In desperate help. Fish wont survive In my pond

May 26, 2014
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Hardiness Zone
I am concerned that your GFCI didn't trip.
It may be defective. Replacing it will be cheap insurance.
It could even be wired incorrectly.
It trips if current exceeds harmful level for human from 5 to 15 miliamp
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Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
Troutdale Oregon
Hardiness Zone
Zone 8b troutdale
United States
So update. Everybody died i am sooooo frustrated and sad that i cant enjoy this pond. The pump has been replaced along with a new extention cord because it would trip if i shifted it and noticed exsposed wires. To be safe repalced it all. No shock! Yay. But still something is not keeping my poor water kids alive. :(

Can slugs be bad??? I literally fish one slug out a morning.
Mar 5, 2014
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Hardiness Zone
Regarding the exposed wires -- do you think rodents have been chewing at the cords? We had this problem with squirrels chewing the plastic insulation off the cords to our Christmas decorations.
This is another ponding issue I wonder about: how to keep critters from chewing the power cords.

I hope you solve your pond mystery! I am a newbie too, so I don't have any good advice. One thought -- do you have any decorative elements made of galvanized metal? My son did a small water garden in a galvanized tub and his fish died. We later learned there are chemicals in it that cause neurological damage in fish. :(
May 26, 2014
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Hardiness Zone
So update. Everybody died i am sooooo frustrated and sad that i cant enjoy this pond. The pump has been replaced along with a new extention cord because it would trip if i shifted it and noticed exsposed wires. To be safe repalced it all. No shock! Yay. But still something is not keeping my poor water kids alive. :(

Can slugs be bad??? I literally fish one slug out a morning.
Oh very sad ( , u had filter and waterfall runing ? Udidnt overfeed them , uhv no current in water now , uhv removed barley bag , u can test water then only thing can b ur liner is toxic do u know its brand or company u can ask if its safe for fishes, fishes dont die that easily and all atonce its unusual


Apr 20, 2015
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NE Ohio
Hardiness Zone
United States
So sorry for your loss. I thought for sure it was the pump. Here is my check list of some things that can cause fish deaths.
  • High ammonia or nitrite levels -Bio Filter is not established with good bacteria to process ammonia/nitrite
  • Chlorine - tap water added and no water conditioner used
  • Low dissolved oxygen levels -Too many plants in pond, not enough surface area open, not enough aeration
  • Too many fish- Affects quality of water – increased ammonia and nitrite
  • Bacterial or Parasite
  • Predators- blue heron, cat, raccoon, waterbugs, frogs
  • Electrocution- Faulty wiring in pump, lights, etc.
  • Lighting strike – direct or indirect
  • Toxins in the water due to lawn run off
  • Toxins in the water due to sprays- City spraying for mosquito control, neighbors spraying for weeds/insects
  • Toxins in the water due to rain- any large burns or industrial activity in the area that could contaminate the rain
  • Toxins in the water from ornaments added to pond- Chemicals seeping from ornaments
  • Toxins from tree trimming-Oil spray from chain saw, poisonous saw dust into water
  • Toxic water from performing treatments- Over dosing for size of pond
  • Summer heat-Sun + shallow water = heat = low oxygen levels
  • Poor genetics-Feeder goldfish may not live as long.
  • Vandalism
May 22, 2016
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Flowery Branch ga
Hardiness Zone
United States
You are electrocuting your fish. Take the faulty equip and toss it. You don't want worse problems. It only shocks you and you take your hand out I'm sure. They are constantly being shocked, thus killing their hearts. I can't even believe you would ask what the problem is after you found electrified water. The current is being amplified because water is a conductor if electricity. Take the junk equip out, give it a few days put new equip in, then try fish, not fry fish


Apr 28, 2011
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NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
I would have the water tested again. Please post the numeric values for us to see.
Slugs are not a problem.

OK, I have NO IDEA why everything below is showing up with the strike-through! Please disregard that!!

Yes, please give us the numbers! @Lindsaykay I know you said in a previous post that you trusted what the pond guy told you regarding your results when he said they were normal, but WE don't know your pond guy! For us to give you advice, we really need to know what the actual numbers are. That's where getting your own test kit would be helpful. And you said your water has been sitting in the pond for a while, so you weren't concerned with chlorine [it does dissipate].

So, please NO MORE FISH until we get some water results! Get back with us ASAP!

You are electrocuting your fish. Take the faulty equip and toss it. You don't want worse problems. It only shocks you and you take your hand out I'm sure. They are constantly being shocked, thus killing their hearts. I can't even believe you would ask what the problem is after you found electrified water. The current is being amplified because water is a conductor if electricity. Take the junk equip out, give it a few days put new equip in, then try fish, not fry fish
She has already taken care of this and is painfully aware of the consequences to her fish. Please be nice. We are trying to help her.
May 26, 2014
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Hardiness Zone
You are electrocuting your fish. Take the faulty equip and toss it. You don't want worse problems. It only shocks you and you take your hand out I'm sure. They are constantly being shocked, thus killing their hearts. I can't even believe you would ask what the problem is after you found electrified water. The current is being amplified because water is a conductor if electricity. Take the junk equip out, give it a few days put new equip in, then try fish, not fry fish
they died after she replaced broken pump too
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Flowery Branch ga
Hardiness Zone
United States
Okay so its not he pump anymore, and your test are acceptable.
One thing that can cause an over night kill is PH crash. PH can read differently in night and in the morning, in deep in shallow
But they will die slowly and the first signs, they will do nothing but sit there and in most cases, no all will die some will live
Amonia can also kill off a pond, but your numbers are good you say.
Also, ITS HOT these days. Taking the first out of conditioned water and putting them in very hot water will kill them.
The only other thing I can think of, someone is poisoning your pond.

I went back and re-read, I think your problem, since every other parameter was covered, is the roof liner, heres an clip I found in an article explaining why you should use it

Another difference between roofing liner and pond liner is that roofing liner is treated with antibacterial compounds and the pond liner is not. The roofing liner has the treatments necessary to keep fungi and other pollutants from growing on the roof surface breaking the liner down prematurely whereas the pond liner needs to promote bacterial growth as a benefit to the pond.

You need to take that stuff out, re-line with a proper liner, and I bet the fish live
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