Brexit Vote?

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Jun 13, 2013
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kent UK
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@ Tiny Termite Why on earth are you worried I'm a life long voter and was unable to vote in the 75 referendum due to being slightly too young.
But since then I have seen this country go down the pan taken there by successive governments both Labour and Conservative as such having the wisdom behind me I voted out , I am neither uneducated nor racist as to scaremongering the remain did very little else throughout the entire campaign it was the reason they lost .
Perhaps now we can set about putting the Great back into Britain beef up our depleted military, invest in housing, get our inventive minds working again have modern industry etc etc
I am sick to death living in Ripp off Britain, seeing pensioners living on the breadline because they can ill afford the cost of heating each winter
The disabled looked after rather than ripped off the chancelor who has yet again put his foot in his proverbial mouth and has gone into hiding yet again [ like some naughty little school boy].:(
Why because he hopes we have short memories and will forget the punishment budget he was spouting off about so he can become PM
I wouldnt worry about your children their future is going to be bright:) .
It has Parliament in a tail spin and might just shake it up a tad so that just maybe we can have a new constitution where this country is all inclusive and not just for the rich .
We opted into the common market back in 75 not an EU superstate I'm neither UKIP Tory or Labour am sick of being lied too by our MP's
Did you know mile after mile of corn is left to rot in French fields each and every year [why] because they are paid hansom subsidies to grow it but not to harvest it as one farmer told a very good friend of mine when he asked after seeing this in person whilst holidaying
Besides that being formerly of the Royal Navy and a proud "VOLUNTEER" serving Queen and Country I would like to ask you this question how would you like seeing your children and Grandchildren "CONSCRIPTED" into an EU force like many European countries do to their own youth ?


We live in a very Dangerous World Dave54, we need Alias around us as we are just a very small community compared to the World. We need folk to be keeping an eye on our Fish Stocks, it's only been recent that we have been getting decent sized Cod in the U.K. Most Fishermen just want to earn more money, they are not interested in the Stocks getting low again, why spoil something that is working. I'm not worried about tomorrow or next year, I'm worried about my Children's Children, who haven't even been Born yet, they don't get a say about their Future, or if they ever get to eat Cod and Chip's like I remember.
May 6, 2016
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Upstate CA
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We live in a very Dangerous World Dave54, we need Alias around us as we are just a very small community compared to the World. We need folk to be keeping an eye on our Fish Stocks, it's only been recent that we have been getting decent sized Cod in the U.K. Most Fishermen just want to earn more money, they are not interested in the Stocks getting low again, why spoil something that is working. I'm not worried about tomorrow or next year, I'm worried about my Children's Children, who haven't even been Born yet, they don't get a say about their Future, or if they ever get to eat Cod and Chip's like I remember.
Wasnt it more the older gens and the rural ppl of England that voted to leave the EU?
Jun 26, 2016
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
I live on the Isle of Man so I didn't get a vote, i was born and raised in the uk. I am 36. I like politics and enjoy an educated debate after all how can you form an opinion unless you hear both sides of an argument. I would have voted to stay in. First of all I am pro immigration, I would like it to considered globalisation. England / Britain is an island nation and most English people are only one generation removed from the rebublic of Ireland or wherever. My grand parents moved from Ireland. I like walking around and seeing different colours and accents life's improved by a cultural melting pot. Dave made some valid points however most seem to be party election issues rather than eu referendum issues. It's very true that not everyone who voted to leave was racist however all racists voted to leave. I simply could not have allied myself to fascists like Farage. The leave campaign was run as leadership coup with the aim of Borris Johnson rocking the boat so much he would succeed Cameron. They never thought they would win and clearly don't have a plan to put in place. They have already back tracked on the £350 million a week to the nhs which was in fact plastered onto buses and posters 20 foot high. The common market and free trade is gone and will never return. Buy no means do i think the eu was perfect it needed reform, we will have no influence in any future reform which is going to be detrimental to the country. We are left with a fragmented country, battered economy, every political party in complete disarray, and hate crimes on the rise being justified by vote leave.
Hope I have not offended anyone it's just my opinion after all and you are all entitled to yours which I love to hear.
Peace out take it easy.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
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How does voting to "leave" make you a racist? This is like me saying "Mexican food gives me indigestion and so I won't eat Mexican food" or saying "radical islamists have done the majority of terrorism in this Century so extra security attention to this this crowd" makes me a racist. Sorry, people NOT wanting naive, cart blanche immigration does not make a person a racist. My guess, due to the loose use of the word "racism" by a particular crowd, is that much of the concerns about the longer lasting economic impact is likely exaggerated as well. Only time will tell about the economy

Yes it was. The turning point was around 50 - below that age the majority of people voted to remain, over that age they voted to leave.

@Becky , that is what I found interesting...

Young folk can adapt much easier to economic changes... Older folk don't have the health to adapt as easy and, if the older UK lower to middle class folk are anything like here in the USA that rely on the markets and government for their income and support, then the older folk would be the one's that would have want to also stay....

Makes me wonder why mainly the younger citizenry wanted to remain in the EU...
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coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
We opted into the common market back in 75 not an EU superstate

@Dave 54 , I think this is what folk are not realizing... the EU infrastructure was much better back then than compared to how the EU is now...

Here is a good example of the "EU superstate" concerns I think you are talking about... In Brussels, last I heard, they passed an energy regulation that would be making many types of toasters and tea kettle devices illegal due to these devices using too much energy to make toast and tea.... and this would be applied to England and all others irrelevant of whether they agree or not...
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coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
And Cameron and the "Stay" side obviously did a terrible job of warning the public how bad leaving would effect their economy.

@KC Crook , the "stay" crowd dominated the media along with all of the economic concerns. They were so effective that the polling was incredibly skewed toward the "stay" crowd.

This is what surprised me... Due to all of the media and polling showing a good margin for the "stay" crowd, I did not think there was a chance at all of the UK leaving the EU.


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
Here's a more interesting question...

Are those whom voted to "stayed" with the EU are hoping for economic failure (for England to significantly go bankrupt) so to know their position was substantiated?
Oct 27, 2011
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BC Canada
@Dave 54 , I think this is what folk are not realizing... the EU infrastructure was much better back then than compared to how the EU is now...

Here is a good example of the "EU superstate" concerns I think you are talking about... In Brussels, last I heard, they passed an energy regulation that would be making many types of toasters and tea kettle devices illegal due to these devices using too much energy to make toast and tea.... and this would be applied to England and all others irrelevant of whether they agree or not...
That right there is likely the main reason the Bitts wanted out of the EU. Never mess with a Britt's Tea and Toast. ;)


coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
That right there is likely the main reason the Bitts wanted out of the EU. Never mess with a Britt's Tea and Toast. ;)

@Mucky_Waters , you kid... but... actually, there is a UK article titled exactly that...

EU pauses plans to ban super-strength kettles out of fear it would drive tea loving Britains towards Brexit ( ... also includes toasters

...people probably think I am kidding...

European Union to ban dozens of high-wattage household electrical appliances in follow-up to controversial ban on powerful vacuum cleaners (
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coyotes call me Charles
Oct 23, 2011
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Dalhart Texas
Hardiness Zone
When dealing with nonsense like that... that actually PASSED... in the EU

Imagine a world with no "high powered toasters"... so to save the world from Climate Change... o_O;)

Why do Brits think they have any chance to reform the EU?

Cause they have John Lennon... that's why... Just imagine and the Brits will have a chance to reform the EU... :LOL:
Jun 26, 2016
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
How does voting to "leave" make you a racist? This is like me saying "Mexican food gives me indigestion and so I won't eat Mexican food" or saying "radical islamists have done the majority of terrorism in this Century so extra security attention to this this crowd" makes me a racist. Sorry, people NOT wanting naive, cart blanche immigration does not make a person a racist. My guess, due to the loose use of the word "racism" by a particular crowd, is that much of the concerns about the longer lasting economic impact is likely exaggerated as well/QUOTE]

Not sure if this was in reply to my comment but I was defo not saying that voting leave makes you a racist
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Jun 26, 2016
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
Here's a more interesting question...

Are those whom voted to "stayed" with the EU are hoping for economic failure (for England to significantly go bankrupt) so to know their position was substantiated?

Why would anyone in there right mind what there country to go bankrupt, simply to say I told you so. This is not my stand point. I am a partner in a business and the new economic climate is already costing us money due to the value of the pond and this is likely to increase when when the free trade agreement is gone. However it is in my interest for the uk economy to be very strong and the best brexit severance agreement to be agreed.
Aug 15, 2011
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Manchester, UK
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United Kingdom
Regarding racism, I certainly don't think that all leave voters are racist. But it's a sure bet that all racists will have voted leave, which is where the association comes from.

I, like @Hooded Ram, run my own business here in the UK. It has already been negatively affected by the result of the referendum and this is highly likely to continue. We are already looking in to moving to Germany / Canada.

The way I see things is simple: trading within the single market is crucial to the UK economy, and if you want to be part of that club you have to follow the rules. I'd rather be part of the club and have a say in the rules. The majority of leave voters seem to think we can have our cake and eat it (ie, we can trade in the single market, not pay anything to the EU, not be subject to regulations, impose border restrictions etc) but that simply will not happen.

Everything we have seen in the news recently makes me feel sick to my stomach. I have never been so ashamed of my country :cry:

@Becky , that is what I found interesting...

Young folk can adapt much easier to economic changes... Older folk don't have the health to adapt as easy and, if the older UK lower to middle class folk are anything like here in the USA that rely on the markets and government for their income and support, then the older folk would be the one's that would have want to also stay....

Makes me wonder why mainly the younger citizenry wanted to remain in the EU...

You can adapt to a volcanic eruption too... doesn't mean you'd want it to happen though.
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