Unfortunately they are trying to stop you and have succeeded. It's all done in the name of not offending anyone. All it takes is one person to say that it offends them and the activity is barred. Or for that matter someone in authority that may think that the activity may offend someone and it's barred. In schools you can no longer have a Christmas pageant. In College you can no longer where a costume that offends someone or give a speech on free speech because it is being given by someone with different political views.. In the town hall you can no longer put up a Christmas decorations, I'm guessing that it's the same law in Iran and Iraq. So we are starting to slowly agree with them on things and I'm sure more of the same is on the way in the future. The Supreme court can start it's session with a prayer but the same prayer can't be said in school. Banning an activity is legal but making it legal is illegal . As J.W says "Our rights are slowly being taken away". We still have the right of free speech, or do we? I guess if you are saying something that doesn't offend the listener then we do. What ever happened to the phrase my mother used to tell me when I was a kid "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" ? Try telling that to the snowflakes that are running around now and see what the say.
Who are they?
Maybe they are me? Although I doubt it since I've never sat on any boards or committees that decide such things.
I've always been in favor of separation of religion practices and school, ever since I was old enough to think about it anyways.
Actually one could easily argue that Christmas is not really a religious holiday, after all what does Santa Claus and Christmas trees have to do with Jesus?, but that is a topic for another thread (or forum).
But the point is, if you are going to teach religious beliefs and practices in school then you have to decide which religion you are going to teach. To say "well that's easy we'll just teach Christianity" would be pretty naive. After all, there over 30,000 different "Christian" denomination out there. and of course there is just as many people who aren't interested in Christianity. But of course everybody thinks theirs is the one true religion or belief and that's the one who's beliefs should be followed. Again very naive.
No the most logical course is to eliminate any and all religious beliefs and practices (Christian, Jewish, Islamic, whatever) from public school curriculum and let parents and individuals decide for them self what, if any, religion they and their kids want to follow. Or, they also have the already readily available choice of sending their kids to some sort of religious school.