my yard. I have it set to take 3 pics upon sensor activation. Gives me an idea which direction, how many, and what time so I can figure out how to protect my hostas! Should work for you. You can also set it to record video, too. I have a bushnell and the other I can't remember the brand.

@addy1 has cams set up and monitors all sorts of critters. Maybe she can chime in (there's that chime thing again, addy!) and tell you how she does it/which brands she has.


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
@addy1 has cams set up and monitors all sorts of critters. Maybe she can chime in (there's that chime thing again, addy!) and tell you how she does it/which brands she has.
I have 32 cams watching the yard, only two watch the drive way for "people" and cars. We are in a isolated enough little neighborhood nothing much happens here so far. One way in and out. A long drive that goes past our two neighbors that pay a lot of attention. Boxes can sit outside for days and they are never swiped.

Yes I see a lot of nature on the cams. I had to change over from q-see to Lorex. q-see went out of business, which took away the ability to see when not at home. The lorex system is NVR ethernet cables rather than coax cables which seem to fail a lot. Very high def. I also set it up with switches, down by the pond I have 8 cams plugged into the switch with only one cable coming into the house. Also a switch in the basement which is for cams that watch the bees yard etc. The last switch will watch the front of the house. So 32 cams only three lines coming into the house. Still have a few more to set up, it is a process.

The ability to watch when not at home has saved our ponds a few times. Something plugs the output of one of the many ponds and opps a leak. I call my neighbor she comes over and I can watch her and direct her as to what to look for. One time we left and the pond dropped a foot overnight. A apple plugged the output. Screened now...........

She also opened up the hive exits when we had almost 4 feet of snow and that snow came off the shop roof and plugged the exits. We were in AZ selling my house there. Again a save due to cams.

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