Tested the nitrites this morning in my indoor tank. I've had it set up for about 3 weeks now. This tank is going to be used as my hospital tank incase one of my koi get sick. It's a 75 gal.aquarium with a 55 gallon blue drum where the filtrations is done. We have two filter systems set up for this, the main one uses a 3100gph pump which goes to the 55 gallon with bio balls and blue and gray matla for filtration and the 2nd is a small cascade (300) pump and filter that came with the aquarium. I also have an aerator with two lines running into the aquarium. Four days ago I brought in 3 of my "least favorite" offspring from last spring which are about 3 inches long. I noticed one laying on the bottom not moving much at all. The other two seemed fine. Water test showed nitrites around .10 -. 15 and the Ammonia was .10. I did a 20% water change last night. (we have a second 55 gallon barrel set up with dechlorinated water ready at any time for water changes). I did a water test this morning ammonia was 0 and the nitrites was still .10 - .15. I have read Salt will bring down the nitrite level. My question is should I use salt at this point or just let the bio catchup? By the way the fish with clamped fins laying on the bottom died the other two still seem fine.