Dying fish please help

Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Indiana, US Zone 6b
:) I'm glad you pond is doing better! Courious, did you add any batting to your filter? Weve had some pretty hard rain in the last few days, I use it in mine to catch the green algae ( the pea soup stuff ) and it will catch the mud and tiny specks of debre that the bio balls and what-not won't catch. The new rain fall in a young pond will turn green quickly, using the batting will help you get rid of it faster.
Re: the UV lights- they will only take care of the single cell algae, the green "carpet algae" on your rocks it will not kill. But don't worry, your fish will eat it, AND the carpet algae will "eat" the Nitrites your pond is cycling, not as well as plants but it will help :) In the spring, when I start up the ponds, I delay feeding a bit so they will eat alot of the algae and clean the pond up, so to speak.
Now then, did you talk about plants I can't remember? You can never have too many in there IMHO ( in my humble opinion )
Myself, I have two ponds, the smaller one totally in the shade, with dapples of sunlight in the evening. The other is 50/50 with more morning sun. The larger pond has carpet algae, the other not so much, but a bit, the more sun you have the more you will get. Some ponders do not like "carpet algae" and try to get rid of it, I don't try because it's a never ending battle unless you have a bog with TONs of plants like rushes and such, they will starve the algae by sucking up the nitrites leaving them nothing to live on < meanies > lol
And I like the natural look of the algae too.
Now, when the heat of the summer comes, is when you really are going to have to test, test, test! The hottter the water is, the less Oxygen exchange you are going to get, and if your chemical parameters are not in check, your fish will struggle, so you're gonna really have to stay up on your game :)
As far as vacuuming goes, if you do, try not to stir up the black crap on the bottom, it's where the bad bacteria are and it will wreak havoc on your fish, who's immune system is already struggling. I would suggest removing them into your quarantine tank until you are are finished cleaning and everything has calmed down again.
Again, you're doing good to see they're doing well, and keep the questions coming, it's the way we learn lol. :)


May 22, 2013
Reaction score
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
Hey fishylove,
no I never did add any batting at all, a water exchange and the UV light over a couple of days seemed to clear up the problem
I know everyone keeps saying my pond is so young but I already have a green carpet on the rocks on put on the ledge and good part of the liner, I'm thinking that starter bacteria was a great idea the day after I filled up the pond
I did talk about plants, I had a few under water plants now I have a lot more, I have about 5 bunches of submerged plants that are growing fast, I have some big hyacinths that also multiplying fast, then a couple of lillies that aren't doing so well lol and some tall grass type plant that was given to me for free,
as for the pond vacuum a couple of ppl have told me it isn't such a great idea because of stirring up the algae, I'm glad I asked before I went and spent money on one


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