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Dec 16, 2017
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United States
A perfect example of experts being more who you know more then what you know just look at our new prez who in the middle of a pandemic where so many are unemployed thanks to the government. They go and make laws putting even more people out of work.
Mar 5, 2014
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I just wanted to say that we have to pay more attention to our nature, that's all. Thank you for your curiosity.
I totally understood what you meant and I agree. I think most of us on here are nature lovers and we see the value of ecosystems in balance. Where I live, suburban sprawl is rampant. Every week, I see more and more forested areas clear cut to throw up some cookie cutter houses. Loss of habitat causes many, many problems and one of those problems comes in the form of disease. It is a good thing to be good stewards of the natural world. It doesn't have to be a political argument. All of us on here love our little bits of nature - whether big or small! (But if my fish ever get THAT big, I will need a MUCH bigger pond!)
Dec 13, 2020
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United States
1.the cdc is a scientific organization there are no cdc elections they have no reason to have an agenda just because you don’t like science doesn’t mean you can’t cry about it and act like it’s political
2. What law are you referring to that put more people out of work
Jul 12, 2009
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Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
Hardiness Zone
1.the cdc is a scientific organization there are no cdc elections they have no reason to have an agenda just because you don’t like science doesn’t mean you can’t cry about it and act like it’s political
2. What law are you referring to that put more people out of work
1. The CDC is just a bunch of bureaucrats who's strings are being pulled by the Washington elites. Your giving them too much credit. How many times have they changed the rules for masks? That's just one example.

2. I think he was referring to the executive order that shut down the XL pipeline. 11,000 American jobs lost and who knows how many Canadian jobs will be lost. Probably many more. Good job Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. You wanted to get rid of Trump, now look what your buddy Biden is doing to the world.
Jul 12, 2009
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Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
Hardiness Zone
I think your respect for nature is taught by your parents. It's a matter of raising your children properly. If you mom or dad just throw trash out of a moving car, you will most likely do the same.

I find it appalling to see all the litter along the roads. Piles of cigarette butts at traffic lights where low-lifes think it's OK to empty their ash trays.
Really, how hard is it to just save your trash in your car, jacket pocket, etc. and dispose of it properly later?

Then I see the really egregious sites where someone dumped a sofa or mattress on the side of the road. Really? How can you live with yourself after doing something like that?

Humans are a parasite, ruining everything around us. Well, not all of us...
Dec 13, 2020
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United States
How can you complain about 11,000 part time jobs being lost in order to shut down a pipeline that is very harmful to nature and would cause pollution in many water ways
But then your next comment is about respecting nature. If you really respect nature you would understand the reason that the XL pipeline being shut down is much more important than some part time jobs
Jul 12, 2009
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Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
Hardiness Zone
How can you complain about 11,000 part time jobs being lost in order to shut down a pipeline that is very harmful to nature and would cause pollution in many water ways
But then your next comment is about respecting nature. If you really respect nature you would understand the reason that the XL pipeline being shut down is much more important than some part time jobs
When do you recall a pipeline harming the environment? There are so many safety protocols in modern construction.

How can you call someone's livelihood part time?
How can you tell a seasoned welder, for instance, he or she has to go work at McDonald's for minimum wage?
So, your a trained welder...sorry, but you'll have to start a new career...mid-life and start all over at the bottom of the latter. Oh, and forget your union benefits...healthcare, pension...
Dec 16, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United States
The demand for oil is not going to disappear over night. Those were NOT part time jobs. A part time job IS NOT one that you work 50-60-70-80 hours a week for weeks on end, for years on end. Every single square inch of that project was WALKED by environmentalist Naturalist, Wild life EXPERTS Every square foot is measured and is assigned a cost , Where more times then not Those square feet are added up and Separate land is purchased and is set aside as conservation land and is given a dollar amount to preserve that land.. Now heres what gets my goat . Stop that process and give it back to the farmer the rancher or home owner where they have no rules no regulations. No conservation put up a garage, a mall a shopping center where people throw there trash right out the window. Look at our highways. These men and women Live away from their home and family to make a living . You can't even fathom what it takes to put gasoline in your dads car or when you turn up your thermostat.
iI's going to come from somewhere. the United States has some of the most stringent ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS IN THE WORLD . i am in Utilities and i know what I'm talking about . i am not building pipeline HOWEVER its the same rules . rules that Russia China Iran Saudi Arabia do NOT have you want to protect nature? learn what your talking about . Your generation is going to need people who truly know the WHOLE picture. The xl pipe line .. yes ... ever been there ???????? it's not quite desert but most is open plains..... ever see grass growing on your driveway ? Mother nature CANT BE STOPED. AND THATS PRIMARILY THE TERRAIN OUT THERE G R A S S she will reclaim everything .You want to do something for the ecology FIGHT THE ELITES. I'll go out on a limb here and say there's not one person here who wouldn't want to have a small compact car that gets 100 miles per gallon to drive to work in . What do you think is stopping that thought?????? Maybe the taxes the insurance,. if you only had to pay for insurance on the car THAT YOUR DRIVING / we could cut consumption down by 70% over night. people could afford to drive these small cars and still have a large car to tote the kids around to baseball and ballet. And if you like the words that come out of john kerry just remember he has more square footage in his homes then you will have together your entire life. x2 If he was serious about his efforts he would not fly 13,000 miles in a private plane to receive an award they could mail the piece of paper and glass to him . I don't mean to poke at you as much as those around you have pushed what they know nothing about. You do not destroy JOBS as the president of the united states in the middle of a pandemic quote un quote without making jobs before hand . Trust me your tune would be much different if your dad was one of those workers. They were making 100,000 to 250,000 dollars a year as skilled, trained HARD workers something most people have no clue what that is......... doing very dangerous work for very long hours and to only have people think they know better and say on no we have to stop the pipeline as most of the energy needed to push the oil is GRAVITY it has no carbon foot print unlike trucks and trains.

And for a 13 year old to state cry about the cdc cry about dangers of a pipe line he knows absolutely nothing about , as you sit in your warm home is NIEVE BEYOND MY PATIENTS
Dec 16, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United States
@poconojoe unlike @TheFishGuy who is also 13 years old who has a pretty good head on his shoulders for his age and has learned much here. This young man Nemo is not on the same path i wisssssssssh a few words could open peoples eyes but when you have yet to even shave let alone change a diaper or pay a heating bill, a DR's . bill , a mortgage he has no clue as to what life is all about after all even at are age we are still learning every day but have a hell of a lot to fall back on.
Last edited:
Jan 31, 2021
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United Kingdom
I think your respect for nature is taught by your parents. It's a matter of raising your children properly. If you mom or dad just throw trash out of a moving car, you will most likely do the same.

I find it appalling to see all the litter along the roads. Piles of cigarette butts at traffic lights where low-lifes think it's OK to empty their ash trays.
Really, how hard is it to just save your trash in your car, jacket pocket, etc. and dispose of it properly later?

Then I see the really egregious sites where someone dumped a sofa or mattress on the side of the road. Really? How can you live with yourself after doing something like that?

Humans are a parasite, ruining everything around us. Well, not all of us...
You have got me mixed up some other post. I haven’t a clue what you are talking about. Do not quote me (Blue) with all this nonsense you are talking about. BLUE.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Jul 12, 2009
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Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
Hardiness Zone
The demand for oil is not going to disappear over night. Those were NOT part time jobs. A part time job IS NOT one that you work 50-60-70-80 hours a week for weeks on end, for years on end. Every single square inch of that project was WALKED by environmentalist Naturalist, Wild life EXPERTS Every square foot is measured and is assigned a cost , Where more times then not Those square feet are added up and Separate land is purchased and is set aside as conservation land and is given a dollar amount to preserve that land.. Now heres what gets my goat . Stop that process and give it back to the farmer the rancher or home owner where they have no rules no regulations. No conservation put up a garage, a mall a shopping center where people throw there trash right out the window. Look at our highways. These men and women Live away from their home and family to make a living . You can't even fathom what it takes to put gasoline in your dads car or when you turn up your thermostat.
iI's going to come from somewhere. the United States has some of the most stringent ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS IN THE WORLD . i am in Utilities and i know what I'm talking about . i am not building pipeline HOWEVER its the same rules . rules that Russia China Iran Saudi Arabia do NOT have you want to protect nature? learn what your talking about . Your generation is going to need people who truly know the WHOLE picture. The xl pipe line .. yes ... ever been there ???????? it's not quite desert but most is open plains..... ever see grass growing on your driveway ? Mother nature CANT BE STOPED. AND THATS PRIMARILY THE TERRAIN OUT THERE G R A S S she will reclaim everything .You want to do something for the ecology FIGHT THE ELITES. I'll go out on a limb here and say there's not one person here who wouldn't want to have a small compact car that gets 100 miles per gallon to drive to work in . What do you think is stopping that thought?????? Maybe the taxes the insurance,. if you only had to pay for insurance on the car THAT YOUR DRIVING / we could cut consumption down by 70% over night. people could afford to drive these small cars and still have a large car to tote the kids around to baseball and ballet. And if you like the words that come out of john kerry just remember he has more square footage in his homes then you will have together your entire life. x2 If he was serious about his efforts he would not fly 13,000 miles in a private plane to receive an award they could mail the piece of paper and glass to him . I don't mean to poke at you as much as those around you have pushed what they know nothing about. You do not destroy JOBS as the president of the united states in the middle of a pandemic quote un quote without making jobs before hand . Trust me your tune would be much different if your dad was one of those workers. They were making 100,000 to 250,000 dollars a year as skilled, trained HARD workers something most people have no clue what that is......... doing very dangerous work for very long hours and to only have people think they know better and say on no we have to stop the pipeline as most of the energy needed to push the oil is GRAVITY it has no carbon foot print unlike trucks and trains.

And for a 13 year old to state cry about the cdc cry about dangers of a pipe line he knows absolutely nothing about , as you sit in your warm home is NIEVE BEYOND MY PATIENTS
Well said BUDD...
As a retired union electrician I've worked around many of those pipe fitters, mill workers, welders, etc. Those people are highly skilled. They probably would say the same about my skills. Every man (or woman) to their own trade.

All those welds are tested, x-rayed to the highest standards. Not just anyone is allowed to just throw a bead around a pipe. I've seen stainless steel pipes welded together that were so big you could walk through them. I do a little welding, but I definitely don't have the skill to weld stainless.

I served my 42 years and now I can sit back comfortably and wreak the benefits, including medical and dental for me and my wife.
Nowadays the word pension is not even a thing. Wait until they get into their 60's with no pension and if their lucky, lousy government healthcare, their body feeling the wear and tear, and they realize they can't retire. They have to work until they drop dead.

I've worked on some big power plants and paper mills. They are super strict on everything you do. The standards are high. Someone is always watching what you are doing. Engineers are there to check your work during and after. Safety inspectors are always nosing around. Break a rule and you're gone. No exception.

One of the things that get my goat is these advocates for electric cars. Maybe some day we will get it right, but for now, the technology is just not there.
I can only imagine what damage has been done to the environment to produce those huge banks of batteries. That's some really toxic stuff. Then, they only last so long and get dumped into the environment. Maybe some of it is recyclable, but I'm betting not much.

Then these ignorant people think the electricity to constantly charge them comes out of thin air. "Oh, I'll just plug into one of those charging stations while I shop at the local designer outlets".
Believe me, a few windmills and solar panels are no way going to keep up with the demand. People use their cars...a lot.
So, where does the electricity come from? Coal, natural gas, propane, nuclear. Very little from "renewables".

Look at the radical State of California. All the major power outages lately. All caused by the premature shift to "renewables".

Rant over...sorry...
Jul 12, 2009
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Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
Hardiness Zone
You have got me mixed up some other post. I haven’t a clue what you are talking about. Do not quote me (Blue) with all this nonsense you are talking about. BLUE.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Oh, when I stated "your respect for nature is taught by your parents", I should have worded it differently. I didn't mean you personally. I meant society in general. When I said "your" I sincerely didn't mean you personally. I see how you might have taken it that way when I re-read it. I apologize for using the wrong words which may have been interpreted as directed at you. Sorry...
Dec 16, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United States
All those welds are tested, x-rayed to the highest standards. Not just anyone is allowed to just throw a bead around a pipe. I've seen stainless steel pipes welded together that were so big you could walk through them. I do a little welding, but I definitely don't have the skill to weld stainless.
Not only are they x rayed where people think it's only on the outside they send robotic carts through the line and anyone who knows the slightest about metal and oil. Oil and water don't mix. water is metals enemy and oil protects metal from water.
Look at the radical State of California. All the major power outages lately. All caused by the premature shift to "renewables".
California with the ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS LAWS AND RULES ARE THE MAIN CAUSE FOR CALIFORNIAS PROBLEMS. most of the areas where these fires are is some dry country most of the year, IF NOT ALL OF THE YEAR . The environmentalists have set rules that the fallen trees are to be left for natural decomposing. Which take 10's of years and the under brush and grasses are left high and dry. perfect tinder for fires. Again knowing , living a little about the trade. Power line eco systems are there own Unique ecology . Ask any hunter where they go The power lines and pipe lines. Path of least resistance. sound familiar? Rabbits,, fox ,moles, turtles, frogs , hawks deer, moose , bobcats, cougar, muskrats, beaver, OSPREY , eagles, Grouse , pheasants, snakes, are just a few of the animals that live, hunt and travel these right of ways. The people who say these are destructive and evil have a very small fight the final product far far far out weighs this fight, all these animals take full advantage of of this habitat. I have walked entire states from North to south sorta speak in these right of ways There are no other areas such as these and it is not in a bad way Many of these right of ways are also so dense that only an animal can get through providing homes where we leave them be . TAKE MY WORD FOR IT AS I HAVE TO BUSH WHACK MY WAY THROUGH to get to each and every location for a transmission tower. You will not even think about trying get through these areas making homes for all these animals.
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