here is a bit about my pond well a fair bit
pond size 2718 litre
6ft x 8ft x 2ft deep
BOG 8FT X 30 INCHES X 12 INCHES DEEP with a Stainless Steel Spillway Waterfall Water Blade Cascade 50CM WIDTH X 20CM SPOUT return to pond
1 x 1.5 inch pipe split into 2 x 1.5 inch lines undergravel with slits pointing down filled with pea gravel
Nope do not test water
dont change water add prime when topping up
10 mixed goldfish who knows what they are but there happy
No chemicals apart from prime to top up or koi clay once in a while
Plants in pond and bog as below
Scirpus cernus Fibre Optic Pond Plant Marginal Oxygenating Bog water plant x3
Flamingo Oenanthe Water Celery Pond Marginal Bog Pond Plant
Yellow Water Iris pseudacorus x2
Water Mint Mentha aquatica x6
Glyceria maxima variegata (Variegated water grass)
PICKEREL WEED Pontederia cordata
Duck Potato Sagittaria latifolia - Arrowhead
Variegated Sweet Flag Acorus calamus
3 x bunches pond weed water crowsfoot ranunculus aquatilis
Water Forget Me Not Myosotis palustris
Nymphoides peltata (Water Fringe)
Purple Water Iris Versicolor
Dwarf Blue Iris Sisyrinchium bellum
Dwarf bulrush typha minima
Dwarf Rush Juncus ensifolius x2
pond size 2718 litre
6ft x 8ft x 2ft deep
BOG 8FT X 30 INCHES X 12 INCHES DEEP with a Stainless Steel Spillway Waterfall Water Blade Cascade 50CM WIDTH X 20CM SPOUT return to pond
1 x 1.5 inch pipe split into 2 x 1.5 inch lines undergravel with slits pointing down filled with pea gravel
Nope do not test water
dont change water add prime when topping up
10 mixed goldfish who knows what they are but there happy
No chemicals apart from prime to top up or koi clay once in a while
Plants in pond and bog as below
Scirpus cernus Fibre Optic Pond Plant Marginal Oxygenating Bog water plant x3
Flamingo Oenanthe Water Celery Pond Marginal Bog Pond Plant
Yellow Water Iris pseudacorus x2
Water Mint Mentha aquatica x6
Glyceria maxima variegata (Variegated water grass)
PICKEREL WEED Pontederia cordata
Duck Potato Sagittaria latifolia - Arrowhead
Variegated Sweet Flag Acorus calamus
3 x bunches pond weed water crowsfoot ranunculus aquatilis
Water Forget Me Not Myosotis palustris
Nymphoides peltata (Water Fringe)
Purple Water Iris Versicolor
Dwarf Blue Iris Sisyrinchium bellum
Dwarf bulrush typha minima
Dwarf Rush Juncus ensifolius x2