New to pond forum....Springfield, MO


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
Marla, I feel like stable PH in a pond like yours and mine is far more critical than adjusting to correct PH. In our systems, Plants and the enviroment play key roles in the ponds health. If your staying stable and the pond is working for you then by all means monitor for changes but Stability is a key. In ponds where there are Koi only and the water is needed to be kept balanced for growth and health with no plants to help remove nitrates and help in the breakdown of ammonia, Then it is key that the PH not only be stable but also as correct as possible. High PH has to be most watched as the water warms, The warmer the water and the higher the PH the more toxic ammonia becomes. pea green water is the wosrt in these conditions because at that point the algae are using the oxygen in the morning, The ammonia grows during the day, By late in the afternoon you end up with a Toxic sespool. Once all that starts happening the PH can just crash and that's when complete disaster strikes. With High PH the key is to keep as much oxygen going to the pond as possible. The high oxygen level will help the fish to breath easier, help in the breakdown of ammonia to nitrites and nitrates and will also keep the ph stay more stable during the breakdown process.

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