

Married 32 years
Mar 7, 2009
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Tacoma, Washington / USA
It has been down into the teens (F) the last sevrel nights here in the northwest, but clear as a bell. I just checked my water temp in my pond and it is 35 degrees F at 0900. The only problem I am having is evaporation with the warmer water and extremely cold air. I am adding 5 gallons of water every day. So I keep a 5gallon bucket of water with a lid on it on standby indoors until I need it for the pond.
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
North Carolina
It's a balmy 65 degrees day here today. It's really weird because it's been pretty brisk in the last week.

Anyway, not to highjack the thread or anything, but I went outside to check on the pond because of all the conversation we just had about emptying ponds and such--and I see smoke! We had heavy rain here all day yesterday, and it looks like my sump pit where I dump my filter barrel waste overfilled with water and my zoeller sump pump sort of leaned over and the float switch got jammed against the sump pit wall so it's been running on for I don't know how long. The poor sump pump is whirring and smoking. Don't know if it's been a few hours or the whole night...

I unplug the darned thing and it's hot to the touch. Thankfully there was a few inches of cool water in the bottom of the pit that probably kept it just cool enough not to fry itself completely. I haul it out of the sump pit and let it rest for 40 minutes while I'm trying to figure out what went wrong. The fish look ok, the filter's fine, everything is running and in order.

I'm thinking the thing is just gonna be burned out and not work, but I drop it back in and reposition it so it can't tip over and I open my barrel waste and say a little novena. Thankfully, the thing kicks on as usual. I just hope it keeps up.

Oi! When it rains it pours! Thank goodness I went out to check it thanks to all your guys freaking me out about pond issues. LOL!

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