Spring Has Sprung

Oct 6, 2015
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Houston TX
Hardiness Zone
United States
In south Texas that is......

Temperatures in Houston Texas have been in the 60s and 70s for the past couple days. We did dip down below freezing early last week and have another cold front pushing through in a few days that will get us back into the upper 40s but I am thinking we are done with the freezing weather this year. In total for the year we only had 3 freezes. A hard freeze in late October, and 2 light freezes in January. I spent Saturday and Sunday cleaning out debris and overgrowth from both of my ponds to get ready for spring. I'm not cutting back too many plants or re-potting lilies yet, just in case old man winter decides to show up one last time. But the ponds are getting prepared non the less so that I can focus on the vegetable garden once all freezes are 100% in the rear view mirror.

Best surprise I found during my clean out was in my front yard tropical pond where I found that half a dozen platy's that did not make it to the inside tank survived the winter along with a deep red male sword tail. I honestly think that I am looking forward to getting that pond started back up more than my large goldfish pond.

Any Floridians or other Deep Southerner's getting ready for spring?

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