Somethin' Fishy submitted a new Showcase Item:
Ponds at the Old Bear's Den
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Ponds at the Old Bear's Den
This past February I built a small pond alongside our cabin to "fill in" a hollow left by a massive stump that had been pushed there during the clearing of our build site. We were limited with how wide and deep we could go with it due to risk of damaging major roots of nearby live trees. I knew we would have the option of expanding later depending on how much my husband would allow me to get away with!
As it turned out, my husband loves the pond and is all about going bigger, as well as participating in the build, so we are currently working on the expansion together. The existing pond will become our bio-pond, and a small stream will flow from it to the new pond of approx. 2,000 gallons. I'll post our progress here.
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