I handfeed a couple frogs in the pond!

Jul 3, 2021
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United States
Been wanting to post videos, so finally created a pond-specific youtube channel for that very reason. I feed one of the resident males that's pretty territorial, and a smaller female that's usually hiding. Usually the male would be about where the cinder block is and a little calmer, but added it yesterday and another one near the filter to give them places to get out of the sun if needed. Logs are for the same reason. They'll go inside the holes and sit.

Jul 3, 2021
Reaction score
United States
While new pole shed was being built and even after while grading around it, so many earth worms were getting dug up, started putting them in a container and fed/will feed the frogs like in the video. Trying not to do it every day though, and have to move the milk cartoon or they'll attack it if the worms are staging an escape by climbing the sides (he attacked it once in the video too). But what's interesting is that male green frog in the video is still around (he doesn't call though anymore but hangs around the same territory) and clearly remembers me and being fed as he still either won't flee, or will flee then immediately turn around and swim back, or turn around and stop and face me. Unfamiliar frogs at his size should flee and hide.

As time has gone on, a very skittish female joined him, then a very young female green frog started coming over. Yesterday, had like 7 frogs coming over for earth worms! Of those 7, about 4 were repeat earthworm offenders. Few actually hopped down from the rock wall banks, which is interesting as they apparently watch others from afar then join. Others swam over from different areas. Had about 3 that appear to have been early year tadpoles that are about the size of 0.50 piece now, which is also interesting given they are juveniles. They apparently remember being fed as well as they are quicker to approach during a worm session (vs. fleeing and hiding outright), and either stay put while slowly moving a hand near them or flee then turn around too. I try and remain frozen while they go after a worm as it can trigger their fear response, but once they grab it, back to moving.

All in all, feel honored they found a home in the pond, even if temporary before aging out and moving on, and learned quite a bit about them in the process. One thing I think dinosaur movies always fail to accurately portray is not every amphibian or reptile is a stupid apex predator that goes into a crazed assault, rather they'd probably be everything from alligator-esque sit and wait, to bird-like and small flocks, to ambushing frogs that have clear memories or the ability to retain information, even after days have gone by. Then again, alligator-sized bull frogs would clearly make for a bad situation.

Anyhow, don't be afraid to engage and learn!
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