Vengeance a Pirate's Tale

Feb 6, 2010
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“That makes me feel a lot better Andreas.” Shayla said and smiled. Batu looked at Felipe and rolled his eyes, Felipe just shrugged and smiled.
Andreas looked at his cup and said, “Well, it appears that someone has drunk my rum, I must get some more.” he got up and walked back to the pavilion.
Little by little, the men all went to the barracks and Andreas, Felipe and Batu were left sitting by the fire. Felipe spoke, “So Batu, are you ready for this?”
Batu looked at him and said, “You have seen the scars on my back have you not? They would bullwhip us simply because they got drunk and wanted to show off in front of their friends. They sold my children and raped my wife. Do you think that you are the only one who wants justice Felipe?”
“Exactly why I chose you my friend. Few hate the Spaniards as much as slaves do.” Felipe said.
“Former slaves, but now free men.” Batu said and raised his cup.
“Free men.” Felipe and Andreas said, they clicked their cups together and drank the rest of their rum.
Andreas said, “Well, we have a long voyage before us. I am going to get some sleep now, goodnight.” With that he got up and walked toward his hut.
“I think I will turn in as well.” Felipe said.
“Sleep well my friend, we shall have vengeance.” Batu said with a smile. They both walked to their cabins and the night was silent except for the birds calling out.
At Dawn Felipe went to the pavilion to find Andreas drinking coffee and laughing with the men as they traded sea tales. He joined them and ate breakfast. After all had eaten it was time to depart. They kissed and hugged their wives and promised to return. They all walked down to the shore, bid their wives goodbye and swam out to the ship. Ratlines were hung over the rails and they climbed up the lines and then pulled them up.
The women watched from the shore as the well seasoned crew spread out to their positions. The sails on the bowsprit and the mizzenmast were unfurled and the anchors were weighed. The sails were then tacked into position and they snapped into the strong breeze. The mighty ship began a slow turn toward the mouth of the lagoon. Felipe turned the wheel as the men lowered more sails, expertly running up the ratlines to the crow’s nest. They shimmied out on the yardarms and released more sails.
She was under way, Batu joined Felipe at the stern. He looked back at the shore and waved to his wife. Jeanne Pierre walked up and joined them, he removed his hat and waved it at the women. Shayla and the other women waved and shouted from the shore.
“Do not look too long at her messier, it is bad luck. Jeanne Pierre said.
“I will make my own luck. “ Batu said with a smile.
“I like that.” Jeanne Pierre said.
Once clear of the mouth of the lagoon all fourteen sails were deployed and she was under way making good speed. The men were not used to a ship of this size with this much canvas and marveled at her speed. This raised all of their spirits, being able to make good time and fast turns could mean the difference between life and death in a sea battle.
Five days into the journey they reached the shipping lanes. Andreas had used a sextant in the pre dawn darkness and now turned with his compass sailing west toward the mainland. If a ship loaded with gold and silver was leaving the new colonies, they would meet them face to face. Flying a Spanish flag, they had nothing to fear.
At the end of the day they had made no contact and turned back to the east. Inbound ships would not hold precious cargo like gold or silver. They would be laden with flour, salt, cloth and building supplies. These items could be sold but the gold coming from the nearby coast was what they needed to pay the men. They continued to sail west for two days and two nights, then turned back to the east.
Two days later they had still not sighted another ship. Felipe was getting impatient. Andreas explained that it may take weeks to make contact, “It is a large ocean Felipe.” He said. “Voyages to and from Spain take a lot of planning and are not approached lightly. We have only been at sea for nine days and nights now, a ship will come, be patient.”
Again they turned back to the east toward Spain. At dawn on the second day there was a sharp knock on Felipe’s cabin door, “Come” he said.
Jeanne Pierre stepped into the room smiling and said, “Mi Capitan, we have a galleon approaching from the east. She is not riding very low in the water, obviously she is not carrying much cargo.”
Felipe jumped out of bed, hurriedly dressed and pulled on his boots. Together they climbed the stairs and Felipe took his spyglass out and surveyed the ship. He counted the cannons, “She is our equal, she has as many cannons as we do.” He said.
Andreas said, “Yes, but they will think that we are friendly forces, they will not be on their guard. We will run up an escort flag, they will think that we are an escort patrol to guard their entry into port against pirates. Her cannons, shot, powder and small arms will fetch a healthy price, cannons are hard to come by. We will kill all of her men, take her guns and scuttle her.”
Felipe quickly agreed and sent his lieutenants to their stations. The only ones left on deck were wearing the Spanish uniforms. The ship became a flurry of activity, the battle plans were already made and the cannons were loaded with grapeshot. Instead of cannon balls they held hundreds of lead balls the size of grapes. The cannons were packed and raised to their maximum elevation but the doors were left down to avoid arousing suspicion.
They made a wide turn so they could come alongside of her. On board the Luisa Captain Vasquez also eyed the other ship with his spyglass. His first mate Pedro was standing beside him, he said, “She is making a turn to come alongside of us.”
“Yes.” Vasquez said as he continued to look, “She is flying the Spanish flag as well as an escort flag, pirate activity must be very heavy if they are sending escorts out this far.”
“It would be good to have an escort with the princess on board.” Pedro replied.
“Yes, but we still must use caution. She is of our new class, there are no pirate vessels capable of taking such a large ship in battle. She also shows no signs of repair but we still must be on our guard. The princess is in our care. Order men onto the mast platforms with bows and bring half of the crew up on decks. Advise them to be alert”
“Aye Captain.” Pedro said and he wheeled about shouting orders. Men scurried up the rat lines to man the battle platforms on the foremast and the mainmast. Guns were not allowed to be fired from the platforms because sparks could set the sails on fire. They pulled their bows up on ropes and made themselves ready. The deck soon became crowded with soldiers holding small arms.
Feb 6, 2010
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Celeste and Angelica approached Captain Vasquez and looked at the ship approaching. They had not passed any ships and she was curious. When he saw her Vasquez said, “Your highness, I must ask you to go below for your safety until I can determine that everything is safe.”
“Is that not a Spanish flag that they are flying? And is that not a Spanish ship?” she asked.
“Yes, they are flying a Spanish flag and things should be fine, but until I determine their intentions I must ask you to please, go below. I will send for you as soon as we know that it is safe for you to come up.”
“This has been a very long and boring voyage, and now that one of my Father’s ships approaches you wish to send me below?” she asked.
“Please your Highness, just for a few moments. As soon as I ascertain that all is safe I will send for you immediately. I and these men are sworn to protect you.” Vasquez looked at her with a kind smile.
“Very well, I will be waiting.” And with that she turned and went below.
Aboard the Vengeance Andreas saw the other ship taking battle stations, this was unusual for a friendly ship approaching. They were not in a common pirate sloop or a frigate, something told him that there must be something of value on that ship. They turned into the wind and made a long, slow approach to come alongside.
Now on a parallel course they slowly closed the distance until they were twenty feet from her on her starboard side. Andreas was wearing the Captains uniform and went to the rail. Smiling he shouted a friendly greeting. Several of his men smiled and waved as well but most acted as if they were simply going about their business of sailing the ship at close quarters.
“Hola! Andreas said, “How was your journey?”
“Very long and tiring.“ Vasquez replied. “Why are escort ships sailing this far to the east?”
“Pirate activity has been very heavy. They are roaming in bands of four ships and have attacked three ships just this week. The Viceroy has standing orders that all available vessels act as escorts into port, we are the outermost escort. What is your destination?” Andreas continued to smile as he spoke to Vasquez. It seemed to be working, Vasquez was relaxing somewhat.
“Veracruz.” Vasquez replied.
“You still have eight days and nights of voyage until you reach Veracruz. We are carrying extra rations of rum and fresh fruit as ordered. The Viceroy wants to assure that you have a pleasant voyage. Would you care for a few kegs of rum and some bananas?”
A cheer went up from the men on the Luisa and Vasquez smiled and waved his hand at them for silence, “I would be a foolhardy man to turn down such an offer. My men have toiled on this voyage. Yes, we would welcome some rum and fresh fruit.”
“Very well then my friend, stand by.” Andreas shouted. He shouted orders and two of his men went fore and aft with grappling hooks attached to ropes. The ships inched closer as the men aboard the Luisa crowded the rails to secure the ships and take on the supplies. Below decks on the Vengeance the men were peering through the small cracks alongside of the cannon doors. The grappling hooks were their signal, as soon as the hooks were secure on the other ship and the order was given they were to throw the doors open and fire.
Jeanne Pierre was crouching in the middle of the gun deck peering through a crack on a cannon door. All of the men on the gun deck had their eyes on him. As the grappling hooks sailed through the air and looped over the rails of the Luisa he raised his right hand over his head. The men on the cannons were tense and ready. On deck men strained to pull the ships together and they began to move toward each other. When they were at a distance of twelve feet Jeanne Pierre quickly dropped his hand.
There were two men per cannon, one pulled the ropes and the cannon doors slammed open. The others quickly shoved the cannons forward to the stops and dropped in the chocks. The men who had opened and secured the doors touched off the fuses, they were trimmed very short, almost to the cannons.
The men aboard the Luisa were stunned and taken totally by surprise. Mere seconds ago men were smiling at them and offering them rum. Now they stared down the black maws of many cannons aimed right at them, at the rails not the waterline. Before they could even react all of the guns fired at once with a tremendous blast that rocked the Vengeance toward her port side.
The effect of the grapeshot at such a close range was devastating. The wooden rail was blasted away in a rain of splinters and the men standing at the rails were vaporized into a fine, pink spray. The ones at the front were completely blown away from the thighs up and those behind them were mortally wounded, they fell in rows screaming.
Batu, Jeanne Pierre and Ajamu ran up on deck followed by their men. Andreas was on the bow and he quickly vaulted over his handrail followed by his squadron. Batu and his men took the foredeck from the foremast to the mainmast. Jeanne Pierre took his squadron amidships back to the mizzenmast. Felipe and Ajamu stormed the stern with their men.
Men were pouring up the stairs from below decks on the Luisa firing small arms as they came. A hail of arrows was coming from the platforms and fire was being returned on them from the sharpshooters aboard the Vengeance. Men screamed and fell from the platforms as well as the men aboard the Vengeance fell, taking arrows in their chest and necks.
A ferocious battle was under way. The men of the Luisa were caught off guard, the crew of the Vengeance had a tactical advantage as they were spread out evenly along the deck. Still men poured onto the deck, tripping over the bodies of their fallen comrades. Batu looked forward to see that Andreas was being overwhelmed as more men poured out from below. He and his team of men fought their way forward.
Batu was screaming loudly, his face was painted with lines of white war paint. He had a sword in one hand and a machete in the other, he looked very formidable. As the men on the foredeck turned and saw him, they tried to retreat only to be stabbed from behind by Andreas and his men. They did not want to turn their back on Batu and were being cut down from behind as well as from their front. Caught between the two forces the tide turned and the bow of the ship was quickly secured.
“Forward!” Andreas cried and pointed his sword amidships where the main stairwell was. Jeanne Pierre and his squad were in dire straits against a seemingly never ending tide of soldiers that struggled to make it up the stairs. Their small arms exhausted, the men below were trying to storm the decks by the sheer force of their numbers. As soon as a man made it to the top of the stairs Jeanne Pierre would lance him with his sword then kick him down the stairwell impeding their progress.
The men below kept having to drag the dead clear of the stairs before they could advance. When they did, arrows pieced them from the two archers that Jeanne Pierre had stationed on either side of the stairwell. There was much screaming and moaning below decks as men were dying from their wounds.
Andreas and Batu along with their men fought their way amidships and joined Jeanne Pierre and his men, “Let them come up! We cannot kill them down there!” Andreas shouted. Jeanne Pierre and his archers stepped aside and men came running up the stairs into a waiting circle of men from the Vengeance. Surrounded as they were, they still came up and fought bravely.
On the stern Felipe and Ajamu also faced many men pouring up the stairwell. No ship should have this many soldiers thought Felipe but he did not care. He was a madman, slashing and thrusting, killing them as fast as they approached. He surged forward into a group of them as Ajamu’s men flanked them from both sides. The battle was fierce but Felipe and Ajamu’s hatred of the Spaniards was fuel on the fire.
The Spaniards had been taken by surprise and they fought because it was their duty. Felipe and his men had revenge and a lot of hate in their hearts, they fought much more fiercely. Soon the tide of men coming up the stairs slowed and then stopped. What remained of them were formed in a tight group against the starboard rail. The onslaught continued and soon there were only three left.
Felipe screamed out, “Get back! They are mine!”
His men stood back and Felipe quickly lanced one of them in the side of his neck. The man went down and he turned his blade on the remaining two. One was wearing a lieutenants uniform and he got behind the last remaining man holding him in front of him as a shield. With his arms held he was killed quickly and fell to the deck.
The remaining man dropped his sword and raised his hands, “I surrender.“ he said.
“There is no surrender and there will be no quarter given, pick up your weapon!” Felipe told him.
“I surrender, you would not kill an unarmed man would you?” the man pleaded.
“My father was unarmed when the Spaniards killed him. This is for my father!” He drove his blade deep into the man’s heart and quickly withdrew it. The man clenched his chest and Felipe kicked him hard in the center of his chest sending him over the rail splashing into the sea. Felipe wheeled around breathing hard. He had the look of a wild man as he whirled his head around looking for more of the enemy. There were none, the sounds of battle were all but gone. A few men still screamed on the bow.
Felipe called out, “Ajamu! Take your men forward! The rest of you follow me below decks. They ran down the stairs to the gun deck and he looked forward. Jeanne Pierre and his men stood amidships. The gun deck was littered with dead Spaniards. Jeanne Pierre removed his hat and made a deep, sweeping bow.
“The ship is ours Felipe.” he said.
“Down below to the cargo deck, let us make sure that none are still alive!” Felipe said.
The men went below and did find several men hiding among the cargo, there was no mercy for cowards. Satisfied that the ship was secure, Felipe went back up to the stern and Ajamu came up to him, “Felipe, this you must see for yourself.” he said.
They walked forward where all of the men were gathered taunting someone. He made his way through them and saw Batu with his back to him standing several feet in front of his men. As he stepped around him he saw two, finely dressed women. One had long, curly blonde hair and held a bloody sword out in front of her. The other was slightly taller with brown hair and she held a black horse by its reins.
He turned to his men and said, “All of you men cannot subdue two women?”
“She is pretty good.” Andreas said, “She cut Batu’s ear off.”
Felipe wrinkled his brow and looked at Batu, sure enough his right ear was shaved off cleanly against his head. He had a very angry look about him as Felipe studied his wound. His deep voice boomed out, “I have never killed a woman, but this may well be my first.” He glared at the woman with the sword.
Feb 6, 2010
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Felipe slid his sword into his scabbard and stepped forward. The woman with the golden hair took a stance with her sword. She did look like she was very familiar with a blade.
“Please, drop your weapon.” he said.
“I am the Princess Celeste, daughter of Philip the third, the King of Spain. You will release us and get off of this ship!” she said.
A loud laugh went up from the crew and Felipe waved his hand to silence them, “If we chose to get off of this ship, which we do not, who is going to sail it, you? All of your men are dead. If you truly are who you say you are, you will fetch a fine ransom indeed.”
Felipe turned to his men, “Spread out to the sides along the rails.”
As they did they revealed the deck which was littered with dead Spanish soldiers. Other than Felipe and his crew there was not a man left alive on the deck. Felipe turned back to her and said, “Again I will ask you to drop your weapon.”
“Never!” She replied, “I would rather die on this ship. Another ship will come along and rescue us.”
Felipe studied her, she was strikingly beautiful. Her long hair blew in the wind and her green eyes blazed at him with determination. He was not prepared for this and he thought for a moment.
“You do not understand princess. After we unload everything of value from this ship we are going to scuttle her and send her to the bottom. I intend to place two kegs of gunpowder in her hold beneath the water line and blow a hole the size of that sail in her.” he pointed at the mainsail. “She will sink very quickly. We are days from land and as soon as we start throwing these dead men overboard, these waters will teem with sharks. Again, drop your weapon.”
“You would not dare to do such a thing, my horse would drown” she said defiantly, but Felipe saw the shadow of doubt creeping into her eyes.
“As will you drown if you are not eaten by a shark first. Again, drop your weapon.”
She stared at him defiantly and did not lower her sword.
“Very well then, have it your way princess.” He turned and shouted, “Throw these Spanish dogs over the side so we can unload this ship!” he turned and walked away.
The women were horrified as men grabbed the dead bodies by their feet and hands and swung them, tossing them over the side. Even before the deck was cleared, just as Felipe had said, the sharks were converging and feeding wildly on the dead bodies, shaking their heads as they ripped them apart. The water was turning red around the ship.
Men formed a chain, grunting and sweating as they passed the cannons up the stairs and lined them amidships on the Vengeance. Then a chain of men passed the many cannon balls and kegs of gunpowder across the decks. Very soon they were removing the small arms and what food and other supplies they wanted. When several large trunks were brought up Celeste shouted,
“Stop! Those are my clothes!”
Felipe replied, “Yes, I looked at them and fine clothes they are. They will fetch a good price also. Besides, you will not be needing them. What little the sharks leave the crabs will feast on tonight as you sleep on the bottom.”
Again she said, “You would not dare.”
Felipe just smiled, turned around and went below. He came back up with Batu who had a keg of gunpowder with a hole knocked in it. Batu shook the keg as he walked backwards leaving a thick trail of black powder on the deck. He smiled at the princess as he did this. They made the trail all the way to the side of the ship then jumped onto the Vengeance.
Felipe lit a cigar and puffed on it until the end glowed orange. He blew the ashes off of the end and looked at her, “This is your last chance princess.”
“You go to hell!” she said.
“You first.” Felipe said. He slowly lowered the cigar toward the trail of black powder as he looked at her.
She watched him until the cigar was one inch from the powder and then shouted “Wait! We are coming.”
“Drop your weapon first.” Felipe said. She gave him a withering look and let it clatter to the deck.
Felipe withdrew the cigar. Celeste took the horses reins from Angelica and pointed at a small cage. Angelica took the cage and climbed on board the Vengeance. Celeste swung her leg over the side of her horse and wheeled his head walking it toward the far rail. There was not much distance for the horse to gather the speed to jump the rail. She turned the horse and leaned forward, whispering in his ear as she scratched his neck. She sat up and gave the horse his head. She kicked him hard and shouted at him “Go Fiero!” The horse thundered across the deck and jumped, clearing the rail easily and clattered to a stop on the deck. She then wheeled him around, pet his neck and dismounted.
Angelica took her horse and the princess went to the small cage and opened it. She made a clicking sound and wiggled her fingers at the opening. A small brown monkey with a long tail leaped into her arms and quickly scurried up onto her shoulder. It bared its teeth at Felipe.
“Very well done.” Felipe said ignoring the monkey.”



Ten men held the ships together as the grappling hooks were taken loose. Felipe puffed again on his cigar and touched it to the line of black powder. It lit and hissed, throwing sparks as it burned brightly along the deck. They pushed the ships apart as the fiery line made its way down the stairs. Quickly tacking the sails on the foremast, the Vengeance nosed away from the Luisa.
There was a huge explosion and a large geyser of water erupted from her starboard side high into the air. The ship rocked port side for a moment and then rocked back up straight. She quickly began to keel over onto her side and settle deeper into the water. Air rushed out of the hatches from below as tons of seawater rushed into the huge hole.
When her starboard rail met the water she righted herself and settled down upright, her masts slipping beneath the surface. Felipe took his pistol and as the mainmast slipped beneath the surface he shot a hole in the center of the flapping Spanish flag. His men cheered. He just looked at the princess and then turned away.
“Batu, Ajamu, take them to my quarters and stand guard over them.” He said pointing at the women. He then shouted to the rest of the men, “Bring the wounded there, the most critical first.” he turned and went to check on his men.
Felipe and Andreas moved about the men checking their wounds. Several were severe, many more would loose a hand or fingers. Several had arrows impaled in them and there were also gunshot wounds. They laid them out in the order of their severity and had the men fashion a stretcher. The first man was brought down to Felipe’s cabin.
Celeste and Angelica were sitting in chairs at the table and he gently asked them to please move. He cleared the table quickly and the wounded man was laid upon the table. He had an arrow sticking out of his chest at a upward angle. Andreas came into the room with the surgeons satchel and placed it on the table.
He gave the man several strong drinks of rum and waited a few minutes. A stick was then placed into his mouth and Andreas took the arrow removing tool from the bag. It resembled a pair of scissors with a hollow tube in the center. He sawed the arrow off several inches from the mans chest and discarded the fletching. The man groaned as he bit on the stick.
“Brace yourself my friend.” Andreas said gently. He slid the hollow tube down over the shaft of the arrow and onto the wound. The man groaned loudly and began to flinch. Andreas had Batu hold his arms over his head and hold him still. Felipe held the mans legs. He moved the scissor tips close together and slid them down into the wound along the shaft. The man screamed loudly and continued to bite on the stick.
Andreas felt the tips hit the edge of the arrows bladed tip. He gently tapped and pivoted the tips until he found the flat back edges of the tip. He then opened the scissor tips by spreading his fingers out in the holes on the handle. This opened the flesh and allowed the arrow to be pulled out. The man spit the stick out and breathed heavily. Andreas bound the wound tightly with a clean dressing and bandage.
Felipe asked Batu to please start a fire in the small stove.
“It is much too hot in here for a fire.” the princess said.
Felipe just looked at her and said nothing. Batu soon had a fire burning in the stove. Five more men with arrows were brought in and the procedure was repeated. The last man had the arrow imbedded deep in his back. Andreas struggled to remove it but it was lodged into the bone of his spine. He and Felipe both tried pulling at the same time and when the arrow finally gave, the man let out a loud gasp and stopped breathing. Felipe rolled him over and closed the man’s eyes looking down at him.
“Must we witness this?” Celeste asked.
“These are my men and they come first to me. This is the cleanest area of the ship. I will ask you not to interrupt us again.” Felipe replied.
The men continued to come in, one had his hand severed, it was only hanging on by a piece of skin. Andreas laid a flat instrument with a wooden handle in the fire and quickly cut the small piece of flesh that was still attached, he then dropped the hand into a bucket. It landed with a dull thud and the women averted their eyes. They had no pity for these pirates at first, but as the men continued to come in and as they saw their suffering and the gentle way that Andreas and Felipe cared for them they began to see them as just men who were in pain.
Andreas had Batu hold the mans arm down and went to the hearth. The flat sided instrument was now orange hot and glowed, “Prepare yourself.” Andreas said and he held the hot iron against the stump. The flesh sizzled and popped as the smoke rose. The smell of burning flesh filled the room and the man screamed loudly. Once the wound was cauterized the bleeding stopped. Andreas then bound the stump in bandages.
Jeanne Pierre walked into the room and said that there were no more wounded.
“Batu, sit down.” Andreas said gently, “Brace yourself.” Batu sat facing Celeste and once again the instrument was taken out of the fire. The hot orange steel was pressed against the side of his head cauterizing the wound where his ear had been. Batu winced but did not blink, he stared at Celeste who turned her head.
“I need a drink.” Andreas said.
“Make that two.” Batu replied.
“Three” said Felipe, “Would the ladies care for some brandy?” he asked looking at them.
“I would.” Angelica said, “After seeing all of that I could use a drink to settle my nerves.”
“Princess?” Felipe inquired as he smiled at her.
“No thank you.” she replied icily.
Felipe poured them all some brandy and they drank. Andreas collapsed into a chair and wiped the sweat from his brow. Jeanne Pierre offered him a clean white handkerchief which he took and patted his forehead. Felipe extinguished the fire and poured another brandy for everyone.
Felipe sipped his brandy and looked at the women, “I will offer you the comfort of the sofas in my cabin tonight if you wish. I trust that you will not try to slit my throat as I sleep.”
“I would rather just sleep on the deck.” the princess said as she stared at him.
“As you wish, the deck is hard and the sofas are soft but I will provide you some blankets. It gets cold on the deck at night.”
“Have them brought up to us.” she said as she rose and walked toward the door.
“Princess?” Felipe said, She turned around and he continued, “You have no servants here. The blankets are in that cabinet if you want them.”
She turned back around and walked out of the door with Angelica following her. Angelica looked back at the cabin and had a concerned look on her face, “Perhaps we should have stayed in the cabin, we will surely be raped by all of those men if we are up one the decks alone.”
Celeste stopped and looked at her, “They would not dare rape the heir to the throne, my father would have them all tortured slowly.” she said.
“Your father is not here, we are. And if you have not noticed, these men do not recognize the throne nor do they have any respect or fear of it. Think about it, over a hundred men, pirates! And here we are, two attractive women alone at sea on this ship with them. Surely they will take turns ravaging us all night.” Angelica said.
The princess had no reply, but she did look concerned. She turned and went out onto the deck.
Feb 6, 2010
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The men sat drinking their brandy and Andreas said to Felipe “The man at the rail who surrendered, I do not think that you should have killed him.”
“He was a coward, he hid behind his men and then dropped his sword. Beside that, he held allegiance to the King and I swore before God that I would kill every soldier who holds allegiance to the King.”
Andreas sipped his brandy and looked at it for a moment, “Yes, he was a coward, but when he dropped his weapon he also dropped his allegiance and will to fight for the King. I do not think that we should kill unarmed men who are surrendering. That does not sit well with me, we are not murderers. We should put them in lifeboats and let the sea have it’s way with them.” He looked at Felipe.
Felipe thought for a moment and said, “You are right, we will just put them in lifeboats from now on if they surrender. The sea is relentless and they will probably die anyway.”
“But it will not be by our hand.” Andreas said.
Felipe had the Captain’s chest from the Luisa brought in and Andreas easily picked the lock. There was a box of fine cigars, some brandy and another smaller strongbox full of reales, pearls and assorted gemstones.
Felipe looked at Jeanne Pierre and said, “Count these please and distribute them among the crew. Make sure that the men know that none of them are to touch the women, they are to treat them with the greatest of respect”. Jeanne Pierre counted the coins on the table and separated the pearls and gemstones. He slid Felipe, Andreas and Batu’s share toward them and pocketed his own. He then excused himself and went up on the deck.
Felipe looked at his two companions, “It was a good day.” he said.
“A very good day, we killed many Spaniards today.” Batu smiled.
“I knew there were far too many soldiers on that ship for a normal compliment.” Andreas said, “They were there to guard the princess, a lot of good it did her.” he smiled.
“Yes, and she will bring a fine ransom.” Felipe said. “Now, I am hungry, let us go to the galley.” They got up and went to eat supper.
Jeanne Pierre moved about the ship paying each man his share and promising them there would be much more to come once the cannons were sold. As he approached the two women standing at the stern they had their backs to him talking. He removed his hat and said, “Pardon me.” they turned toward him and immediately stood closer together holding each other for protection.
He looked at them, smiled and said, “There is no reason for you to fear any man on this ship. Felipe has given the strictest orders that you are not to be touched and are to be treated with the utmost of respect. May I offer you something to eat or drink?”
The princess said nothing but Angelica said, “I am a little hungry.”
“Very well.” said Jeanne Pierre with a smile, “Carlos is an excellent cook, I picked him myself. I will have him prepare something for you and have it brought up. Is there anything else I can do to make you more comfortable?”
“No, thank you, you have been very kind.” said Angelica. The princess shot her a steely look.
“I will take my leave of you now, your food will be up soon.” He bowed his head, smiled at Angelica, put his hat on and walked below.
“You have been very kind?” The princess said, “He is a pirate, he too killed our soldiers and kidnapped us. You now tell him that he has been very kind?”
Angelica was excited, “Did you not hear what he said? Felipe has given orders that we are not to be touched and treated with respect. We are safe!” she hugged the princess. She looked toward the stairway, “He is a very striking looking man and very polite, do you not agree?”
“He is a pirate, a rogue and a scoundrel. I do not trust any of them.” the princess said.
“That is not what I asked you.” Angelica smiled, “I said that he is quite a handsome man.”
The princess just shook her head and looked at her, “I do not believe this, here we are kidnapped and you find the time to look at the men.”
Angelica just tilted her head and smiled, “We are safe, your father will pay our ransom and we shall be free.” she stole another glance over the princess’s shoulder toward the stairwell.
After a large hot meal Felipe was tired so he went to his cabin. He thought about the beautiful woman up on the deck. Perhaps he should show that he was a gentleman and just bring her some blankets he thought. But then he knew that she must learn that she was no longer in charge of her destiny, it was time that she learned that he was the Captain of this ship.
He tossed and turned but could not find sleep. He kept thinking about her, seeing her even though his eyes were closed. It had been dark for several hours now and the wind whistled through the rigging. He knew that she had to be very cold up on deck without even a cloak. Finally he sat up and thought for a moment.
He rose, got dressed and gathered an arm full of blankets and two pillows. He walked up on the deck but did not see them. Her horse was laying across the deck at the front of the ship so he walked forward. As he came around the horse he saw them clutching together trying to stay warm using the horse as shelter against the wind. They were shivering and looked up at him.
“Forgive me, please. I brought you some blankets.” He flapped one blanket over them and then another. The third he placed over the horse and rubbed it’s forehead. He handed them the pillows and then stood. He turned to walk away.
“Thank you.” the princess said. He turned and smiled at her and got the tiniest of smiles back for just a brief second. He removed his hat, bowed his head and walked off.
Early the next morning the sun streamed in through the windows and awoke Felipe. He stretched, yawned and went to the basin and poured some fresh water. He splashed the water on his face then dried it with a soft towel. Remembering that the princess was on board he shaved and combed his hair, pulled it back and tied it.
He then dressed and went to the galley for some coffee. Carlos saw him and shouted a good morning “Would you like some fried ham and eggs?” he asked.
“I will never turn down your cooking Carlos.” The big man poured him a cup of steaming coffee and busied himself cooking. “Has the princess eaten yet?” he asked.
“I have not seen her, is that why you shaved?” Carlos asked with a smile.
“She is royalty but I still expect her to respect me as the Captain of this ship.” Felipe replied. Carlos said nothing but began to hum a tune, the smell of ham frying filled the room. After a large, delicious meal he decided to have a cigar up on the deck so he went to his quarters and chose a fine Cuban cigar. He lit it then walked out onto the deck.
Walking to the stern, he saw Batu manning the wheel. Celeste and Angelica were behind him standing at the rear railing, staring out to sea. Batu called out, “Good morning Felipe, we have all of the makings of a fine day! A good wind is at our backs and our holds are full of Spanish plunder.” He stuck his bottom lip out as if he was pouting and motioned with his thumb at the two women standing behind him.
They turned to look but the women did not turn to acknowledge them, only her irritating monkey turned his head and bared his teeth at Felipe. Felipe returned the gesture and threw his arms up quickly hoping to scare the beast into jumping overboard. The monkey simply turned his head.
Felipe found himself staring at their firm, finely shaped buttocks as the wind whipped their skirts around. Batu noticed his stare and silently nodded his head. Felipe turned toward the front as did Batu. He stuck his cigar in his mouth and reached below the wheel to retrieve his fine brass looking glass and began to scan the horizon.
Quick as lightning there was a pounce on his shoulder and before he could react the monkey snatched the cigar from his mouth and his prized looking glass. It leaped to the ratlines and quickly climbed up to the crows nest. The little thief had his fine cigar in it’s filthy mouth and was looking through the spyglass.
“You little bastard! You thieving little bastard!” Felipe screamed at him. He pulled his pistol and took aim at the monkey. The gun was snatched down and Celeste stood beside him with Angelica right behind her holding a dagger in her hand.
“Who are you to call anyone a thief? You killed all of our men and stole everything from our ship.” Celeste said in an angry voice.
Felipe looked at Angelica and asked “And you? What do you intend to do with that dagger?“
“I will stick it up your ass if the need arises. She is my charge and I am sworn to protect her. More than that, she is my best friend.“ Angelica replied with a steely look in her eye.
Felipe was confused as to what to do, any man who challenged him soon felt the bite of his blade, but these were women. He was not accustomed to being talked to like this.
Celeste still had a grip on his pistol hand and moved in front of him, for the first time he caught her scent. It was a soft, subtle mix like vanilla and sweet flowers. Her long, gold hair waved toward him back lit by the morning sun and her green eyes blazed. In the cool morning air, her nipples were erect, protruding against her blouse. Her firm breasts were large and her cleavage rose and fell with her fast, angry breathing. It had been a very long time since Felipe had been with a woman and he felt his manhood begin to rise and press against his pants.
She turned and looked up at the monkey and began to call out, “Puco… Pucooo, come on boy.” She continued to call out in a soft, singsong voice, “It is ok…it is ok, I knowww, I knowww…” Her soft voice was like a bird singing and her hand was warm and soft on his as she held his pistol hand. He looked at her breasts from the side rising and falling and he got even more aroused, the bulge in his pants was now getting very obvious.
Batu couldn’t help but notice. Felipe looked at him and he glanced at Felipe’s crotch and his eyebrows went up. He looked back at Felipe and smiled, he had to turn his head. Felipe was embarrassed, “Get your damned monkey! Batu let me take the wheel.” He yanked his hand away, holstered his pistol and quickly stepped behind the wheel to hide his erection.
Batu turned his head, then his body. He crossed his arms against his chest and then put one palm over his mouth. He began to convulse silently but then could not hold it in any longer. He laid his head back and began to laugh is his deep voice, his laughter grew and got louder.
Felipe’s face burned a bright crimson red, he tried to ignore Batu. Finally the monkey came down. Celeste thumped his fine cigar over the rail and handed him his spyglass, “Here is your precious spyglass.” she said. Felipe was embarrassed and this made him even more angry.
“You mind that monkey and keep a leash on him or I will throw him overboard.” he said.
“You would not dare.” she said.
Batu finally composed himself and he turned to face them. He looked at her but said, “You know Felipe, my ancestors used to eat a lot of monkeys in Africa, I understand that they are delicious when roasted over an open fire on a spit.”
Felipe rubbed his chin and said, “Mmmm, that does sound good. Perhaps stuffed with potatoes and onions.”
“And peppers. “ Batu said, “You must not forget the peppers.”
She stood defiantly and said, “You would not dare touch my monkey!”
Felipe blurted out without thinking, “I will touch much more than your monkey!”
At that, Batu lost control of himself and his laughter boomed out again. He was holding his stomach, in uncontrollable laughter because he knew what Felipe’s slip of the tongue really meant.
Celeste looked at Batu and said, “And you, you big buffoon, I grow tired of your mindless laughter.”
Batu stood to his full height and crossed his heavily muscled arms across his large chest. His deep voice was clear and unwavering, “Very well then, mind your monkey,” He turned and winked at Felipe, “I will go and see if I can find those peppers.”
Celeste turned to Felipe and said, “And you, you need to go and do something with that.” She pointed at his crotch and then wheeled around and she and Angelica quickly walked away toward the front of the ship.
Batu looked at Felipe and again his face was crimson. Again he began to laugh uncontrollably. “Shut up.” Felipe said, “What did she call you? A buffoon? Shut up you big buffoon.”
Batu laughed even louder as Felipe stormed off . Batu was laughing hard but he managed to shout “Felipe! You are being a very…HARD man to deal with this morning! Why must you be such a …HARD man?” He laughed even louder as Felipe went below decks.
Feb 6, 2010
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Felipe took out his nautical charts. He knew the waters and the route home yet he felt like he needed something to take his mind off of her. She was beautiful and strong, he had never seen nor met a woman like her. The mere thought of her made his heart beat faster and he felt excited and strange inside. Again he tried to study the charts trying to think of other places and upcoming adventures but his mind went back to her.
He got up and went to the window and took deep breaths of the salt air looking at the horizon, thinking of their homecoming. Still his thoughts kept returning to her. Andreas had always been his mentor so he left the cabin and looked for him. He found Andreas sitting at the front of the ship on a bucket sharpening his sword. Felipe paced back and forth looking out to sea and Andreas watched him for a few moments. He was clearly agitated.
“What is bothering you Felipe?” He asked and kept looking at his blade as he honed it.
Felipe looked at him and said, “Nothing, I guess that I am just still excited about our battle and victory.”
Andreas smiled slightly and said “She is very beautiful.”
Felipe feigned innocence and said “Who?”
“Oh come now nephew, I have known you since you were born and I can read you like a book. You cannot hide anything from me, she is on your mind and you seem to be falling for her. I know what that is like, she occupies your every thought, you feel all funny inside when you think of her.”
Felipe stopped pacing and looked at him. Andreas smiled and went back to sharpening his sword. Finally he resigned himself that it was useless to try to lie to his Uncle who knew him so well. He got another bucket, flipped it over and sat beside him so he did not have to look into his eyes. After a few moments he said, “She is very beautiful.”
“Who?” Andreas smiled at him.
Felipe was finally able to laugh, “She is a princess and I am a pirate. There is no chance of anything ever becoming of us. I should just forget her and treat her as the ransom that she represents.”
Andreas slowly honed his sword. Felipe trusted his wisdom and looked to him for a ray of hope. Finally Andreas spoke.
“It will take many weeks, months to get the word back to the King demanding her ransom. It will take even more time to arrange for the exchange. You have time on your side. Treat her like the beautiful woman that she is, but do not grovel or appear too eager. Still pay attention to her, be kind and fair to her. And smile, that scar on your face might scare her. A princess and a pirate? Stranger things have happened.” Andreas looked at him. “We are still five days and nights from our home. I think that you should offer them the use of your cabin so they will be comfortable. You can sleep with us on the gun deck and get to know her better as the days pass.” Andreas said.
“That is a great idea!” Felipe said and he jumped to his feet.
Andreas held his hand up and said, “Felipe, do you remember the jaguar? You must learn to listen to what I say. Be kind and respectful but do not appear too eager. Slow down.” He smiled and put his hand down. “And smile.”
Felipe stopped and took a deep breath and blew it out. He smiled at Andreas and slowly walked toward the stern. Andreas smiled to himself and examined the edge of his sword with his finger. He slid the whetstone along it’s length as light as a feather.
Angelica closed the door to the captains quarters and worked the lock. She smiled and spread her arms out and said, “Now this is much better. This is much better than shivering on that cold, hard deck snuggled against your horse do you not you think?” She looked around and spied the bar. “Would you care for a brandy ?”
“Yes, please.” the princess said as she sat in a comfortably upholstered chair. Angelica poured two generous drinks, walked over and handed her one. She sat beside her and sipped at her drink.
“This is good brandy.” she said, “You know, he is a handsome man also. He does not have the fine looks of Jeanne Pierre but he is handsome in a more rugged, manly way. I wonder how he got that scar?”
The princess sipped her drink and said, “Probably in a tavern fight.”
“You do not find him the least bit attractive?” Angelica asked.
“Unlike you, I do not go lusting after pirates after a few sips of brandy.” The princess said with a smile.
“Oh come now, he has shown us kindness and even given us the use of his cabin. I have seen the sons of royalty who came to court you. With their pale skin, powdered wigs and skinny arms. He is a handsome fellow and a real man, he commands all of these fierce fighting men. He is not what I expected of a pirate, he has treated us with respect. Will you not at least admit that he is a handsome man?” Angelica said with a smile.
The princess looked down at her drink and said, “Yes, I suppose that he is a handsome man, in a rugged kind of way.”
Angelica smiled and poured them another drink. Later that evening there was a knock at the door. Angelica got up and opened the door to see a really large, fat man with a black, curly beard and smiling eyes holding a tray with two covered plates.
“I am Carlos, the ship’s cook. I have prepared you a meal. It may not be what you are accustomed to but the grouper is fresh and the beans are hot and good. We have no fresh bread nor an oven so I am afraid that tortillas will have to suffice. May I come in?”
It did smell delicious and she asked him in. He placed the plates on the table with knives, spoons and forks and two cloth napkins. He then pulled their chairs out, went to the bar and poured them two drinks. “Eat hearty ladies, if you wish for more just come down to the galley, the scent will lead you there. Just leave the tray and plates outside of the door when you are finished.” With that he turned, walked out of the door and closed it softly behind him.
They quickly uncovered their plates, the grouper had been grilled a golden brown and the bowl of beans were spiced to perfection. They ate hungrily and slept that night in a soft, down filled bed.
Early the next morning there was another knock on the door. Angelica quickly brushed her hair and opened it. Jeanne Pierre was standing there with a tray of food, “May I come in?” he asked.
Angelica opened the door and he set the tray on the table. He bowed his head and walked toward the door. The princess said, “Jeanne Pierre, I must feed my horse.”
“I found the oats that we removed from the Luisa below decks. Your horse has been fed and watered. I cleaned the deck as well.”
He turned around again and Angelica got up and said, “Jeanne Pierre, you have been most kind to us sir and I do want to thank you.” she took both of his hands in hers. Jeanne Pierre raised her hand and bowed his head. He quickly and gently kissed the back of her hand as he looked at her with his blue eyes. He turned and walked out of the room.
Angelica turned to look at the princess who just smiled and said “Tramp.” Angelica giggled.
She put her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side, she looked at the princess and said, “We are being treated fairly and with respect even though we have been captured by pirates. This is a grand adventure! What ever happened in the castle? Nothing! It was so boring there. This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me in my life, as well as yours if you will admit it.

Think about it, captured and living among pirates who are treating us well and who are not ravaging us or abusing us. They only seek our ransom and we will be returned back home safe. What are the odds of something like that happening? For once in my life I feel alive and excited. Live this Celeste, you will never again see such an exciting time in your life.”
The princess looked at her and said, “You know, you may very well be right about this.”



As the days slowly passed Celeste became more relaxed around Felipe and began talking more to him. He was always kind and respectful. On the morning of the fifth day Tortuga came into sight. As they approached the lagoon they furled all but two of their sails and turned slowly into the sheltered harbor. One of the wives stood vigil on the beach and shouted out a greeting waving her arms above her head. She then ran back to the village.
Soon all of the wives were wading out into the water, shouting and waving at them. Batu wheeled the ship around expertly and the anchors were dropped. The ship swung into the wind and came to a stop, tugging at her anchors. Men immediately jumped over the side and began swimming to the shore.
Jeanne Pierre and Felipe walked up to the princess and Angelica who were standing at the rail looking at the island.
“Where is the city?” the princess asked.
“There is no city, we have a village just inside of the tree line. We wish to keep our presence here unknown.“ Felipe said, “We will lower a life boat for Angelica and yourself.”
“For Angelica, please. My horse will not be able to get on a lifeboat. I will swim him to the shore.” the princess said.
“As you wish.” Felipe said. He and Jeanne Pierre placed Angelica in the lifeboat as the princess handed her the cage with Puco in it. The boat was loaded with the trunks of their clothing and then pushed off. Angelica smiled and waved at her.
Andreas stood on the shore with Batu and Shayla watching the boat approach. As soon as it was clear of the ship the princess swung up onto her horse. She walked it to the far rail and then charged forward. The strong black stallion jumped over the rail and landed with a big splash. She then began to swim toward the shore.
“That is one hell of a woman.” Andreas said. Batu just smiled and nodded his head. They waited for her to approach until the horse waded onto the shore and shook itself dry. Celeste swung down out of the saddle and took the reins.
“This way please.” Andreas said with a sweep of his hand.
They walked up to the pavilion and Andreas tied her horse to a post. The men were all sitting with their wives and it was very obvious that they were as glad to be home as their wives were to see them. Felipe and Andreas escorted them to a bench and had them sit down. Felipe walked away and came back with a flask of brandy and poured them a drink.
A tall, beautiful black woman approached them holding Batu’s hand and walked up to the two women. She smiled and said, “I am Shayla, Batu’s wife. He has asked me to watch over you and introduce you to the ways of life on this island. I will be glad to be your friend.” she smiled at them.
The princess was somewhat unnerved at being in the proximity of so many black people, she had never even seen black people before.
Angelica stood up and said, “It is good to meet you Shayla and to see other women. I also want to be your friend.”
Shayla looked at the princess and tilted her head, waiting for a response. Celeste had always been told that the blacks were ignorant savages, not much more than animals suited only for hard labor. She did not know how to take this woman who stood before her speaking perfect Spanish. She shot a glance at Angelica who made a subtle jerk of her head toward Shayla and urged her with her eyes.
She smiled and said, “I am Celeste, it is nice to meet you also.”
“Well it is good to have new women on the island, maybe we will have some new gossip to share. “ Shayla said with a warm smile.
“Tonight you may use my mothers cabin, it is right over there.” Felipe pointed, “Tomorrow we will build you one as well as a stable for your horse. We need to have a celebration, a homecoming feast.” Felipe said. He looked at Andreas and said, “I will round up a few men and we will go hunting and kill a few pigs, tonight we will eat and celebrate. If you will excuse me, we will be back before dark, have a big fire ready.” He and Batu rose and went to talk to the men.
“Speaking of dark, do not wander about when it gets dark and the fires burn down.” Andreas told them, “We have jaguars in the jungle and they become quite bold at night. We will keep a large fire burning all night and have men take turns feeding it so your horse will be safe, tomorrow we will build a safe stall.”
“Jaguars? But Felipe is going hunting out there, will he be alright?” the princess blurted out without thinking.
Angelica shot her a small, knowing smile.
“Felipe will be just fine, he has killed many jaguars. That is how he got that scar on his face, the first one almost got him but he was quite young.” Andreas said.
They sipped their brandy and Angelica said, “So, tell me about the Frenchman.”
“I have noticed that you do seem to be interested in him, what would you like to know?” Andreas asked.
“Where does he come from?” she inquired.
“France, I would imagine.” Andreas smiled.
Feb 6, 2010
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“Well, what I mean is that generally the French and Spaniards do not get along. How did he come to be with Felipe?”
Andreas studied them both for a few moments and then said, “Felipe hired him, as well as all of the other men to exact his revenge on the Spaniards.”
“Revenge? Revenge for what? Is not he, as well as you, a Spaniard?” the princess asked.
Andreas was old and wise enough to know that they had been sheltered from the truth but it was time that they learned, “My brother Juan Carlos and I were born to a wealthy family in Spain. We sailed to the new colonies and he had a son, Felipe. We purchased land and a fleet of fishing boats, we made a handsome living.
One day they came upon a small ship that had been attacked by pirates. While below looking for survivors the Viceroy’s men sailed upon them and accused them of the crime. It was obvious that they were innocent, they had no weapons and were in a fishing sloop. Still, there was a large bounty on pirates so they arrested them for the crime. While trying to defend his son, they killed Juan Carlos in cold blood, right in front of Felipe, he was not even armed.”
Andreas paused for a moment and the women said nothing, “They arrested Felipe but he managed to escape.”
“Why did he not just plead his case to the Viceroy? Being in a fishing sloop with no weapons they surely would have seen that he was innocent.” the princess said.
Andreas looked at her, “The new colonies are very corrupt and the Viceroy himself is the most corrupt of them all. He tries all accused of piracy, they are gagged and do not even get to speak during the trial. He gets a portion of all of the bounties paid by your father so he does not care if they are innocent. All are found guilty and are hanged, left to rot at the port as a warning to other pirates. Just like my brother, Felipe’s father, they do not get a chance to defend themselves nor to have a proper burial.”
Andreas paused again and both women looked at him. They both had a shocked expression on their face, “We knew they would seize all of our land and assets so we sent his mother to safety. Felipe and I escaped and came here. He and I swore revenge on all who serve the King.”
The princess looked at him. “My father knows nothing of this.” she said raising her chin.
Shayla said “There is much that you do not know. Your father makes a lot of money from the slave trade. He gets a portion of the money for each new slave child born and sold as a tax. My parents were captured in Africa and sold into slavery. My mother was repeatedly raped by her master until he tired of her. Then he sent her out to toil in the fields for the rest of her life. I was also raped as a very young girl. They bull whipped our men. They took our freedom, our language and our culture, everything away from us. Felipe and Andreas freed us and our men also hate the Spaniards, that is why they fight by his side. Batu and I were to be sold, separated on the day that they rescued us, the man who bought me told me that he was going to rape me that night.”
The princess was shocked. She had always known that there were slaves but she had never given it any thought. This woman in front of her speaking Spanish was not what she imagined nor had been taught that slaves were like.
Shayla continued, “I understand your plight better than you might think. You came from royalty and are now a captive. My mother was also descended from royalty in her tribe but she was captured and sold into slavery. She too was a captive. Felipe is a good man, you have been, and will be protected and treated a lot better than my mother was. He and Andreas freed us, we no longer get raped, our men are no longer whipped with a bullwhip. We are free now as you soon will be. He only wants your ransom to pay his men and hire more.”
The princess thought about all of this for a minute, then said, “Do you also hate us because we are Spaniards?” she asked looking at both of them.
“You have committed no crimes against us and cannot be held responsible for what your father does. Actually, I am growing quite fond of the both of you.” Andreas said with a smile.
He managed to get a small smile out of both of them. The princess lowered her head and said, “ I did not know any of this. I was taught, forgive me, that the black people were savages who could not even speak. I was always told that they were like animals. I now see that you are real people. I cannot imagine a man whipping another man with a bullwhip or raping a young girl.” Her eyes filled with tears and she tried to blink them back.
“It is not your fault.” Shayla said hugging her, “You had no knowledge and nothing to do with this. You are not responsible.”
“Princess,” Andreas said, “The new colonies are far from the eyes of the King. The Viceroy and his men are getting very rich through extortion, bribes and arresting people for crimes that they did not commit. They seize land and money from the poor to line their own pockets. Even Spaniards born of pure blood in the new colonies are treated as second class citizens like Felipe was as they try to maintain a higher social status and cling to some sense of royalty.
The natives who lived there had a rich culture but lacked gunpowder and horses. They were slaughtered and subjugated by the Spaniards. Even today they are treated worse than dogs and are run down on the streets by pure bloods on their horses for their amusement. The new colonies are rampant with corruption.”
All of this came as a surprise to both of them. Celeste had always idolized her father and only heard of his goodness and generosity. Andreas could tell that she was shocked by all of this, it was much to put on a young woman all at once and her heart was deeply troubled. He rose and said, “Come, let me show you something.”
The princess, Angelica and Shayla got up and followed him through the village to the edge of the jungle. There was a well worn trail through the jungle, the vegetation was very lush. The trees were huge with trunks wider than a wagon covered with thick vines larger than a man’s leg that grew up them. Flowers as large as her hand of many bright colors bloomed everywhere and a flock of bright scarlet parrots perched in a tree chattering loudly. Butterflies flitted among the flowers.
The trail curved on and they heard a deep rumbling sound in the distance. Andreas stopped and put his finger against his lips, pointed ahead then stepped to the side. A doe was standing in the trail with a spotted fawn at her feet. The doe looked at them, her ears stood straight up. The princess was beside herself with joy, she had always loved animals and had only seen a deer in paintings. The doe flicked her tail and leaped into the jungle with the fawn scampering behind her into the underbrush.
“That was beautiful! I have never seen a deer before!” she said to Andreas.
“This is a beautiful island, animals are abundant.” Andreas said.
The trail sloped sharply upward for a distance and then dipped. The roaring sound got louder. They rounded a curve and Andreas stopped and stepped to the side. He waved his hand for them to approach. They walked to the edge and saw a very tall waterfall spilling over the edge of the mountain. The white water cascaded down over a hundred feet and thundered onto a jutting ledge of rocks only to spill down further and splash into a wide cove of clear water.
The mist of water dissipated along the rocks beside the waterfall. The shore was lined with large, smooth stones. Ferns and huge elephant ears grew along the edges. The sun’s rays cut through the trees and played along the green surface as the wind gently blew the trees. White birds with long legs stood in the water looking for fish.
“The water is fresh, you can bathe and swim here. This is where we draw our water.” Andreas said.
“It is beautiful! I have not bathed in over a week, I would love to get in that water.” the princess said.
“You are safe here, Shayla will stay with you, I will be at the village.” Andreas said. He turned and walked away.
As soon as he rounded the curve in the trail Angelica ran toward the water screaming and laughing, shedding her clothes as she went. The princess laughed at her and undressed at the waters edge folding her clothes and placing them on a rock. She and Shayla waded into the cool water and wet their hair. They reveled in the water, washed themselves and talked.
After a while, they got out and let the wind dry them and then got dressed and walked back to the village. As they approached they heard drums playing a rhythmic beat. When they got to the clearing several women were dancing around a large fire as the men played the drums. The sun was setting like a huge, orange ball through the trees. They saw Andreas sitting smoking a pipe. He smiled when he saw them and asked them to sit beside the fire with him. They liked this older man with his gentle nature and kind eyes.
“What is that that you are smoking? That is not tobacco, it smells much sweeter.” Celeste said.
Andreas puffed on his pipe, inhaled deeply and blew a large plume of blue smoke into the night air. He looked at her with heavy eyelids and said, “It is a local herb that grows in the jungle here. The natives of this area have smoked it for generations, they claim that it lets them speak to God. It tickles your mind in a way.”
“What do you mean ‘It tickles your mind’?” Celeste asked.
The older man took another puff, blew it out and thought for a moment. He looked at her and said, “You know how brandy makes things more funny and changes the way that you think? This herb does the same thing but it is cleaner. You do not stagger around and lose your balance. It also makes lovemaking a lot more pleasurable, if you can imagine that. Would you like to try some?” He turned the stem of his pipe toward the princess and raised his eyebrows, smiling.
“I would.” said Angelica. She took the pipe and puffed on it blowing the smoke out of her mouth.
“You must breathe it into your lungs.” Andreas said, “Like this.” he took the pipe and puffed on it and inhaled then blew it out.
He passed the pipe back to Angelica and she puffed on it and inhaled. She coughed hard and lost the smoke.
“Not so much, take a small puff .” Andreas told her.
She tried again several times and was finally able to inhale a small puff without coughing, she blew this out. “Keep smoking it.” Andreas told her.
Angelica took more puffs and tried to hand the pipe back to Andreas. He declined and told her, “Smoke, smoke.”
She continued to smoke on the pipe and began to watch the women dancing around the fire. She began to nod her head in time with the drums, “I can feel the drums beating in my chest she said.” She began to tap her feet. Andreas smiled and nodded his head.
Angelica handed the pipe back to him and got up. She joined the women dancing around the fire, they encouraged her showing her how to move her feet and hands. She caught on fast and soon was wheeling around the fire laughing and dancing with the other women. She was really enjoying herself and trying to get the princess to join her. The princess just shook her head and smiled.
“Are you sure you would not like to try some?” Andreas asked her, “It is making your friend dance.” he smiled at her.
“Maybe later, I will see what a fool that she makes of herself first.” she said.
Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score
Andreas pointed and she looked, the men were returning from their hunt with two large hogs tied on a pole over their shoulders. They stopped at the edge of the clearing and quickly cleaned and skinned the hogs. Soon they were tied on a pole and suspended above the fire. The roasting pork smelled wonderful and a crescent moon slid slowly up into the night sky.
Felipe sat beside the princess and watched Angelica dancing with the other women. Soon the food was cooked and they all ate and then began drinking. Felipe poured the last of the brandy and then said, “Well, the rest of the brandy is on the ship and I do not feel like swimming. It is time to switch to rum.”
He poured the princess, Angelica and Jeanne Pierre a cup of rum. They clicked cups and drank. The princess took a small sip and coughed it out. Angelica drank a large gulp and said, “ Whooo! That burns going down”
Jeanne Pierre said “Yes, I myself would prefer some fine wine, I have some in my cabin. Would you care to join me?” He smiled and looked at Angelica and she smiled back at him.
“I think that I would.” she said.
He stood and pulled her up by her hand. She waved her fingers goodbye at the princess and walked away into the night with Jeanne Pierre.
Felipe looked at the princess and she looked at Andreas. Andreas shrugged his shoulders and smiled, “Live and let live.” he said, “I think that they are a good match.”
Felipe smiled at the princess and she looked down, but she did smile.
After a moment she said, “I think I will go to sleep now, it has been a long voyage. I will see you two in the morning.” She got up and walked to Felipe’s mother’s cabin and closed the door.
Felipe stared after her and then looked at his uncle, “Easy son, everything in proper time. I am going to sleep now myself. Goodnight Felipe.” He got up and walked away.
Felipe stared at the cabin and thought about her. Would she rebuke him if he went to her? Perhaps she wanted him to go there. He stared at the fire and thought about her. In the cabin, the princess wondered if he would come calling, she waited for him and finally fell into a restless sleep.
Early the next morning the princess awoke and found Angelica sleeping in the bed, “So, how was your night?” she asked.
Angelica just smiled and said, “It was a fine night.”
They got dressed and walked out to the pavilion where Shayla was frying ham in a skillet over a hot bed of coals, it smelled delicious. Without thinking the princess said, “Cook me some breakfast.” she was used to commanding people.
Shayla looked up at her, raised her eyebrows and said, “Pardon me? Cook your own breakfast.”
The princess was stunned and embarrassed, she just stood there with a stunned look.
Shayla felt bad for rebuking her, “Everyone is equal on this island. I serve no one any longer except for my husband.” She continued frying the ham. After a moment she looked back at the princess and said, “I know all of this is new to you and I will help you, but I will not serve you. I will slice you some ham but you can go and gather your own eggs. The chicken coop and hen house are that way.” She pointed and handed the princess a basket.
They walked together to the chicken coop and went in. Several fat hens pecked at the ground and a large red rooster eyed them suspiciously, “He looks mean.“ the princess said. The hen house had a ramp going up and they both peeked inside. Long rows of nest boxes lined the wall filled with chickens contentedly clucking and crooning in them. They stepped inside.
“Where are the eggs?” the princess asked looking around.
Angelica gave her a stupid look and said, “Well I imagine that they are sitting on them to keep them warm.”
“How do we get them?”
“How would I know? I have never gathered eggs before.” Angelica said.
“Well neither have I. Just reach under her and take one.” the princess suggested.
Angelica moved her hand toward the chicken and received a quick, sharp peck.
“OW! That hurt!” she said rubbing her hand.
The princess thought for a moment, “I have a way with animals, let me try I will try being nice to it.” the princess said, “Nice chicken, nice chicken” she said in a soothing voice as she reached her hand slowly forward. She too got a hard peck, “OW! That does hurt!”
“I told you that it did.” Angelica said.
The princess thought for a moment and said, “I know, I will distract it from this side and you quickly reach in from the other side and grab an egg. “
The princess moved to one side and waved her hands by her face, “Hey chicken! Hey chicken!”
Angelica made a quick grab and got pecked again, “Ow! Dammit! That hurts!”
“Is everything alright in here ladies?” they turned and saw Shayla tucking her lips under trying not to smile. She moved her hand into the doorway and held a clay bowl full of seed. She rattled it and in a high voice said “Here chick chick chick!” She sprinkled a few seeds on the floor and all of the chickens fluttered down out of their nest boxes.
She then walked back into the chicken yard calling the chickens sprinkling seeds. Then they heard her laughing very loudly as she walked away.
The princess’s face turned red as a beet and Angelica began to giggle, “Try being nice to it.” she said. She then started laughing uncontrollably. The princess tried to ignore her, she grabbed a warm egg and placed it in the basket.
“I know,” Angelica said between laughs, “I will distract it from this side!” she laughed even harder. The princess’s bottom lip began to quiver. Angelica was laughing at the top of her lungs now and wiped tears from her eyes, “Here chick, chick, chick!” her laughter was contagious.
Finally the princess broke down and they bent over laughing together and could not stop. They finally composed themselves and wiped the tears from their eyes.
As they approached the pavilion somewhat sheepishly, Shayla looked up and smiled, "I left some fat on the ham so it will render oil, cook it first and you will have hot oil to fry your eggs in." she said.
The princess placed the ham in the skillet and began to fry it. Shayla instructed her when to turn it over so it would not burn. When the ham was cooked she placed it on a plate and now the hot oil was ready for the eggs. Shayla told her how to crack the eggs and swish them around in the pan so they would not stick. The princess was trying awkwardly to keep the eggs moving but they began to stick anyway.
"They are sticking to the bottom!" she said.
"Keep swishing." Shayla said.
Try as she might she could not get the eggs to move and they began to burn along the edges, "They are burning!" she said.
"Try being nice to it.” Angelica said, “Nice egg, nice egg" Shayla looked at her and they began to giggle.
Shayla said, "I know, I will distract it!" She put her hands beside her face and waved them. "Hey egg! Hey egg!"
Angelica and Shayla began to laugh hysterically and the princess couldn't help herself. She took the pan off of the coals and they all laughed together. She was beginning to really like Shayla and to see that she was an intelligent woman who also had a good sense of humor. A woman, just like her, unlike what she had been told about them.
The men came walking to the pavilion and Felipe said to the princess, “We are going to take the cannons and sell them so I can pay the men. We will be back this evening. I will also buy some paper and a quill so you can compose a letter to your father.”
“How will this letter be delivered?” she asked.
“We will have it delivered to the Viceroy himself, I will write him a separate letter explaining the situation, he will see that your letter is sent to the King with the utmost urgency.”
The princess looked at him and for the first time wondered if she really wanted to go home. This new life was much more interesting than her former life at the castle. She reflected on the fine trappings of the castle but this island was beautiful and the people were interesting and very friendly. She was learning many new things and unlike home where everyone bowed to her and she only had one friend, here everyone was genuinely friendly to her. “Very well,” she said with a smile, “Take care of yourself.”
Felipe bowed his head and walked away. Angelica said, “I am ready for a bath, how about you two?” she looked from Shayla to the princess.
Shayla said “ I have to tend the garden and gather some fruit for supper. The men will be hungry when they get back. You two go, it is quite safe during the day, jaguars are night hunters and sleep during the day. The cove is a safe place, only our tribe goes there.”
The princess thought about what she had just said ‘our tribe’ and realized that they were indeed a large family. She had been sheltered from the common people and their struggles and had only known Angelica as a friend. A part of her longed to be included in this tribe, to be a part of the whole and have friends who liked her for who she really was, not just because she was to be the Queen. Being a Queen meant nothing on this island or to these people.
“Come then, let us go.” Angelica said.
“You are sure that it is safe?” the princess asked.
“Our women go there alone to bathe and fetch water every day, it is quite safe.” Shayla told her.
Together they walked toward the jungle. The trail was even more beautiful in the morning, an abundance of birds and large colorful butterflies flitted about. The jungle was filled with the cries of birds. Angelica picked a flower and tucked it behind her ear.
Soon they were at the cove and they undressed and got into the water. Angelica looked around, then looked at her and said, “I like it here, it is beautiful. What about you?”
“It is beautiful.” she said.
“That is not what I asked, I asked if you like it here also?” Angelica looked into her eyes.
“What is not to like? It is beautiful. We are being treated well and they are all very friendly. Things could be much worse I suppose, we could have just as well been captured by men with no morals and been abused.”
“Yes, we are being treated well and they are all very friendly. They are all true friends and care about each other, it is like a large family.” Angelica said.
“A tribe.” she replied.
“Yes, a tribe. All of my life I have been groomed and raised only to serve you and we are friends. But I have never had a group of friends. People at the castle respected us only due to our position, our social status. Here, that means nothing, they like us for who we are.”
The princess said nothing but thought about what she had said. She went on, “I really like Jeanne Pierre and he likes me also, I think that I am falling in love with him. He is such a gentleman. I have never been allowed to know a man before, I was always raised to serve you and I mean nothing bad by that. But for once in my life I am excited about today, tomorrow and what will come.”
She hesitated for a moment, then said, “I do not want to go back, I want to stay here with Jeanne Pierre and these people. I am happy here.”
The princess looked at her, all of this was so new, she had not really seriously entertained the thought of not ever going back.
“Think about it, I know that you also like Felipe and it is obvious that he likes you as well. He is such a strong man unlike any that you have ever met. We have everything that we need here and more. You are my best and only friend and I love you, but I am not going back.” she said.
The princess looked at her and said, “Even if I decided not to go back, which I have not, what about the ransom? I am worth a huge fortune to these men, riches beyond their wildest dreams, a Kings ransom”
Angelica looked at her for a moment, “Have you not heard what they have said? What motivates these men? Felipe and Andreas do not seek wealth, they seek revenge. Money means nothing to them, they have money. What could be a sweeter revenge for Felipe than for you to decide to stay here with him? For him to have willingly stolen away the only child of the King? The heir to the throne? His family would no longer be in power, he will lose the royal bloodline and it will go to another. That would be the utmost revenge for Felipe if the King knew this”
What she said made a lot of sense, the princess had to admit. She did like Felipe and Andreas and was very happy here. It was an adventure, exciting and new. The thought of staying here with Felipe now sounded appealing to her, she looked at Angelica.
“What if Felipe wants the ransom instead? It is a huge sum of money, more than he could ever gather in a lifetime.”
“I think that he would choose you instead, given the chance. Open up to him, I know that you like him.” she smiled.
It was so much to consider, the lavish lifestyle of the castle or life on this island with him. She looked at the waterfall thundering down into the cove, the lush jungle and the flowers that lined the edge of the pool. Her decision was made.
“Yes! I want to stay here too.” she said.
Angelica squealed with delight and hugged her. “Let us go home now.”
They dressed and walked down the trail toward the village. The princess stopped and picked a flower and tucked it behind her ear “How does this look? She asked.
“He will love it.” she said.
Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score


The two women walked back to the village and saw Shayla stirring a large pot of beans with a wooden spoon, she smiled at them as they approached.
“That really smells good.” said the princess.
“Would you like some? They are ready.” she replied.
“I would love some.”
“Please, help yourself.” she handed them both a bowl and two spoons. They scooped out the beans and began to eat hungrily.
“This is wonderful, it has pieces of pork in it and the pork is tender.” Angelica said.
“Pigs abound on this island, we are not far from the trade routes so spices are also available.” Shayla said as she slowly stirred the pot.
“So, you and Batu have no children?” the princess asked.
Shayla said nothing but continued to slowly stir the pot looking at it. Her eyes welled with tears and then they slid down her cheeks. She dropped the spoon into the pot and covered her eyes with her fingers and began to cry quietly.
“What? What is wrong?” the princess asked. She stopped eating and both women looked at Shayla.
Shayla tried to compose herself for a moment and then managed to gasp out between her sobs. “They sold them. We had two but they sold them.” she began to cry uncontrollably.
The princess was shocked, “They sold your babies? How could they do this? Even the poorest in our country are allowed to keep their children. How could they have sold your babies?”
Shayla managed to quiet herself after a few minutes, the women waited, “We were their property, that did with us as they wished. Our children were just money to them.”
The princess began to cry also, “Is there no end to their cruelty? How could they do this? My father must find out about this, he will put a stop to it.”
Shayla looked at her and took her hand, “Your father knows this, it is common practice. I told you that he gets a share from each slave child that is sold. The Viceroy keeps meticulous records which are forwarded to the King.”
Celeste was outraged, “I knew that you said that but I never imagined that your and Batu’s own children were sold. How could my father be so cruel and uncaring? They were your babies, not animals.” She looked down at the ground and shook her head. She looked back up and said “I understand now why you hate the King so much, I am beginning to hate him also. I did not know any of this before. In the name of God, you are people, not animals! How could he condone this? That bastard, that no good bastard.”
Shayla said nothing for a moment and then said, “Your eyes are opening now. This has been going on for many years. Even this day some mother and father will have their child taken away and sold for money”
“And my father will get his share, as if he does not have enough already.” she said and shook her head. If she had any doubt about staying here, now all doubt was gone. She would never return to such a cruel father.
“Shayla, I cannot put a stop to this, but I can hurt my father very deeply and I intend to. I like Felipe, Andreas, Batu, you and Jeanne Pierre. I am not ever going home, I am going to stay here with Felipe if he will have me.” the princess said.
“If he will have you? The man is crazy for you! I have seen the way that he looks at your cabin when you go in for the night. This is wonderful news! I am so glad that you are staying here, come here.” Shayla hugged her tight and they smiled at each other.
“When did you decide this and have you told Felipe?” she asked.
“I decided it earlier when Angelica and I were talking, but what you just told me makes me never want to return to such an evil empire. And no, I have not told Felipe yet.”
“He will be overjoyed.” Shayla smiled at her.
“You do not think he will be disappointed about not getting a huge ransom for me?” she asked.
“Money means nothing to Felipe, he seeks revenge.” Shayla looked up for a moment and then said, “This will be the ultimate revenge for Felipe if your father were to know about your decision to rebuke him and stay here.”
“That is exactly what I told her.” Angelica said.
“When will you tell him?” Shayla asked excitedly.
She thought about it for a moment and then said, “When he returns, please say nothing about this, he may still reject my desires for the ransom and I do not want to be embarrassed.”
“I will say nothing, but you do not know Felipe like I do. Andreas has confided in me about how taken he is with you. Can you not see the way he acts when you are around? He will be overjoyed, as I am.” Shayla smiled at her, “Welcome home princess.”
The women spent the rest of the day talking. Shayla taught them how to make bowls out of clay. “It is getting late in the evening, the men will be back soon.” Shayla told them.
“I need to go and clean up a little.” the princess said.
“For your man.” Angelica finished the sentence for her.
They all smiled and she went back to her cabin. After a short while she came out wearing a fine dress with a low cut top showing the tops of her breasts. She had a flower behind one ear and a soft scent about her. She twirled around and asked, “How do I look?”
“You look just lovely, Felipe will be speechless.” Shayla said.
“Do you really think that he will like it?” she asked.
Both women just nodded their heads and smiled.
Several hours later they heard someone call out from the shore, “They are back!” Shayla said. The women went down to the shore and watched the ship lower its anchors and soon the men dove in and swam to the shore. Felipe waded up and looked at her.
“You look absolutely stunning.” he said and smiled.
“Thank you, did you get paper and a quill? I cannot wait to write my father.” she said. She saw the look of disappointment on his face and struggled to say nothing else.
“The men are going to push the raft out to bring the supplies in. I will see that you get it soon.” Felipe said.
The thought of her so anxious to leave put a look of hurt on his face and that moved her heart so she held her hand out to him. She had never taken his hand before. “Come, we have food cooked.” and she turned and walked back to the pavilion with him.
Felipe thought that she was so happy at the thought of going home and that was why she was being so friendly. He walked sadly with her but he was glad to be holding her hand. When they arrived at the pavilion she told him to sit and she ladled out a bowl of beans and began cooking him a tortilla as Shayla had taught her to do.
“You are learning how to cook?” he asked surprised.
“Oh yes, Shayla has taught us much. How did the trip fare? Did the cannons fetch a good price? She asked looking at him.
“They brought a very good price, cannons such as those are very rare as only a really large ship could take them. Any cannon fetches a premium price but those were large cannons, the men will be well paid.”
Men began bringing supplies into the pavilion. Bags of flour, dried beans, spices and bags of salt. Felipe got up and opened a small trunk. He took out a quill, an ink bottle and several sheaves of paper and handed them to the princess. She thanked him and hurried back to her cabin. Felipe lost his appetite and put his bowl down. Andreas came and sat beside him.
“She is writing the letter to her father now. It appears that she cannot wait to go home.” Felipe said.
Andreas could tell that this troubled Felipe. He thought about how to make him feel better about this. He took a stick and began to scrawl a picture of a ship in the dirt and finally said, “It is all that she has ever known. She has everything there, the world is at her feet. She is the heir to the throne, soon to be the Queen of the most powerful country on earth. Should she not want to leave?”
“I know, I just hoped that she would not.” Felipe said wistfully.
He got up and walked to the shoreline as he always did when he was troubled. He stared out at his ship and tried to take his mind off of it by planning his next raid, going over the details in his mind. A short time later she appeared with a letter folded in her hand.
“I want you to read this.” she said.
“I do not need to read it, you know what to say.” he said without looking at her.
“No, you need to read this please, for me.” she said and held the letter out to him.
He unfolded the letter and read.

Our ship was attacked by pirates, Angelica and I were taken captive. We have been treated very well and are in good health. These are not ordinary men father, they are noble men who all hate you and for good reason. They know that you would pay a very large ransom for me but they do not seek wealth, only revenge for the wrongs that you and your men have perpetrated against the common man.
I have learned much from them. I am now friends with those who were once slaves. I now know that you make money from their sorrow. They are people Father, just like you and I, not animals to be whipped, bought and sold. You condone this and I cannot forgive you for this.
The man who leads these pirates was falsely accused of piracy when it was obvious that he was innocent. His was father murdered by the Viceroy’s own men. His father was an honest man, yet they killed him just for the money. The Viceroy arrests men for false charges just so he can seize their land. He is becoming a very rich man by oppressing the honest people there. This is how your corrupt government operates in the new colonies.
My man has sworn to avenge his father’s death. I understand his hatred of you and your men and I have come to respect and to love him. I do not intend to come home. I will stay here with him. I hope that he asks for my hand in marriage which I will gladly give. May God forgive you for your sins against humanity, I never shall.

Your Daughter,

Felipe looked into her eyes but could not speak, he had no words. She smiled at him and he smiled back at her. She embraced him and they kissed passionately. She held his head cradled it her arms against her neck while he hungrily kissed the smooth skin of her neck.
She asked, “ Can I stay with you? Will you have me rather than a ransom?”
Felipe looked at her and was filled with happiness, “I always wanted you, not the ransom.”
“Did you mean this?” he held up the letter.
“Every word of it.” she said.
“I mean the part about marrying me?”
“Yes, if you ask me.”
Felipe blurted out, “Will you marry me?”
She looked down her nose at him with a small smile, “Is that a proper proposal for a princess?”
“Forgive me,” He removed his hat and knelt on one knee, “I love you, will you marry me?”
“Yes, of course I will. I love you also.” she smiled.
Felipe kissed her again and took her hand. They began to walk back to the village. Felipe thought for a moment and said, “As it stands now, he does not know if you are alive or dead. Once you send that letter he will send all of his forces to seek you out.”
“Are you worried?” She asked.
“Me?” he laughed, “I am already a wanted man, there is a high price on my head not only for piracy but also for murdering the guard and the man who killed my father. No, I live to insult the King and this is the greatest insult to him of all. Now that he will know who it was that has stolen his daughter away and why, that will make it even better.”
“You are not afraid?” she said.
“Have you ever known me to be afraid? Add that I said that he can go to hell.” he said.
“As you wish.” she said and kissed him again.
“We must tell everyone and celebrate, Andreas will be very pleased.” Felipe said.
As they approached the pavilion holding hands, everyone stopped talking and looked at them. Felipe held her hand above his head and said, “We are one!”
The men cheered and the women rushed up to her and embraced her. They tugged her toward the fire and shouted a foreign word to the men. A drum beat started and they showed her the steps and how to move her hands. Slowly at first and then as she caught on more quickly. Angelica joined in and the women moved around the fire dancing to the lively beat.
Batu nodded his head toward them and smiled, “A wedding dance.” he said.
Andreas was overjoyed as was Jeanne Pierre. They gathered the lieutenants together and spoke as the women danced.
“She has written her father a letter telling him of her choice to remain here with me. He will rally all of his forces in search of her. We will be hunted and I will blame no man if he chooses to leave my company.” Felipe said and looked at the men.
Jeanne Pierre drew his sword and held it out in front of him with the tip high, “I am with you to the death.”
“As am I” Batu said and he also drew his sword and touched Jeanne Pierre’s sword.
Andreas, Ajamu and Tor also drew their swords ,Felipe did as well. They clicked their swords together and smiled. They slid their swords back into their scabbards and sat watching the women dance. Celeste held Felipe’s eye as she danced passed him smiling.
“Well I guess this means that your pirating days are over.” Andreas said.
“Like hell they are!” Felipe said and they all laughed.
“We shall see, women have a way of changing men, you are yet to taste her charms.” Andreas said with a smile.
Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score
Please tell me, and be honest. Are any of these characters coming to life? Can you see them and see what makes them tick? How they feel? How they would react to a given situation? If so, my job is done. So just sit back and follow them. Their story was written long ago, they really lived. Let God be their judge.
Feb 6, 2010
Reaction score
The celebration lasted into the dusk and the night fell. Angelica was sitting with Jeanne Pierre excitedly talking to him while he smiled and stroked her face. Shayla was whispering to the princess and after a while she came and held her hand out, “Come Felipe, it is time for bed.”
He took her hand and bid everyone a good night. Andreas smiled at Batu and nodded his head, Batu smiled and nodded back, “They are a good match.” Andreas said.
The next morning Felipe saw Andreas setting up his chessboard in the pavilion, “Good morning Uncle.” he said with a smile.
“Good morning Felipe, how was your night?” Andreas asked innocently.
“It was a truly wonderful night.” he replied, “But I have a question, how are we to deliver her letter to the King?”
“I have been thinking about this since we brought her here. This letter is far too important to trust to just one of the crew and by now your likeness is posted all throughout the new colonies. The Viceroy resides in Veracruz, far from our former ranch. I rarely went into town when we lived there, you did. They know your face but not mine. I will deliver the letter.” he said.
“No!” Felipe said “It is too dangerous, I do not want to lose you to the Viceroy and his men.”
“Felipe, look at me, I am an old man, do you trust my judgment?” he asked.
“I always have.” Felipe replied.
“I have given this much thought. I took my oldest set of work clothes and they have been bleaching in the sun for weeks now. I will pose as a poor Criollo and claim that I was accosted by bandits on the road as I approached town. I will say that they threatened my family unless I delivered the message, that their spies are watching me. I can do this, I will deliver the letter to the Viceroy’s hand myself.”
Felipe thought about it. Andreas went on, “Jeanne Pierre cannot very well deliver the message, they are at war with France. Batu? Ajamu? Tor? They would not trust a letter this important to a slave and slaves cannot travel about freely. I am your best choice for this task.”
Felipe looked at his uncle, “Very well, but I want to sail with you to Veracruz. If you do not return, I will kill the Viceroy.”
“You may accompany us but I ask that you do not come ashore, even if I do not return. I am an old man now and your whole life lays before you. You have a truly beautiful, wonderful woman who gave up all of the riches in the world for you. You must live and carry on the family name, you are the last son in our family.”
Felipe thought about this and stared at the fire, “Let me do this Felipe and grant me one promise please. Promise me that you will not come ashore, I will deliver the letter and return. The Viceroy’s men killed my brother. You will have your revenge as soon as that letter is delivered to the king, let me now be a part of it.”
Felipe looked at him for a moment and then nodded his head, “Very well Uncle, if anyone can pull this off, it is you.”
Andreas smiled and packed his pipe. He lit it and gently puffed it to life blowing the smoke out in thin wisps from both sides of his mouth along the stem. He took a flask and poured out two brandies and handed one to Felipe, “The King is going to shit in his pants when he gets this letter. Imagine his own daughter, the only heir to the throne rebuking him to live with a pirate.” He held his cup up and they touched cups and drank.
The princess and Angelica came to the pavilion and sat with them. “So, what are you two up to this morning?” the princess asked.
Andreas told her “We were discussing the delivery of your letter, it must be handled carefully. Do you have some more paper?”
“Yes.” she said.
“Would you please bring it here? We need to craft another letter in your hand.” She nodded and hurried back to her hut. Soon she returned with paper, a quill and the ink bottle.
“Start a new letter, this one to the Viceroy.” he said. She dipped the quill into the ink and looked at him. Andreas began
“My Faithful servant,
I am the princess Celeste, daughter of King Philip the third, heir to the throne. I have been captured by pirates and am being held for ransom. It is imperative that you get the other letter to my father with the utmost haste. Do not break the seal, see that it is delivered to the King himself. Upon my freedom I will see that you are richly rewarded beyond your greatest dreams.
I am depending on you to help me now in my most desperate hour. Please send this correspondence to my father the King with all haste.

Celeste, Princess of Spain.

When she finished writing it she gently blew on it to dry the ink and then fanned it. Satisfied that the ink was dry she carefully folded it. She then took a candle and lit it, holding it sideways over the fold. She let several drops of wax land on the seal and then blew on it until it was almost dry. She then pressed her ring bearing the crest of the King into the soft wax. She did the same to the letter to her father and handed them to Andreas.
“We will sail tomorrow to Veracruz to deliver these letters to the Viceroy. He will see to it that they are delivered, with his greed he will probably hand deliver the letter himself so that he gets the credit and the reward.” Andreas said.
“I hope that he does for he will be sealing his own death warrant. I made it plain in the letter to my father that the Viceroy is responsible for the corruption in the new colonies.“ the princess smiled.
“You are a clever woman, his execution would be an added bonus.” Andreas told her.
“It is dangerous for you two to sail to Veracruz, you are wanted men there.” the princess took Felipe’s hand with a worried look on her face.
“Fear not my lady, we shall return. The gates of hell could not keep me from you.” Felipe said.
“We will stock the fishing sloop and sail tomorrow then. I will go and hand pick a crew.“ Andreas said. “Now Felipe, play a game of chess with me.”
They sat at the table and three of the chess pieces were gone.
“That damn monkey.” Felipe said and the princess giggled.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
You already know how I feel about it Bullfrog as we went through it page by page when you were first writing it but it would be neat to hear how others felt about it. They may not be this far into reading it yet tho and might have to catch up a bit to get to this point. There's my friend the cute little monkey doing what he does best...........causing trouble for it :LOL:
Feb 6, 2010
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It's not for everybody, that is for sure. But it means a lot to me. When Felipe cried for his father beside the fire, that was me, crying for my father. When Batu screamed about the injustice and horrors of slavery, to be treated differently just because of the color of your skin, that was me screaming. I was the darkest and only dark face in my class. I felt the prejudice for calling on a white girl. I really felt it, I cried again. when far in the future, Andres dies, I weep again, every time I read it. I mean I don't boo hoo, but I feel my eyes getting wet. I love these characters and feel them. sometime I actually feel that they really did live long ago, or someone like them and at times... call me mad, I think they are actually telling me this. There is no other way that I could know all that I know about them. They lived.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
It shows in your writings that you put your heart into it and I guess there is a reason for everything that happens to us in this life. Maybe you were meant to go through those hard times to make you feel things deeper than lots of people. Some people just float through life w/o a care in the world everything is easy for them but maybe they lose something that you gained from it all. You have the gift of writing and the heart that it takes to make it feel real. I think of all those characters as real people cuz you made them that way for me w/ every word that you wrote. Keep writing Bullfrog as it is meant for you to do and you love to do it. You have such a gift and to be able to do your writing now from your new home where you are right in the middle of a jungle where the things you wrote about derived and it is truly an enchanted place!
Thank you Bullfrog
Feb 6, 2010
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The next morning the ship was loaded and sailed for Veracruz. They had a good wind and made good time. Approaching the mainland they followed the shoreline at an average distance that a fishing vessel would normally do. The port at Veracruz was very busy so rather than dock they made the decision to swing into the pier and just drop Andreas off. They would anchor a short distance down the shoreline and pick him up at dusk.
Andreas put on the sun bleached clothes and an old hat. He had not shaved for a few days and a gray stubble covered his face. He had fashioned a cane out of wood and practiced walking slow with his back stooped over. He appeared a lot older and would blend in well with the many poor people of this large city.
As they approached the pier he bid Felipe and the crew goodbye as he stood beside the rail. “God be with you Uncle, please be careful.” Felipe told him.
“You must help me onto the pier, remember, I am an old man.” he said with a wink. “You go below now, you are a wanted man.”
The small sloop eased to the dock and two men held it while two others helped Andreas onto the pier and then shoved off. Andreas did not get a second look as he slowly walked down the pier on his cane. As soon as he got off of the pier he sat down as if he were exhausted from the effort. He rubbed his hands in the dirt and then on his face and clothes. He looked like just one of the hundreds of peasants walking by.
Notices of a large reward for any information concerning the whereabouts of the princess were posted everywhere. He made his way down the dirt street a short distance to the compound of the Viceroy. Two guards in uniforms stood at either side of a strong wooden door. As he slowly approached them they noticed him. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and acted like he was winded and then looked up at them.
“Be gone peon! Stand clear of the compound and be on your way.”
Andreas looked nervously over his shoulder in both directions at the crowd of people milling about the street. “Senor, I have an urgent message for the Viceroy.” he said.
They both laughed, one said, “What could you possibly have to tell the Viceroy? He has no time for you, now move along!”
Andreas again shot a worried look around the crowd and said, “Please, senor, bandits accosted me along the road just outside of town. They gave me two letters and said that if I did not hand deliver them to the Viceroy himself that they would kill my family. They also said that they have spies watching me right now to be sure that I deliver these letters.” He again looked around the street.
“What do these letters say?” one asked.
“I do not know, I cannot read, I am just a poor farmer who was coming into town to purchase a little flour so my wife can make tortillas. The letters are sealed.” He reached inside of his tattered vest and took out the two letters to show them.
One guard walked down the steps and took the letters. He examined the seal and turned to the other guard quickly and said, “This is the seal of the King himself, the royal crest!”
He turned back to Andreas and asked, “Where did you get these letters?”
“I told you senor, bandits stopped me and told me that if they do not see me hand these to the Viceroy they will kill my family. They say they are watching us right now. Please ask him to take these letters from me and spare my family.”
The guard looked hard at Andreas and handed him back the letters, “You stay right here, do not move.” He climbed the steps and hurried inside. The other guard came down the steps and stood beside Andreas who looked worried at the crowd around him.
After a few minutes a dozen guards come out of the door and made a perimeter around the front of the building. A very fat man in fine clothes came out of the door and eased his girth down the steps. His nose stuck up like a pig and his small, squinty eyes made that image even more complete, “I am the Viceroy, where are these letters?” he demanded.
Andreas bowed his head as if in fear and handed the letters to the man. The Viceroy examined the seals and his eyes got very wide. One was addressed to him and the other was addressed to the King, “Where did you get these letters?” he asked.
“Please your Excellency, As I told your men, I was just coming to town to purchase a small amount of flour when bandits accosted me. They told me that if I did not deliver them to your hand that they would kill my family. They said spies would be watching.”
The Viceroy looked around at all of the people many of which had stopped to see what was going on, “It could be any one of them, what did these men look like?”
“They had scarves around their face, I could only see their eyes.” Andreas held his palms up and shook his head.
The Viceroy opened the letter to him and quickly read it. He then read it again and looked at his Captain, “This is from the Princess herself, written in her own hand! She is still alive and is being held for ransom.” He thought for a moment and said, “I will deliver this letter to the King himself, this is too important to trust to anyone else. How many Galleons are in port?”
“Two, but they are slated to escort the Sanchia when she sails.” an officer said.
“The Sanchia can do with one escort. I want one ready to sail in the morning so I can deliver this to Spain immediately.”
“Yes sir.” the man said.
He turned to walk away but then Andreas played the part to the hilt, “Your Excellence?“ he held out a trembling hand with a pleading look on his face.
“Oh, of course.“ The Viceroy said. He turned back and took twenty reales out of his pocket and handed them to Andreas.
“Oh thank you your Excellency! Muchas gracias.” He took his hat off and took the reales.
The viceroy walked up the steps and into the door. Once inside the men all filed in after him and the first guard told Andreas to move along. He slowly walked away toward the tavern with a smile on his face, he had just sent the bastard to his death and the fool paid him twenty reales for it.
Andreas spent the evening in the tavern sipping brandy with the reales that the Viceroy had given him. A tavern this close to the port was a good place to pick up information and soon he overheard some sailors discussing the upcoming voyage. He caught the word gold being discussed and moved just a little closer so he could hear.
“I have seen at least fifteen mule loads of strong chests being loaded on board myself just today.” one said.
“More like twenty, they have been loading her for two days now.” said another.
“I do not like sailing gold, we get no share of it and the danger of pirates gets worse all of the time.” said the first man.
They all agreed and continued to talk and drink. Andreas waited until they had changed the subject and then approached their table. “Fortune has smiled on me today, the Viceroy himself gave me some reales, can I buy you a drink?” he looked at them and they pulled up another chair anxious to get a free drink and to hear his story.
Andreas told them of the bandits and the letters and they got very excited to hear that the princess was still alive and being held for ransom. Any news was exciting in the new colonies but the kidnapping of the princess herself was a real scandal, the men hung on his every word.
After time went by Andreas shifted the conversation to their upcoming voyage, “When do you leave port?” he asked casually.
“We are scheduled to depart in three days if they do not sink her by overloading her first. I do not like sailing with a large load this time of year, tempests can come out of nowhere and sink us.” one man said and they all agreed.
“Yes, it is the season for strong storms but hopefully you are on a stout ship.” Andreas said.
“We are manning the galleon “Sanchia” and yes she is a stout ship, but the storms that rage this time of year can swallow any ship, regardless of how stout that she is, especially when she is as heavily loaded as this one is.” All of the men agreed and looked worried.
“At least we have an escort of two galleons.” another added.
“No, the Viceroy said that he was taking one in the morning to deliver the letter, you will only have one escort.” Andreas told them.
The men all began to complain about the lack of protection, “At least we are taking the northern trade route, we should be safe from pirates until we reach the Atlantic.” one said. Andreas replied, “Well may you have a safe and pleasant journey, I must be getting home now or my wife will lock me out.” he smiled.
The men laughed and thanked him for the drink. He rose and slowly walked out of the tavern down the dusty street to the port. The Sanchia was indeed riding very low in the water. Still another two strong wagons manned and escorted by guards pulled up to her dock. Again Andreas acted like he was tired and sat on the ground. He wiped his forehead and watched the soldiers wrestling the heavy trunks out of the wagon and down the dock. They struggled to get them into a small rowboat and then lifted onto the ship.
Andreas rose and walked down to the pier where he was to be picked up and watched as the sun dipped and the air cooled off. The fishing sloop approached the pier and he was helped aboard and sat down. As soon as they pushed off of the pier he went below and found Felipe anxiously awaiting him.
Felipe embraced him, glad that he was safe. He then asked Andreas about the letters and Andreas smiled, “I was right, the greedy bastard is going to deliver it himself to the King, he sails tomorrow morning on a galleon.”
Felipe and Jeanne Pierre smiled at this news, “I would love to see his face when the King reads that letter.” Felipe said with a smile.
“And I.” Andreas replied, “Have you some brandy?”
Felipe poured them a drink and Andreas said, “There is a heavily laden galleon due to leave port in three days. I spoke with the crew, it is a gold shipment going back to Spain. She is a medium size galleon named the Sanchia.”
“A gold shipment? You are sure?” Jeanne Pierre asked.
“The crew were talking, they had too much to drink. I myself witnessed two mule loads being delivered to her under heavy guards. Being as heavily loaded as she is, she will be sluggish and not handle well. I also only counted two other galleons in port and one will be taking the Viceroy to Spain tomorrow.”
“That only leaves one for an escort.” Felipe said and Andreas nodded his head.
“What say you Jeanne Pierre?” Felipe asked.
“I say that we had better make haste back home and prepare the Vengeance.”
“Agreed.” said Andreas.
They went to the deck and trimmed all of the sails plotting a straight course home.
When they landed on Tortuga Celeste and Angelica were riding Fiero on the beach waving to them. They dropped anchor and swam to shore and hugged their women. As they walked back to the pavilion Felipe told them of Andreas delivering the letters and that the Viceroy himself was in fact, hand delivering it to the King.
“I would love to see my father’s face when he reads that letter.” she said.
“I would love to see the Viceroy’s face after he reads it.” Felipe replied and they both laughed.
“It serves him right for all of the misery that he has caused. I do not feel at all sorry for him.” she said.
“Remind me never to make you angry, you can be quite treacherous.” Felipe said with a smile.
“I am so glad that you are home.” she smiled and hugged him.
“Not for long I fear, while Andreas was ashore he found out that a galleon loaded with gold will depart for Spain in three days. We intend to take her.” Felipe looked at her.
“But you just got back, another sea battle is dangerous, I do not want to lose you.” she said.
“This shipment represents years of work in the mines and the further looting in the south. Of all of the things that the King desires his gold is his main concern. Meticulous records are kept and he will be well aware of this sting. This entire ship is heavily loaded with gold so she will be sluggish and not maneuver well. More likely, she will not even put up a fight because one cannonball will send her quickly to the bottom.
There were only two other galleons in port and one leaves tomorrow to take the Viceroy, the other is a medium size galleon and we have her well outgunned. The King’s army is stretched thin with the war now, she will be ours.” Felipe said..
She listened to him and did not want to push him so she just nodded her head and said, “You will be careful and return to me”
“Of course my Lady.” and he kissed her hand.
Andreas rang the bell and everyone came to the pavilion. When they all were seated in a circle he took a long stick and drew in the dirt.
“In three days a galleon loaded with gold will leave Veracruz. She only has one escort. They will take the northern trade route through the Gulf of Mexico and lay over in Havana to take on extra water for the voyage as they always do.”
He traced the route in the dirt as they all looked. He then drew the line north past the tip of Florida and north of the Bahamas.
“We will wait on the northernmost island of the Bahamas until they pass and then fall in behind her.” He drew two small ovals being followed by another. “We will let her get two days out to sea so that no other ships can come to her aid and then we will make our run. The Sanchia is heavily laden and we can easily catch and pass her. We will be flying a Spanish flag and are in a Spanish vessel, still as we approach, her escort will slow and come between us as escorts are required to do.” he drew the positions of the ships.
“When we come alongside her escort we will fire a broadside into her. Out of thirty cannons, with some marksmanship and luck, at least four or five should strike her at or just above the waterline. The prevailing winds blow from the northwest and the waves will be breaking on her side bringing water in. She will be forced into a tight starboard turn, this will keel her over and bring the holes up out of the water.” he drew an arc as the ship turned and then another right beside it.
“We will shadow her turn and as more of her keel tilts up we will reload and fire another salvo even lower into her hull than the first. She will not be able to straighten out because these holes will go beneath the waterline as she straightens and she will sink quickly. She will be forced into a spiral. At that angle she cannot bring her guns to bear on us, they will be tilted much too high and we will close the range, all of her shots will clear our masts.
Eventually she will not be able to lean any further, any hole that we then can punch in her then will begin the sinking process. Once she starts taking on water she will not be able to maintain the turn and as she rights herself, all of the holes in her hull will take on water. She will then sink very quickly.” he stopped and looked at the men.
“And what of the other Galleon? Will she not come to her defense? Batu asked.
“She is too heavily laden to keep up with our maneuvers, let alone fight. Her first priority is the preservation of the gold and she knows that as heavily as she is loaded, one well placed cannonball will sink her. She will turn and run for the mainland. We can easily catch her.” Andreas said.
“An excellent plan messier, as always.” Jeanne Pierre said.
“I am glad that you approve Jeanne Pierre, you shall direct the cannon fire.” Andreas said and Jeanne Pierre nodded his head.
“I spent time talking to a few of the sailors in a tavern. They do not want to make this voyage, the ship is seriously overloaded. They fear pirates and this is the high season for tempests that come from the west. If they do come into bad weather they will sink. They do not get a share of this gold, they are just simple working men who want to return safely to their families.” Andreas paused and looked at the men.
“We shall, of course, kill any and all of the king’s soldiers who fight when we take her, but if any of the sailors surrender I think that we should spare their lives and just let them return to their families. Are there any objections?” He looked at the men and then Felipe. Felipe just nodded his head.
Andreas looked around at the men and there were no other questions. The men were smiling and talking quietly among themselves and were obviously anxious to claim their share of gold. “Very well then, we sail in the morning.”
Feb 6, 2010
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The princess looked at Felipe and said, “Come, let us go to the waterfall.”
They rose and walked through the village to the trail holding hands. The trees still astonished her, they seemed to rise up forever and their branches were filled with singing birds. They were obviously very old, the trunks were gigantic.
“I love this place, it is so beautiful, does it ever get cold here?” she asked.
Felipe laughed and said, “No, it just gets more hot. There is a rainy season that will soon be upon us but it only lasts for several months. It will rain hard every day and then clear.”
They rounded the curve in the trail and looked up at the waterfall, “I never tire of this place, why can we not build a cabin here?” she asked.
“Well that would be superb, but everyone bathes here and they do want their privacy.” he smiled at her.
She stood with her back to him and reached behind her and untied the string of her blouse letting it fall around her ankles. She reached down and removed it placing it on a rock and unbuckled her belt. Her breasts were large enough so that Felipe could see the white globes of them on either side of her ribs. Her waist was slim and flared out into shapely hips. She let her skirt fall to her feet and picked it up also placing it on the rocks.
She then turned around and looked at him. She was absolutely beautiful. Felipe looked her up and down slowly smiling.
“Well? Are you going to just stand there or are you getting in the water with me?” She turned and waded into the pool up to her neck and then turned and looked at him.
He was already undressed and quickly waded into the water and embraced her. Her skin was soft and cool against his and they kissed, “I love this place and I love you.” she said.
“And I love you my lady.” he replied.
The next morning the princess and Angelica walked to the pavilion. Shayla was smiling at them, “I have news.” she said.
“What, did a courier arrive?” Angelica said jokingly as she looked around.
“I am with child!” Shayla was literally beaming at them.
“Are you sure?” The princess asked smiling?
“Yes. I have not bled now for three months and my belly swells.” she said holding up her blouse to reveal a slightly swollen tummy.
The girls squealed with delight and hugged her, “Have you told Batu?” the princess asked.
“Have I told him?” Shayla said rolling her eyes, “He is strutting around like the rooster in the chicken coop, here he comes now.” she pointed.
Batu was striding through the village with his chest stuck out screaming loudly, “ I am going to be a father! No man will take this child from me! He will be a mighty warrior, men will drop their weapons and flee when he draws near! Ships will raise the white flag of surrender when they see him at the rail!”
“Batu!” Shayla shouted at him playfully, “Stop that nonsense and come here!”
Batu came and knelt beside her smiling, he took her hand, “Yes my Queen?”
“What if we have a girl?”
“Then she will be just as beautiful as her mother and I will love her just the same.” he replied.
“That is all that I wanted to know, carry on.” she said smiling at him.
He rose and in a loud voice said, “I am going to be a father! I am going to have a son or a daughter.” he looked at Shayla and smiled and then walked off shouting, “If it is a boy, he will be a mighty warrior! Entire villages will flee at his approach! If it is a girl, she will be so beautiful that men will come from all over the world to try to woo her and win her hand!” His voiced trailed off as he walked through the village still shouting.
“Well, he is happy.” Angelica said smiling.



The next morning they loaded the ship with food and fresh water. When it was fully loaded they all bid goodbye to their wives, weighed anchor and sailed out of the lagoon. As they made the turn toward the open sea Felipe, Jeanne Pierre, Batu, Ajamu and Tor stood at the back rail and watched the women standing on the shore.
Angelica, Shayla and the princess were standing together, the princess said, “I fear for their safety, I worry that I will never see him again.”
Shayla told her. “Those are the most fierce fighting men that have ever roamed the seas. Andreas has spent many hours teaching them the art of the sword and I have watched them. No Spaniard is their equal and they are fearless. Do not worry, our men will come home.” The Vengeance rounded the point and slipped out of sight and the women walked back to the village.
They followed the northern coast of Cuba then turned toward the Bahamas. They sailed past the northernmost island along the shipping lanes. Andreas was at the wheel and he called Felipe and Batu to him, “We will round the northern point of the island and drop the two of you off close to the shore. You can swim there and watch from within the tree line. We will anchor on the south side of the island so the ship will be concealed behind the trees. When they pass you can cross the island and swim to the ship, it is a very narrow island. We will then fall in behind them and catch them easily.”
Felipe and Batu nodded their heads. They steered northeast until the largest of the Bahamas came into sight and then skirted the northern side. They swung close to the island and slowed. Felipe and Batu were standing at the rail preparing to jump when Jeanne Pierre walked up to them.
“Bring us back some fresh crabs.” he smiled.
“I will keep that in mind.” Batu said with a smile.
“Take care my friends.” Jeanne Pierre told them. The two men nodded, looked at Andreas and Jeanne Pierre and vaulted over the side. As they swam toward the bank Andreas had the sails trimmed, they sailed northeast then turned around the tip of the island.
Once ashore Felipe and Batu concealed themselves in the trees and watched the water to the west. The day slowly passed and in the mid afternoon Batu said, “There.” he pointed to the west. Two small dots were on the horizon. As they slowly approached they could make out the two ships. One was slightly ahead and the other followed off of her port side. As they got closer it was clear that the trailing vessel was indeed riding very low in the water.
“That would be the Sanchia.” Felipe said. “We will wait and be sure.”
Finally the ships passed by their vantage point and it was plain to see that this was the vessel described by Andreas. They ran south across the island, when they broke through the tree line onto the beach the Vengeance was anchored just to their west. Trotting down the beach they waded out into the water and swam toward her. A rope ladder was lowered over her side. Andres was watching them approach with Jeanne Pierre. They climbed the ladder and sat down on the deck trying to catch their breath.
“They just passed not a half hour ago.” Felipe said.
“There is no need to hurry. I want them to be several hours ahead of us. They saw no ship trailing them and I do not suddenly want to appear and arouse their suspicion.” Andreas said.
They spent the evening on decks with the ship gently rocking on it’s anchors and ate. As the sun began to get low in the sky they weighed anchor and sailed to the northeast. Clearing the island they entered the shipping lane and steered to the northeast, the two ships were out of sight.
For two days and nights they held their course and speed and on the morning of the third day furled all of their sails. The big ship surged forward with her bow cleaving the waves. At midday the ships appeared off of their bow. They had the advantage of speed as the Sanchia was so heavily loaded she was moving very sluggishly.
On board the escort ship the Amparo, Captain Torres saw the vessel approaching and Admiral Cantu approached him. Torres said, “She is one of ours, one of the new class of large galleons. There is nothing to be concerned about.”
Admiral Cantu said, “Yes, I would suppose so, no pirates are capable of taking such a large ship and there is no report of one missing. Still, position yourself between them and the Sanchia.”
“As you wish.” he replied and tacked his sails slowing so that the cumbersome Sanchia could slowly forge ahead. She sailed past the escort ship and Torres once again turned his sails into the wind and swept her to the port side and slightly behind the Sanchia.
“She is approaching fast, she must have urgent business back in Spain.” Torres said.
“As she passes, slowly increase your speed and keep us between her and the Sanchia.” Admiral Cantu told him.
The Vengeance was pulling up quickly, below decks Jeanne Pierre watched the progress. The men were ready at their cannons and when they came evenly alongside of her he shouted, “Fire!”
A thunderous roar filled the air and white smoke belched from her starboard side. Captain Torres could not believe his eyes as he saw the fire and then the smoke come from the ship followed by the roar of her cannons rolling across the water. A whistling sound approached as the shots blasted into his ship and rocked the ship to starboard. Her mizzenmast was snapped one meter from the deck and fell in a tangle of rigging. Wood splinters from her hull flew into the air and the wind blew them onto the deck.
“Battle stations! Battle stations!” Cantu shouted out, “Return fire!” Men ran down the stairwell and began to scurry up the ratlines to the platforms and crow’s nests with bows.
“Take the wheel!” Torres shouted to the first mate. He ran to the port side and looked over to survey the damage, he counted four holes at the waterline and three slightly above it. Water was pouring in the lower holes and as waves washed against her hull it was also coming into the three upper holes. He ran back and took the wheel.
“Go below and get me a damage report! Have the carpenters start emergency repairs!” he told the first mate.
“Aye Captain!” the man shouted and ran down the stairs. He looked at the ship that had fired on them, they had tacked their sails parallel to the wind and were slipping back. Even before his damage report got back Torres could see his masts leaning ominously to the port side. He knew that he was taking on water so he turned her hard to starboard to raise the holes out of the water.
The ship keeled over and she went into a tight turn as the water shifted in her hull. He looked nervously at the other ship, she was furling her sails and beginning to match his turn. He saw what they were doing but had no choice other than to continue his turn. Again she came alongside of his ship with her superior number of sails, he heard Admiral Cantu shout from below “Fire!”
Her cannons blasted and he anxiously watched the other ship for signs of a hit. At the same time he again saw fire and smoke belch from his pursuer, again the thunder rolled across the water. A small section of the other ships foremast was blown off as all of his other shots sailed over her. Again, the Amparo was rocked as more cannons found their mark on her now exposed hull.

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