Family Project - Roughly 8000+ Gallons - Pond

Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Wow, that is some pond project! Absolutely stunning, you guys deserve kudos for sure! I would be extremely proud of you if you were my sons. And, obviously you both have a green thumb and knack for ponds.
Pond filters are not so expensive, make it yourself! You already have a trash can filter of some type, I'm guessing, so do the same somewhere else with more filter material for the water to run through. If you pump the water into the bottom of those containers, it comes up through the filter media and voila, you have another filtering device! Your plants are growing super well, I'm jealous of all of the tropicals you can have there. Anything tropical at my house has to come in for the winter, so I stay away from most of them. Be careful with the wild cattails. I have them in my farm pond and they have gotten way out of control, to the point that they will be eradicated when I dig out the pond someday. I have dwarf variety in my pond, and they have also multiplied greatly. Will be thinning them down in the spring, and getting rid of them left and right, along with the water clover and penny wart. LOL As long as you keep things like that in check, you'll enjoy them for years to come. And, I see that your cattail has already "bloomed". I had only one cattail head this summer, so hoping next year, cattails will be 2 years old then, I will have many more.
Again, great pond, lovely pics and videos, and GREAT WORK!
Oh .... and WELCOME!!!

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