Cool video of green frog telling me off and defending his territory

Jul 3, 2021
Reaction score
United States
One of those types of frog videos you probably haven't seen before.

I typically do a daily call out to them, from a neutral location to make sure they are still around/alive, but accidentally did it from within an occupied territory and noticed the other resident male frog made a unique "grrp" noise then quickly swam OVER towards me and looked around.

Tried it again, but with other male frog, and he reacted similarly. Approached, and "faced" me while only a foot or so away. After I moved away, he occupied the spot I called out to him from, for the rest of the afternoon, which was cool to see as it should mean he claimed it.

In the video, I approach him for a 2nd time on a different day after dark. And well, see for yourself. Pretty cool to get interactions that are not the norm. Hopefully someone lays some eggs for him tonight as he earned that spot! :sneaky:

Last edited:
Jul 3, 2021
Reaction score
United States
Thanks! Always mimic animals since a kid, with birds being very receptive. Started doing it back at the frogs as a joke and got a reaction, so been practicing and trying to match the call sequences numerically which works to a degree.

Yeah, the light from the camera kinda blunts their reactions a bit as I don't think they can see through it well. If doing this during the day, they'll often abruptly leave the spot they are guarding and approach the area the "rival" call came from. Or they'll keep doing their guttural ruuping part, and then a short "rup" immediately after making it back at them; i.e. a back and forth of a quick "rup."

For what it's worth, if you have a male green frog, you can mimic like I did (the drawn out "ruuuuup, ruuuup, ruuuup," then "ewhuu? ....ewhuu ewhu"?) and most likely will get a reply. Calls are done in numerical sequences for the most part. Bigger/older frogs I think will add an extra "ruuup" or 2. If unable to mimic, play a video/audio of a green frog calling should get a reply. Personally suggest doing it 5' or further away from wherever they are sitting.

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